- ArsenicPants
Happy Birthday Vince
Good job being born and all, Vincent Price
too bad you're dead.
- ArsenicPants
safari sucks balls at gifs
why does safari suck so much balls at rendering gifs?
is there any way to make it run them better/quicker/wi... sucking?
- ArsenicPants
classy bar branding
I'm in the process of rebranding one of my company's bars. it's going from a second rate overflow from an existing bar to it's own…
- ArsenicPants
random photo blogs
please share your favourite random / weird / funny photo blog links
things like:
www.crappytaxider...gimme more!
- ArsenicPants
Star Wars Dub
a bunch of years ago me and a friend made a redub of the star wars holiday special cartoon. It sucks, but watch it anyway
- ArsenicPants
ultraman-like show from the 90's
does anyone remember that Ultraman-like show that ran on Fox Kids in the mid to late 90's?
where the main character fighter guy l…
- ArsenicPants
where to get Portapros in Vancouver
I bought a pair of Koss Portapros almost a year ago from NCIX but they don't stock them anymore, and I've lost my pair.
does anyo…
- ArsenicPants
I Live Here
I Live Here; The lives of refugees and the displaced are told through journals, stories, images, and graphic novellas