Drilling in Anwar

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • colin_s0

    yeah, because you can really trust the government when they say "this is all we want, we promise."

    honestly the proposal to drill the entire refuge from a single spot and go outwards underground, even IF that was plausible and even if the government was trustworthy at this point, it is still delaying the inevitable. and the drilling wouldn't have any impact for 8-10 years. it's not like we say "okay" and suddenly gas goes down to $2 a gallon again.

    it's merely being held as an option on the table by those who would profit most for reasons of delaying what is now the inevitable fall of the big oil companies from the most profitable corporations in america to secondhand means of energy sources.

    • also, being from alaska, i can tell you there's plenty of space up there that's lush and beautiful.colin_s
    • "it's merely being held as an option on the table by those who would profit most " +1jaylarson
    • absolutely colin_s; well put man.madirish
    • " the drilling wouldn't have any impact for 8-10 years". - Please site your sourcedesignbot
    • How long is the lead time to build the infrastructure to build a drilling operation? Five years sounds about right...TheBlueOne

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