
Out of context: Reply #71085

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  • moldero11

    I have some stories about being locked up (all short times), I'd have to find some time to write them up in more detail.

    1 that comes to mind (i might have posted it here b4) was when I blocked all 4 lanes near downtown SF's 280 northbound (before the split) at around 8:am mid week, story on the radio went something like "man wielding machete on 280" or something like that, it was a bowie knife to be clear, machetes suck, long story short, dude was fucking with me on the road, tapping his breaks, laughing and flipping me off repeatedly, so i kissed his bumper w/ my own, dude (bigger than me) jumps out of his car, I whopped his ass, he runs to his car opens up passenger door, pulls out club lock, runs to me, i run to my vehicle, pull out my bowie knife and scare the fuck out of him, after a stalemate I get into my vehicle and drive off but notice his passenger car door open in front of me, so, I ripped it off with my own vehicle as I drove off, but as i was driving off noticed I was on every radio station in the bay area, so i proceeded to drive to the police station to turn myself in.

    I only did 1 night, it could have been a lot longer but dudes story to the cops didn't match up to all the witnesses stories,

    he said I started the fight, witnesses stated otherwise.
    he said i threw the first punch, witnesses stated otherwise.
    he said he never pulled out a weapon, witnesses stated otherwise.
    not to mention the evidence of his passenger door being opened for some reason (to pull out a weapon), which was clearly evident because I ripped the fucker off.

    so yeah, all charges dropped, if he told the truth, i could have done a decent stretch, after it was all said and done, a cop basically told me the dude tried to start a fight with the wrong guy but I still should'nt have done what I did.

    the longest stretch I did was 7 days in Sacramento county for missing a court date for speeding (technically reckless driving because I was exceeding the limit by quite a bit), it was like 5:am FFS, I was heading to Tahoe to go snowboarding, but yeah I was young and dumb.

    did a few other 1 nighters, stories were similar to the first (some had guns - no shooting though), all were dropped because it was self defense.

    back in SF I admit, I walked around looking for it. I'd purposely park my car, truck or motorcycle far from my work, so at night after work, I'd have to walk a decent length to get to it. I purposely took the sketchiest routes i could find in hopes someone would try to rob me or someone else just so i could whoop their ass. I look back at it now and think how fucking stupid/lucky I was, but what can I do.

    I think it all stemmed from growing up in the early 80's in predominantly white areas as a half breed, I've gotten my ass beat, been hunted and had multiple cigarettes put out on my back by a gang of teenagers all before I reached the age of 8 because I didnt look white, (that cigarette thing, and the being hunted thing '2 separate incidents' was in Montreal so Canadas not exempt from that racist shit)

    that, combined with growing up in a martial arts family going to watch my dad, cousins and uncles compete every few months, I grew up with a chip on my shoulder (or little demon) that subconsciously told me to actively look for bullies. all this is not a good combo to live a nice peaceful life in an unjust world.

    Today, I feel all I can do is make sure this doesn't happen to the next generation, I teach my daughter about both my strengths and my weaknesses, I've been teaching her to work hard & also training her in Muay Thai for self defense, but most importantly, I teach her what my martial arts family have been trying teaching me since I was a kid that I just couldnt seem to absorb through my thick skull because of my past, and that is to simply walk away.

    • Oh, now that is a much better tale than mine! :)Nairn
    • Prison Story of the day Thread!nb
    • Note to self. Don't fuck with Moldero.microkorg
    • Note to self: Build a time machine, go back and hang with Moldy.garbage
    • I like your style of conflict resolution. +1zarkonite
    • ... and yes, Montreal is racist as fuck. Their reputation as an open place is a well manicured PR facade. When did you live there?zarkonite
    • Does Montreal have a rep as open? I always thought the oppositeGnash
    • Montrealers certainly seem to think they're open minded! It's often touted in the local media as a point of pride.zarkonite
    • Or maybe you think that because everyone in Toronto is a dick, just kidding! ;)zarkonite
    • That was YOU!?!? I remember this news story. I couldn’t get to my girlfriends house because of this. Wow dudes.monospaced
    • gtfo mono - really? hahaNairn
    • hahah so amazingmantrakid
    • funny thing is it happened when I worked for Semens, I was headed to the Embarcadero centers doing fiber work, my work van had a 'hows my driving' phone # on itmoldero
    • cops kept walking by my cell wanting to see who the crazy psycho was, they were all like "this little dude?" I was still wearing my semens tech clothesmoldero
    • thats crazy that you remember mono, your the first one that I know heard of the storymoldero
    • I remember it very well. I lived in SF and my girlfriend was in Los Altos hills off the 280. I was stuck on the freeway where usually I was going 85-90mph.monospaced
    • Was this between 2002 and 2008? If not then it was someone else haha.monospaced
    • The story would have ended short for me as I'd have taken the 1st exit and avoided any confrontation at all....shapesalad
    • this was in '97 or '98 because i was still working at semens but freelancing at night, that day I lost my job but shortly after started working at balthasermoldero
    • little did balthaser knowmoldero
    • ok, someone else did somethign like this, so I guess yo'ure not alone :)monospaced
    • oh wait no, i quit before they had a chance to fire me, because my freelance client wanted to pay me 10k per website, $10k every 2 weeksmoldero
    • fuck I miss those flash daysmoldero
    • I remember after the .com crash I tried to get my job back at semens and they laughed at me :)moldero
    • You crazy mother fucker! Lolpango
    • A+++inteliboy
    • haha not going to congratulate you on your crazyiness but glad you learned from it. experiecne is the name we give to our mistakesdeathboy
    • Bowie knives are lush. I got a cold steel 1917. Wouldnt pull it on anyone tho'Doris_McSquirter

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