- jesterlou
postal resource (US)
wondering if anyone has a resource online that provides postal size requirements.
need to design some mailers / brochures to be…
- noquo
What's the best/cheapest stock photo resource!?
Because of budget restrictions, I need to use some stock photography for a site I'm doing-but don't want the crap that most places…
- unknown
advertising resource
I'm looking for somewhere I might find examples of recent advertising / promotional activity etc for Wine companies (pref New Worl…
- k5m
Javascript Popup Resource
Does anyone know of a good java script popup resource besides javascript.intern... (that site blowz so hard). I need a spesific p…
- konception
php resource
anyone know a good site for php learning and questions?
- stuff
<<< Fat Resource!!!
D7 That is honest to god the most useful link thats been posted on PBS for a while. Thanks.
- mr_flaco
good constructivist resource?
anyone? Need industrial inspiration...
- rasko4
the ULTIMATE map resource
loads of people are always asking for maps so I know you'll like this... create your own maps by giving plots and other options, i…
- thinkmule
Illustrator Resource
Does anyone know of any good resources like the links below...
I am looking for illustrator
- Gilt001
Illustrator Resource Site?
Has anyone ever seen a site that would be an analog of say,
There's gotta be something out there!
- drake
3d resource help!
does anyone know a good place to find free 3d studio models of individual states in america?
thanks much :)
- ian
Logo resource
Just found this link, Might be useful to people, i know Im always looking for logo links. Enjoy
- woodyBatts
Director Resource
Hey all, Could you post some websites dedicated to Director resources. Thanks.
- 4cY
The resource thread™
Ok, here's the one and only final solution: Teh Resource Thread!
Help for designers by designers.
Let's post it all here, st…
Logo resource
Fellas link me up with some portfolios that have some nice logo designs. I need some inspiration.
- Tiina_G
flash audio resource
Hi, what's the best place to find quality audio files for flash effects, like rollover sounds etc. I'm looking for the istockphoto…
- mevsthem
Windows2000 + Resource Hacker
Anyone using Windows 2000 and use Resource Hacker If so can you please extract all 16x16 icons from Windows 2000.
Like th…
- Mojo
vector resource
Can someone help me find a vector circle? Can't find anything on tha intarweb.
- designbum
baroque vector resource
there's this site, i can't remember what it was, but it was russian maybe, and you could download hella victorian and baroque vect…
- drudge
Paper Clipping - Design Resource & Links
A useful link to the world of design and associated resources.…
Each article looks at interest…