- bob
Notebooks & Coffee
A cup of coffee can be found next to my notebook just as often as a mouse.
Although I have never seen a mouse cause, pain and i…
- bob
Mac Widgets
I am so addicted. I download this product last night and spend most the rema…
- bob
The New Jpeg
Has anyone heard of a new .jpg format?
I am at Starbucks and overheard a coversation on a new jpg that is smaller in size, that…
- bob
Beckham in the States
In a Time Mag article, David Beckham flirted with the idea of playing soccer for the MLS.
Do you even remotely think this is a …
- bob
What Mailing List...
Anyone use a mailing list service they would recommend? Free or otherwise.
Would you recommend paying for service or paying for…
- bob
Women & Guns
Women's Lib. has been, for the most part a positive advent in our worlds history, but at some point one must draw a line with chal…
- bob
.thm Creation
Does anyone know how?
Or where there may be tutorials on the subject of template creation for mobile phones?
As a design I f…
- bob
Plaxo for Mac
Does anyone use or something similar of the Macintosh?
- bob
Is it wrong, in making a purchase of 20 FL OZ, to tilt the bottle in order to see if the underside of the cap reads, quote,
- bob
Income Supplement: Poker
For those that do not have a salary job and live off of project based work, income can be less then frequent.
Has anyone dabbl…
- bob
School in Ireland
I recently decided to looking into attending university in Ireland.…
I may choose to go…
- bob
Inbox Event
Anyone attending?
- bob
Microsoft Expression (Mac)
Well is it worth the price (free)?