First Sexual Experiences

Out of context: Reply #25

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  • Horp0

    I had been going out with / dating this girl who was really beautiful but she was as sexually dynamic as a felled tree. It was a really frustrating situation because I hadn't had sex yet and had been very sheltered up to that point so I really had no idea what I was doing. None at all. I really needed someone to go on that journey with me but she was putting out this total frigid lobotomised zombie border guard vibe that made the idea of having sex for the first time seem like climbing Everest naked.

    So one weekend I was totally wankered at the local pub and this much older student girl who had a face like a bag of faulty spaners was all over me. In a drunken stupor we went back to her student digs to smoke something and we ended up having had the most filthy sex ever imaginable.

    I had bought my girlfriend Riptide, the album, by Robert Palmer, and I had taped it for myself before giving it to her (classy) so the title track seemed particularly profound and relevant to me after this, as it talks of the dilemma of choosing. The lyrics "My heart is tossed, on a sea of emotion, one love offers romance, the other devotion"... translated nicely for me into "should I now try and seduce the beautiful cardboard zombie or should I just keep hammering away with ol' bagospanners face?".

    In the end fate intervened and the beautiful girlfriend packed me in for not being sexually mature enough for her. I enjoyed a summer of mayhem with spanners and never looked back.

    Beauty is nothing, frantic urgent desperate need is everything.

    • You've got some nice stories...Jaline
    • I forgot to add my age...Horp
    • 34.Horp
    • LOL!Horp
    • 15. I was a very late starter, I was terribly shy and frightened of sex.Horp
    • I don't think there is such a thing as "late starter" unless you are 30 something.Jaline
    • so what you are saying Harp is that you were insecure with your small pee pee?VectorMasked
    • *harp* lol! Horp!

    • Hahahah, I think you are right VM. I didn't feel mature enough physically.Horp

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