- bigtrick
best gallery web app?
i'm redoing my site ( and am thinking of moving to a cms instead of custom javascript stuff. what do you all use f…
- bigtrick
stop posting blog links plz kthx
i know you people just want people to go to your blog or whatever, but unless it offers some level of effort from you (i.e. some a…
- bigtrick
Motherloving awesome photo retoucher and illustrator.
- bigtrick
Lara Kastner updates her site with a huge body of new work.
- bigtrick
Bettina Komenda is a photographer. Via todayandtomorrow.
- bigtrick
Photographer Lindsay Adler.
- bigtrick
Andy Reynolds
Andy Reynolds is frickin weird.
- bigtrick
WhatTheFont for iPhone
Take a picture with your iPhone and this app identifies the font for you! Free to download.
- bigtrick invite swapshop
Anyone got an invite they want to give me...? *makes puppy dog eyes*
- bigtrick
Homeland Insecurity
Nina Berman takes images of America, post-9/11.
- bigtrick
An Amazing Machine
BMW Oracle Racing launches their gargantuan, lightweight, and immensely fast trimaran for sea trials.
- bigtrick
Papercuts - Aoyama Hina
Deliciously delicate and detailed cut-paper artwork.
- bigtrick
Annie Leibovitz in Dhicago Dec 2nd!…
She'll be speaking at the Harold Washington Library at 6pm about her new book…
- bigtrick
Garamond Powerline
Garamond, rendered using just powerlines. Fantastic typography by 0c/0m/0y/0k.
- bigtrick
ballet photography
a picture i took from this week's shoot:…
from a few months ago:
- bigtrick
Seasteading - the long tail of nations
A rational enterprise designed to build viable seafaring micronations - with startup money from PayPal cofounder Peter Thiel.
- bigtrick
Alinea/Culinary Creations
Haute cuisine by superstar chef Grant Achatz, photographed by superstar food photographer Lara Kastner.
- bigtrick
tokina fisheye
god i love it