
Out of context: Reply #71082

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  • garbage6

    re: drgs

    I've only been to jail. Got arrested while riding a street spot, and apparently I had a warrant for failure to appear in court because a clerk had made a clerical error and had been sending summons to the wrong address for months.

    Some friends and I were riding this nice, no-hassle bank to wallride spot and several cop cars showed up. They put us in a line, ran all of our IDs, and then said "Mr. Garbage, step forward and put your hands behind your back."

    It was so confusing that I actually said "whaaaaaaat??" in a very high-pitched, several A's sort of way.

    I was incredibly polite while being handcuffed and thrown into the car, which had the seats with the behind-the-back slots for your arms. I asked why I was being arrested, I was told to shut the fuck up. I asked why they are transferring me to another city, I was told to shut the fuck up.

    Imagine getting arrested and going on a 20 minute joyride in handcuffs, not knowing why you are in this situation nor where you are going.

    Then imagine that you've just remembered that you had a tiny joint in the 5th pocket of your jeans that you were saving for a victory toke if you made this gap that you'd been eyeing all summer. I should note that this was in Alabama in the 2000s, in a city renowned for harsh policing.

    Then imagine being transferred to a different city and being on the verge of shitting your pants because you had a pre-ride burrito, and then wondering if shitting your pants on purpose while getting your transfer pat down might be a good way to get rid the pants and also the weed.

    After being processed I finally convinced them to let me go to the bathroom, and there was a waterless toilet. I managed to toss the joint, and then peed harder than I've ever peed before to wash it down the drain.

    I don't know what was more tedious, to be honest. Being arrested and jailed, or going through the entire court process to have that all expunged because some dumb fuck couldn't type the correct address.

    However, they had the last laugh. I successfully argued that the onus probandi was on the city, and it was ruled that all of my bail and court fees would be refunded.

    Yeah, that check was lost in the mail as well.

    • Wow with a name like "Mr. Garbage" I'm not surprisednb
    • Please stop making light of my Christian name. I can't help that my parents were lunatics.garbage
    • Seriously, get a new addressdrgs
    • Don't think it's an issue as this happened 15 years ago and I live 2500 miles away.garbage
    • Also should add that all of this started because I was pulled over for a busted headlight. I was cited for it, and fixed it myself.garbage
    • I just didn't bother to go back to the police to show that it was fixed, because they didn't bother to tell me that.garbage
    • yadda yadda yadda, and now I have a warrant that I didn't even know existed. America is fucked, but it also has always been fucked.garbage

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