Amazon Go

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • ernexbcn0

    I don't think the phone tracks anything. The phone is just like a boarding pass. Once you scan the code your phone has on entrance from that moment you are being tracked by video throughout the whole store.

    • that's were all the deep learning, computer vision, etc part got lost on most people thinking this is just "an app", this is pretty advanced shiternexbcn
    • so the trick here isn't going out without paying, the trick would be going inside the store without checking in :)ernexbcn
    • RFID.sted
    • the way I see it, an array of capacitive sensors, coupled with rfid radars, computer vision and deep learning to make it learn and anticipateGeorgesII
    • what i can't understand is why are they advertise this with AI and deep learning? is there something real behind it or it's just the same old buzzword marketingsted
    • I'm sorry, you can't buy that extra pizza - our deep-learning AI which controls our produce forbids it.face_melter
    • embrace tracking and deep learning and get over with it.
      I INSIST amazon tracks how many condoms I buy per week
    • (none)drgs
    • meaning that i'm a perv or running a bordel lol. i can't wait to hear "YOU'RE TOO FAT TO BUY THAT PIZZA" in morganfreeman's voice.sted
    • @sted, when you look into it, it's a lot more scarier than you think. We will probably regret it, but now let's enjoy our AI masterlordsGeorgesII
    • It's more than just RFID @stedernexbcn
    • i agree, but that's my best guess, that they use NFC or RFID to track the products...sted

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