
Out of context: Reply #70968

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  • Nutter3

    My other half is in the very high risk category to die if infected with covid-19. So we have been isolated in the last 2 months in the apartment. Everything going into the apartment has been disinfected, and I've only gone outside with the trash. I've been able to work from home which has been good.

    Problem is the things are starting to open up here in Denmark, the infection curve has flattened, but not gone down. And my job is now starting to open up, having more people come in.

    My other half gave me a ultimatum, if I'm required by the job to start going to the office again before some kind of vaccine or good treatment has been discovered, and I chose to do so, we can't be together. So its basically my marriage or my job.

    Have notified my job about the high risk category situation, but I doubt they will agree to have me working from home until a vaccine/cure has been found since its estimated that may take 2 years.

    If it was a shit job or I'd be sure to find another one quick it wouldn't be that bad, but I'm really happy to work there.

    • ugh what a horrid position to be in.hans_glib
    • Such an awful situation.
      Not everything has to be black or white, hope you can work something out.
    • It shouldn't be that hard. Which one makes you happier now & will make you happier in the long run? Take care of yourself.deadsperm
    • Just try to push your work to agree, go to all higher ups, you've proven you can work from home, and you've got a valid reason to do so.shapesalad
    • It might also be worth a call to a local elected officials office, try to get a FaceTime meeting with someone. Explain the situation, appeal to their humanity.nb
    • All you need to get them to do is instruct businesses that they must make accommodations for people in high risk categories. Frame it as accessibility.nb
    • Maybe a longshot, but right now politicians are looking for ways to show that they are taking action, because everyone is seeing them as ineffectual.nb
    • Sorry to be negative, but does she really love you? I mean, it's very extreme. There's options before you leave each otherBennn
    • Jesus, Bennn. shut up sometimes.

      You still work for Introversion? They seem like a decent employer, I hop eyou can wrangle some solution x
    • Thanks everyone.
      Yup Benn, no doubt there. The whole if I get it I die situation understandably just puts things on edge. Nairn, just freelance on and off.
    • Could you afford a studio close by? And see that as a LDR for the time being untildyspl
    • There’s a vaccine/treatment available. Plus there are many ways to communicate nowadays.dyspl
    • Imagine you had to move for your job, and the family had to stay. Things like this are bound to happen during a marriage.dyspl
    • That ultimatum tho...robotron3k
    • wow that's a very tough situation. I think there are a crazy amount of companies looking to go fully remote working now so you may be surprised about your...pedromendez
    • ..current employer - but maybe you could find another fully remote role to save your marriage? Very tough situation. I hope it works out for you nutter.pedromendez
    • If your employer can't help you sort out an issue like this considering your partner's condition, start looking for new work.ben_
    • If your partner is just paranoid, that's one thing, but say a respiratory disease? They need to make accommodations for these edge cases.ben_
    • Fuck that ultimatum. If you are in a committed relationship there are ways of making it work that are unconventional. “My way or the highway“ is lazy thinking.cannonball1978
    • Shit, that's rough.
      @dyspl Um, no there's no vaccine available.
    • Unless you're a time traveler from the future, because we here in 2020 have no vaccine.garbage
    • inform yourselfs...don‘t know the numbers, but the worst is probably over by now in denmark. low numbers + hygienne + distance = safety.uan
    • also don‘t touch stuff, specially your face. avoid groups and loud crowds, change cloth when coming are pretty much safe.uan
    • Garbage my posts are cut, it reads “until there’s a vaccine available”dyspl
    • And FWIW, I’m back from a recent trip from the futur, just worry about the pandemy for now, WW3 comes soon enoughdyspl
    • Ah, I see it now, my mistake. As for WW3, I'm ok with that. I've already accepted that we're going to be the baddies.garbage
    • ^no problem, the way it’s written is kinda confusing. I was worried you thought I was a numbnut :)dyspl
    • Dude it’s not even a question. If you’re willing to sacrifice a fucking job for a relationship then it’s not any kind of a relationship is it?_niko
    • Ah fuck other way around lol_niko
    • I completely agree _niko, just doesn't make it easy when you feel you finally landed a good job with nice colleagues after being unemployed for a whileNutter
    • Your employers are motherfuckers. I would talk to an attorney. They shouldn't be able to get away with that and maybe they can't.CyBrainX

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