
Out of context: Reply #71083

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  • Nairn9

    Mine are quite dull - the shorter stay was due to one of the two times in a short few weeks I got busted going through the London Tube with weed on me. Topped the escalators at Holborn with some hashish in my bag and saw a line of polis with sniffer dogs and groaned inwardly. Tried to scoot past quick but officer insisted that the "Dog indicated" when I gave my complaint as to what rationale they had for searching me (it's ostensibly a requirement that the Polis have justification - i wasn't too shuffed that the sniffer dog that they'd brought within my context was being used as justification for a search - clutching at straws and all that...). Trip in the back of a wagon with a Spanish nutter clearly off his face, to a holding cell, then my first DNA swab, yaay.

    The longer stay was when I used to sell magic mushrooms. We had permission and a letter from the Home Office outlining the legal status, so myself and my best chum sauntered down to the Isle of Wight with a few cool boxes full of fresh shrooms in tow to go and sell them at whatever festival they have down there. Admittedly, it wasn't a very well thought-out jaunt.

    Got to the gates and Security, very understandably, took issue with our photocopied slip of Home Office headed paper and protestations of legality (this was very early on in the few years shrooms boomed, so there was no general awareness). Despite our no doubt convincing argumentation (we'd been smoking pot all the way down from London, so I doubt we were on top cognitive form...) they held us and called the plod, who confiscated our cool boxes and then dragged us off to the station in cuffs with all the people coming into the festival cheering us (it was quite early in the morning).

    Given our circumstance in the backwards provinces we insisted on getting legal representation - trouble is, being the Isle of Wight where the pace of life is a little different to LDN, we had to wait for said lawyer to come back from a fishing trip, part of which required a change in the tides for his dinghy (or what the fuck ever) to be able to come back to shore. 12 fucking hours we were in there.

    We still had a couple of previously-cool boxes with some shrooms in the car, so on our way back to LDN stopped by some rave in a forest we'd heard about, then swapped our soon-to-rot stock of shrooms for a load of booze and class As and got absolutely, wonderfully wasted in God only knows where. I was driving, and I have literally no idea where the fuck that rave took place. Good times.

    • oops. long.
      Months later we got our cool boxes and scales back.. replete with stinking rotting shrooms. Thanks, Hampshire constabulary.
    • That's a good yarn, Nairn. I assume "dog indicated" is the same as in the states, where the dogs are given cues to signal.garbage
    • Fucking lovely story :)pedromendez
    • You guys are so baddrgs
    • I've posted this beforehand, but this photo of me at Glastonbury was taken sometime after..…Nairn
    • gaze in awe at the quality of the design work on the sign and the 'hey I'm at a festival' shitty orange shades, flol.Nairn
    • (or the record, I didn't make the sign as such - I simply added our shitty wee logo to a few bits of cardboard so we could ad hoc make signs down there)Nairn
    • @garbage - not so much: they simply have sniffer dogs that are annoyingly capable. Other time I got caught, I was simply walking past the tube station.Nairn
    • Dog indicated, officer stopped me and I protested "But I wasn't even IN the station!" like that made any difference legally.Nairn
    • Sheesh. Also that photo is hilarious.garbage

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