Boycott Urban Outfitters

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • spot130

    Guess what, it's not just UO who use child labour, it's basically every competitive clothing company in the world from LULU Lemon to Tommy Hilfiger. Unless you grow the cotton, how do you really know who picked it? And if you had to pay an Ammerrican to pick it, your t-shirt would cost $400.

    • This is no way near the truth.Centigrade
    • I mean about the cost of US made clothing.Centigrade
    • I'm exaggerating and since your in the clothing business I'll defer to you on this, but it seems likely that the free market would put pressure on companies to find the cheapest labourspot13
    • put pressure on companies to find the cheapest labourspot13
    • For sure it does. I regularly get offered 25c shirts... but I know they were probably made by kids, so I steer clear.Centigrade
    • only because we have let our government dictate the standard of living.teh

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