Where to buy a suit?

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    My suit now cost me $9 and it's awesome. I bought a ton of suits in thrift stores when I was in a band. They served their purpose but they were all pretty much crap and fell apart due to sweat and booze.

    Now I am looking for something cut right. Digging through mountains of crap at the Treausure Trove is getting old. I don't mind spending $100-250 on a nice suit.

    What am I going to do with the suit? I don't wear a suit everyday but I might if there was some super fancy presentation. Maybe I'll start wearing one everyday to piss "you'll turn into a cunt" guy off. I doubt it. It's nice to have a suit for weddings and random family social events. All my friends are engaged now so I need to be ready anyways.

    Thanks for all the reponses. I'll check some of these places out. I live in the NYC/DC so not sure about the london shops. If you still got more ideas, let me have them.

    • "I don't mind spending $100-250 on a nice suit." Are you a CHILD?bainbridge

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