
Out of context: Reply #317

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  • kingsteven15

    • lol. The cubans and venezuelans are the ones burning woodsticks for fuel. the peasants in the USA are driving a 2019 ford focus.hotroddy
    • how about forget all the ism and just take care of people?pango
    • < the original of this cartoon is much better tbf, feel bad for modifying it.kingsteven
    • norway.. a country that wouldn't exist today without the USAhotroddy
    • the soviets liberated Norway you fucking spoon.kingsteven
    • and eventually become part of the USSRhotroddy
    • or part of the iron curtainhotroddy
    • !!!kingsteven
    • norway is high on the oil hog with little industry. however there best investments have been in the US tech stocks.deathboy
    • see how long it last. without much diversity they are really susceptible to changedeathboy
    • remember the great butter crisisdeathboy
    • Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway all have comparable life standards. What part does oil play in the economies of Denmark and Sweden. Nonedrgs
    • Without oil Norway would be slightly worse off, but still on par with the rest of the Nordics, which are arguably the spearhead of the whole first worlddrgs
    • Anyway, socialism works well among like-minded or in groups with shared identity. This is a requirement. US is a pirate wharf of random immigrants, fuck emdrgs
    • in other words socialism works within a single like minded tribe with plentiful assets. sweden, denmark, finland wealth was created from somethingdeathboy
    • wasn't created on how much it could divide. have their current social systems created growth and even more prosperity? or more dwindling inheritance?deathboy
    • for such a diverse nations of pirate wharfs to dominate and elevate the entire human species but not give free healthcare... which is better?deathboy
    • what are the large achievements of nordic countries industries in the last 40 years vs freer economic systems?deathboy
    • but i do agree socialism works like within an ant colony of drones. I don't see humans as drones, despite social conditioningdeathboy
    • biology is so far different and the short sightedness of leaders thinking or trying to control us through media and stimuli will always faildeathboy
    • china is a far better examples of success than nordic countries in the model, but success is finite with age, as we even see in nordic countries.deathboy
    • its failing system that sucks in resources and brings larger groups down, but think of it as a season and from its ashes more free trade will spring updeathboy
    • Not socialism though. Jeezfadein11
    • ya... china is not exactly socialism any more. whatever they are...pango
    • china is what the future is going to look like:
      1 political party that manages a capitalist model in the name of socialism
    • coin a new term for china's new exact ism pango. I have no definition to define its exact changing nature. it highly collective and anti individualdeathboy
    • but really want to try and wring any gains it can from individuals in free markets. socialism, fscism, communism of the popular three collective politcial typedeathboy
    • are only slightly different in directions but methods all the same. Collective control for a small minorities selfish goals. ppl are merely players on a boarddeathboy

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