North Korea

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • TheBlueOne0

    The area of concern really is if NK sells the nuclear material to rogue elements and agents. That's it. Any other threat of force on their side is pure bluster to boost whataever propaganda at home serves the junta's interests. I am sure that China through back channels has told them "Don't expect anything from us, you fruitcakes. And if you get Japan to re-militarize with your crazy talk we are going to fuck you nine ways from Sunday..." Sure, NK could make life fucking miserable for the South for a few weeks, thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands could be potentially killed, but it would be a local event (<-- that's my evil, yet truthful real politik voice speaking). Who knows, maybe Seoul ould go up in a nuclear fireball, but NK would be literally bombed back to the stone age at the end of the first week, bc the US wouldn't and can't commit troops to the ground there, so it'd be all airstrikes, and it would make what happened in Iraq a game of patty cake. Why? bc a) at this point no one would actually give a shit about the civilian NK population and b) there is no press anywhere in the country to say "Oh, look at the poor villagers getting hit with the stray smart bomb..."

    • interestingredant
    • this is assuming that Obama would be willing to part with a few favorable poll percentages...identity

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