
Out of context: Reply #67838

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  • SimonFFM9

    My wife moved out for the weekend to let me remove all furniture from our home, so I have enough space to lay out 600 photo prints to create the selection and order of my new book.

    I'm really thankful I have such a lovely wife. Now, I was working straight on this for 8 hours and have the order of pages set for round 1. Amazing how long this process takes. I excpect to be finished by May 30th...

    • a few girls from COTD are in the photos as well :-)SimonFFM
    • you wife moved out.. bro, I was totally expecting this post to go in a different direction given your professionautoflavour
    • I winder if next time it might be easier to rent a space?monospaced
    • I just don't understand your world at all.inteliboy
    • I tried to rent a space, but didn't succeed. So my wife suggested to do it the way we did it now. She is in a hotel right now.SimonFFM
    • @intelliboy It's not so different from other graphic design jobs.SimonFFM
    • your wife must be the most secure person in the world and you guys must have a great relationshipfourth
    • I think enjoys staying at a 5 star hotel and using all your credit cards :) Good that you had enough space to do this :)sted
    • Your wife totally isn't a Motel One kind of girl, is she? ;)Continuity
    • She‘s in Savoy, not a spa type of girl and paid with her own credit card.SimonFFM
    • Sounds great. Wishing u luckdocpoz
    • Cosign inteliboy. Here I am having problems trying to convince my girlfriend to let me have a side piece.garbage
    • this place, just when you think it's hit peak weird, this post. what?fadein11
    • Very cool and slightly weird, congratsBennn
    • not weird just a cool secure couple, congrats.

      i hate you.
    • i keed

      very cool
    • My wiiiifecannonball1978
    • Seems rather extreme to remove furniture and the wife for 600 prints lolset
    • Isn't that what computers are for, anyway? =Pset
    • Congrats on the book Simon. I get the needing alone space to do your spread. I don't get why it's so hard to understand for some. Anyway, enjoy the process.sea_sea
    • @sea_sea: thank you!
      @set: working on screen is a totally different experience.
    • have you got some form of drone backpack that hovers you above all the naked ladies so you can survey all 600 at once?fadein11
    • how big is the room? 600 prints laid out. wow. I love this post.fadein11
    • 484 sqft, only laid out 192 prints from the box w/ 600 pics. Sat on a chair on top of a table later, like a referee at tennis. Would prefer the drone backpack.SimonFFM
    • hehefadein11

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