Paris Hebdo attack

Out of context: Reply #113

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  • iCanHazQBN0

    sureshot, does the below make you sick as well? Or maybe not, because the victims are third-world Arabs and not pretty French people?

    Iraq, Wednesday 7 January: 53 killed
    Mosul: 12 executed.
    Falluja: 17 Sahwa members executed; 2 killed by mortars.
    Baghdad: 7 killed by IEDs; 1 body.
    Shirqat: 5 family members executed.
    Mahmudiya: 2 by IED.
    Amiriyat Falluja: 4 by mortars.
    Dhuluiya: 2 by IED.
    Amara: 1 by gunfire.

    Probably killed by Muslims, but as a direct result of the instability in the region created by the West. This shit was not happening before the West decided to invade Iraq.

    • yes of course. the world had gone to shit.sureshot
    • hassureshot
    • Yes, because the middle east was a shining example of harmony and stability before the "west" stepped in._niko
    • It wasn't perfect, but Iraq was not a warzone like it is now. It's a night and day difference.iCanHazQBN
    • Saddam was an asshole, but generally people lived their lives in peace.iCanHazQBN
    • not happening before iraqi invasion? are you serious!? you are not well informedGnash
    • Not well informed? I'm fucking Iraqi. And I am literally sitting next to 3 other Iraqi people right this moment.iCanHazQBN
    • 2 of them came to America a couple of years ago. They know what it was like FIRST-HAND.iCanHazQBN
    • so when iraq invaded kuwait, it was to deliver toys for the children?Gnash
    • just because you're iraqi, doesn't make you right here.Gnash
    • That was a different, and just mission. I was actually in Kuwait as a child when that happened and had to be evacuated.iCanHazQBN
    • And yes, because I'm Iraqi it does make me right. I have a perspective from the East and from the West.iCanHazQBN
    • And not to mention the Iraqis that I personally know and talk to every day that tell me what it's like now and what it was like before.iCanHazQBN
    • before.iCanHazQBN
    • The West fucked shit up over there on a GRAND SCALE. So when I hear of 12 French people dying... I think... well... who gives a shit?iCanHazQBN
    • a shit?iCanHazQBN
    • I bet none of your friend are Kurds, then. I imagine they'd have a different idea of how good things were,Gnash
    • LOL. Yeah, go ahead and justify the war..... I think you might be the only one left.iCanHazQBN
    • dude, who's justifying that stupid war? I'm just questioning your perspectiveGnash
    • you said this shit wasn't happening before the west hit iraq. it was happening - just not to you and yours.Gnash
    • I'm not saying shit wasn't happening. I know about the Kurds. But the US-lead mission was on a massive scale..iCanHazQBN
    • It has created instability in a huge area of the mideast.iCanHazQBN
    • true that.Gnash
    • This terrorist attack is nothing compared to the atrocities created by West. That's my point.iCanHazQBN
    • ICHQ, don't waste your time with gnash, the west will never ever agree that the reason there are so many refugees and wars in africa and middle east is because of their half assed plans, they will justify it by saying, muh religion, muh corrupt official, muh freedom, but never say a peep when wedding, schools, hospitals, funerals get blown away by cunt sitting in a air conditioned room in utah,georgesIII
    • africa and middle east is because of their half assed plans, they will justify it by saying, muh religion, muh corrupt official, muh freedom, but never say a peep when wedding, schools, hospitals, funerals get blown away by cunt sitting in a air conditioned room in utah,georgesIII
    • official, muh freedom, but never say a peep when wedding, schools, hospitals, funerals get blown away by cunt sitting in a air conditioned room in utah,georgesIII
    • fuckn air conditioned room in utah, they will even justify torture away, go wonder why they all bring some kind of bs moral compass everytime something like this happens, I come from Ivory Coast, a country that was fucked over by the frenchs since it's inceptions, Do you want to guess how many people even know the crimes they commited there... I'm not justifying this bullshit attack, but I'm sick of people pretending it came out of the blue,georgesIII
    • compass everytime something like this happens, I come from Ivory Coast, a country that was fucked over by the frenchs since it's inceptions, Do you want to guess how many people even know the crimes they commited there... I'm not justifying this bullshit attack, but I'm sick of people pretending it came out of the blue,georgesIII
    • it's inceptions, Do you want to guess how many people even know the crimes they committed there... I'm not justifying this bullshit attack, but I'm sick of people pretending it came out of the blue,georgesIII
    • people pretending it came out of the blue, fuck if everyone called out their local governments about their crimes we wouldn't be here trying to excuse everyone's crimegeorgesIII
    • trying to excuse everyone's crimegeorgesIII

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