All this TSA crap

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • hilchev0

    It is funny because if it were a black or a some kind of muslim woman there would not be such problems.

    It is ok for a woman to go dressed like a black ninja or something, but would they let me on the plane if my religion required me to wear this too.

    I remember when I was going for a visa to the UK long time ago before the EU, I was like the only white guy at the office. There were all kinds of colors there. I felt what it was to be a minority. But then, all got visas just from their applications and they announced that on the speakers.

    I had to go through two interviews until they told me no visa for you because I had this masterplan to go study in germany for 4 years, pay large amounts of fees, then from germany to sneak out to the UK and work as a day labor.

    I was sitting and asking myself wtf. The interview woman was black too.

    This happened just after the terrorist bombings in London. I was like, ok you pass all the scum on the earth to enter and not me for a week to see this and that.

    Reversed Racists!

    • there's just racism, there's no reverse racism..mikotondria3
    • It is when you are automatically blamed to be racist when you are white.hilchev
    • "after the terrorist bombings in London" < were they not English?PIZZA
    • So the white guy going to europe felt racism? I see.TheBlueOne
    • it's still JUST racism...
      Come on, it's not that hard.... think..

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