Bye Bye iPad

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • DrBombay0

    Any competition to Apple is good. I love a lot of Apple products but the constant proprietary software and file formats is bullshit. I have hundreds of movies in Xvid format, but I can't watch a single one of them on the ipad. It only does quicktime and Mp4. That microsoft thing will read any format you throw at it and if it doesn't some dude will hack it until it does.

    • apparently you haven't tried opening an avi, or mpg in windows... it's always missing some kind of codec. at least I know quicktime will work.rosem
    • know quicktime will work.rosem
    • ultimate codec pack fixes it all.DrBombay
    • just like perian doesraf
    • perian isnt available for iphone osephix

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