Cut and Paste competition

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • 10 Responses
  • sureshot0

    I don´t know, 15 minutes for a piece, with any luck you can produce a good laugh in that time, but nothing of significance from a design standpoint. So visiting, I don´t think so.

    If they paid really really really good money (upfront), I´d take part I guess. It´s interesting to see though, how they hype The Designer as some kind of popstar, like this HP/MTV show from a while back did. I get it from Adobe´s POV, selling them suites, but I don´t see the mass appeal really.

    • < RIPPED!!!gung_hoek
    • the competitors have a week to marinate on a given theme. apparently they only have to execute the idea in 15mins.fyoucher1
    • OHNO! I ripped!fyoucher1
    • in the end we'll plagiarists.sureshot

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