Shooting of the Day

Out of context: Reply #1495

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  • Fax_Benson0

    Try it. Don't try it. Whatever. I kill my foes with a hammer anyway.

    But there must be a reason why you won't consider trying measures that might save lives in the short term. Who cares if it fails. What have you lost?

    You keep picking on the the outright gun-banners because their stance suits your argument. You cite social / psychological contributing factors as though it's something only you have the ability to understand - even though everybody agrees on this.

    You keep inventing what-if scenarios, keep creating reasons not to do anything. I don't get it.

    Make a concession. Concede some ground. Stop being a cunt. Give it a go.

    • Burden of cost on innocent people. Not to mention other headaches. Everyone has enjoyed the TSA lines.deathboy
    • 'other headaches' is the best one yetFax_Benson
    • 4 0 clock! whoo hoo time to go home play destiny and shoot people in the faces :)deathboy
    • It'd be terrible if there was a burden of cost on innocent people. Some kind of burden that people didn't deserve Like getting shot in a school.Fax_Benson
    • Not to mention other headaches. Like getting shot in the head.Fax_Benson
    • # of Owners vs victims. Many more owners. Be more of a moral crime to impose your beliefs on the many which you can control vs protect from things u cant controdeathboy
    • picture it from their perspective. they have a hobby. someone who doesn't like their hobby is making their hobby a nightmare because of their fear or culture.deathboy
    • this person doesnt feel their fear. Would u not be upset or oppose them if it was you? that understanding goes much farther than fear an imposing beliefs.deathboy
    • Where has imposing fear based beliefs ever solved anything? Religion, gay, drugs. I'm ok with state rights of rules and voting. And hope supreme court woulddeathboy
    • throw out any out right bans.deathboy

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