Javascript Popup Resource
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- 14 Responses
- k5m
Does anyone know of a good java script popup resource besides (that site blowz so hard). I need a spesific popup for a client, and I can't find it anywhere.
- ********0
there's a million, I have them at home though
- k5m0
hmmm....well hope you get home soon.
- unformatted0…
what kind of pop up are you looking for? it's not hard to write one for yourself.
- k5m0
I need one that popup if the user either, closes the browser, navigates to a different page, or click back, but does not popup if a specific form is filled out and submitted.
- mitsu0
then what you're really asking for is the logic that actually creates the popup depending on the event.
- JoePete0
good one. use it all the time
- k5m0
yeah mitsu is right. Thats really what I want. This thing is proving harder that I thought it would be to find.
- ********0
here man: from my loopkit site:
- ********0
shit oops you cannot see it, check your mail soon ok?
- unknown0
"I need one that popup if the user either, closes the browser, navigates to a different page, or click back"
good way to piss off your visitors!
- ********0
- k5m0
I agree style. But it's not my call. Clients. :)
- ********0