GUNS and the Hollocaust

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • PonyBoy4

    I keep seeing people writing about the US citizenry 'keeping their military in check' as being impossible (low, you're the latest to mention this—not personally calling you out, dude)...

    ... how many US citizens on this site are friendly / close / family with either military or cops?

    Every last cop or military person I know would take sides w/their fellow citizen in a heartbeat if this country found itself at odds w/itself... I don't know one that would gear-up and fight their neighbor... even w/the shit my cop 'pals' are putting up w/now w/everyone going apeshit and filming their every last move— they'd still stand by their neighbor before taking up arms against them...

    ... maybe I know mere flukes and shills? :)

    Regardless... our 'government' has pricks in it... whose doesn't? That government still relies on us little folks to protect them. That 'little folk' has family / friends / comrades-at-arms (if-you-will) that will be exceptionally disobedient the first off-color order they're given (ie: kill your neighbor cuz a bureaucrat told you to). This is an issue the US gov has been concerned about with for years... how to take care of the 1% when law enforcement and military turn on you because they were actually never with you.

    • I'm close friends with several NYC cops spanning generations.monospaced
    • I only put it out there for the debate. If army would side with citizens the argument that guns are needed to keep gov in check is void.lowimpakt
    • most army / ex army (same w/police) I know have been geared-up for years... they have a ton of the current armory themselves...PonyBoy
    • I agree. Many cops and military j know would consider themselves, and side with, citizens if the government decided to engage or some shit.monospaced
    • ... and given they are the citizens as much as you and I... you're talking about them disarming them too (minus their service weapons if they're curr. serving)PonyBoy
    • I'm talking about them not turning on their own.monospaced
    • I think in some cases or most they would disarm people if given the order. not all of them are smart in respect to morality and following orders type stuff.yurimon
    • mono.. my second comment got cut in half (by yours)... we're in agreement here :)PonyBoy
    • Yeah, I gathered :) yurimon, I'm sure. At first we'd see plenty, but there would be a line drawn at some point.monospaced
    • Uhh, ok have your cop/military buddy take arms with you. What's that going to do against a drone 1,000 ft in the sky? Or a jet?iCanHazQBN
    • Are you going to shoot a tank with your handgun and hope it stops??iCanHazQBN
    • If you're buddy leaves the military to join you, he just becomes another civilian with a handgun.iCanHazQBN
    • He doesn't get to take a drone with him as a parting-gift when he leaves the military.iCanHazQBN
    • You would all get blasted from a missile from 3,000 ft. high and you would never see it coming.iCanHazQBN
    • If you want to keep pretending it's 1776, and your militias have any power, and both sides are fighting with muskets... that's up to you.iCanHazQBN
    • pilots and drones need human input. basically if you look at this type of scenario you are looking at 50/50 split in forces opposed and blind order followersyurimon
    • this goes all the way up the chain. they did clean house a bit on upper levels to put favorable peeps in. after a survey of 75% said no if going against peeplyurimon
    • I think you'd be surprised. Look at what we did to Japanese Americans decades ago. That's soldiers taking orders.iCanHazQBN
    • And how can you at the same time say things like 'fear the govt', and give all these examples of dictators and their armies killing their own people..iCanHazQBN
    • ..and using that to justify guns. But at the same time in this post say 'oh but the military will be on our side'.iCanHazQBN
    • Seems like you can't even decide which excuse you want to use.iCanHazQBN
    • either handing us over to the enemies armies or you have to dumb down the culture a bit. everything is necromancy right now for a reason.yurimon
    • self destruction culture. cultural marxism, political correctness. its doesnt happen overnight. wwII germany was a 100 year plan.yurimon
    • you need to give things over to the proletariat, reverse control. or to social underdogs. its going on economically, culturally.yurimon
    • and with every ones help.yurimon
    • regards to your response. you are very simple minded. history is progression to turning points in time. french revolution is a good example.yurimon
    • if you look at the trend even from current history it pretty clear to project from everything even going on in our present, where things are desired to be takenyurimon
    • you make a valid point, iCanHaz... there's shit out there technology-wise that we can't defeat—so let me ask this— do you just want to roll over and die? :)PonyBoy
    • and mind you... I'm not saying anything is going to happen... but if it does go down— you're not interested in protecting yourself? Seems like you've already...PonyBoy
    • ... decided that there is no chance... just just roll over and die then, yes? :)PonyBoy
    • At this very moment we are already disarmed. We've already 'rolled over' by funding the military with an endless stream of taxpayers money.iCanHazQBN
    • We are completely vulnerable, even with our guns.iCanHazQBN
    • If we want any fighting chance, we have to drastically scale down the size and strength of the military http://www.washingto…iCanHazQBN
    • And these pro-gun right-wingers are against defunding the military – which is a completely backwards response to what they're trying to stand up for.iCanHazQBN
    • It's mind-boggling. They talk about having guns to protect themselves from the military... yet they'll fund the military endlessly. Digging their own graves.iCanHazQBN
    • (The broken link is the chart from the post above comparing US vs other countries' spending).iCanHazQBN
    • again... you have a point :) I've heard diehard libertarians say much of what you just said— they say it because they think we should be allowed to...PonyBoy
    • ... arm ourselves JUST AS the military (whatever weaponry they have should be available to the public). They feel according to the 2nd amendment that if...PonyBoy
    • ... it's good enough for the army it's should be fine in the hands of the private citizen (which would be fine if it was merely swords and muskets)PonyBoy
    • *sigh
      we're fucked

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