
Out of context: Reply #71535

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  • ben_3

    On Sunday we went to do a meet and greet of a dog we were looking to foster. We’ve been fostering for a few years so do this reasonably often. Anyhow we got to the home the dog was at and the initial meeting went well, we always bring our dog (used to be dogs till our Boston passed away) to make sure the vibe is good. So check - meeting the foster dog is good. Then around the corner walks their teenage daughter, with another dog in tow, no leash. This dog goes straight for our dog who’s a 7lb dwarf shih tzu... 60-70lb Mastiff cross, just bee lines it for her, and grabs her by the head. Our dog tried as much as she could but obviously way overmatched. Within a second the potential foster dog jumps into the mix, likely off of the energy going down. So we have these two pretty huge dogs just mauling ours.

    We get the dogs off before the shaking starts, and rush to the vet, where the initial consult is “we need to get her to a hospital with an mri, and other neuro capabilities.” So we do all that, and long story short Lexi is in the hospital for 2 nights under observation for brain hemorrhaging, and to treat her wounds which included a tooth straight through her skull.

    We got her back today, fortunately no brain hemorrhage or swelling but the right side of her face is paralyzed and she can’t blink in that eye now. Her other eye actually hemorrhaged but should be fine. Her mouth is fucked up from the bites and will need dental surgery this week.

    She’s coming around, eating lots and we are slowly cleaning the blood out of her fur and putting in these drops which will probably be a lifelong thing as long as she doesn’t lose the eye.

    Take care of yer pups.

    • The dark black dot above her eye is where the other dogs tooth punctured her skull. The pic is when I went to pick her up.ben_
    • :(imbecile
    • So sorry man, i hope she'll fully recover, fuck those 2 other dogsspl33nidoru
    • Fucking irresponsible dog owners.
      Hope she has a speedy recovery.
    • Ugh :(Gnash
    • cant compete with kingstevendeathboy
    • ah man, i feel for you. hope she regains some movement on the right side. of course the mastiff is going to be defensive... those fucking people!kingsteven
    • Thanks ks, there was some responsibility all around but no leash? Wtf?ben_
    • Poor Lexi! Hopeful for a speedy recovery. Also I'm not a particularly litigious person, but that's a fucking lawsuit.garbage
    • And doubly fucked up because it sounds like she's used to the socialization process when you foster dogs. Oof, poor thing.garbage
    • Garbage, yeah it's tricky because this organization doesn't have funds for lawsuits, and the family that was fostering did make a (shitty) but honest mistake.ben_
    • The org contributed a bit of money to the hospital bill, which was nice. The family says they will help but we're not holding our breath for that.ben_
    • The main thing that's coming out of this is a better protocol for these meetings. But Lexi's tough and has been through some shit, so she'll pull through.ben_
    • Fostering sounds hard enough, and props to you for doing it. Give Lexi an ear scritch from me, and keep us posted. Too much pup trauma in here lately.garbage
    • Holy shit. Not a good month for our puppers :(scarabin
    • Garbage, fostering has been pretty easy going, for us this has been a crazy exception to something otherwise really rewarding.ben_
    • We're likely going to let Lexi live out her days with the house to herself (she's closing in on 12), or maybe just foster pups in the meantime.ben_
    • Time for Lexi to rule the roost. Hope she's recovering well.garbage
    • haha, she always has ruled this place. She's getting there... the blood in one eye is beginning to dissipate.ben_

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