where to get Portapros in Vancouver
where to get Portapros in Vancouver
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- 3 Responses
- ArsenicPants
I bought a pair of Koss Portapros almost a year ago from NCIX but they don't stock them anymore, and I've lost my pair.
does anyone know a physical store i can go to in Vancouver that still stocks these things?
I don't want to buy them online
- lvl_130
what? i have absolutely no idea as to what in the hell you are looking for. you may want to include a bit more info for those of us not fmiliar with NCIX.
- ********0
- ArsenicPants0
ya, not online
and NCIX is a computer parts store, i figured if you lived in Vancouver you'd have heard of iti'm looking for a set of Koss Portapro Headphones