487K Montreal logo

Out of context: Reply #64

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  • shitehawke0

    Theres also this little known city logo and its redesign.

    Now, Im for money being spent on design, and not just because Im a designer. As many people have stated before the cost design an identity, and that's what this project is, is not just a logo design. Nor even just stationery nor a website. The money that the was spent on the montreal identity is not just on the design of one mark. Its everything.

    In Dublin theres an area called the docklands. Years ago it was a fucking wasteland, people didn't want to go there as it was rough as fuck. Then it started to be renewed and part of that was giving the place an identity. Now personally I don't like the logo, but now it has, wayfinding systems that work and beat all those in the rest of dublin. Big businesses and banks invested in the area, houses and apartments and shops were built and it actually became a good place to live with big events for the local communities and it has a sense of pride now.

    Thats a small area of Dublin, directly benefiting from branding but at the start money had to be spent to instigate that. So put that onto a bigger scale for a whole city and it will put the pricetag into perspective. The money that is spent, is not pissed away, its invested. Both to attract business and tourism to the area, but also it's spent on businesses to implement the work, who in turn pay their employees who in turn have money to spend (hopefully) in the area who in turn contribute to taxes to help the area run.

    I'm sorry for the long post, but design is not just about creating pretty but ultimately useless ephemera. It can do good if it is done properly.

    • I love North Yorkshire.jamble
    • c'mon down... thie shite is right!Amicus
    • Very well argued, SH. My only beef real beef with this whole endeavor is the price tag.luckyorphan
    • I just don't believe that civic work should cost the same as private work – just a personal belief.luckyorphan
    • LOL @ I love North Yorkshire.akrokdesign

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