Wordpress Discussion

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  • 164 Responses
  • _niko0

    I need to upload 3-5k products onto a Wordpress catalogue including images and variations some of which can be 200 per product, has anyone used a good outsourcing service for this?

    Just trying to manage the clients expectations so that they realize it’s time consuming and not going to be cheap.

    • https://www.wpallimp…sted
    • i'm guessing its a woocommerce catalog, those are kinda hard to get proper performance with 200 variations.sted
    • Thanks sted I’ll take a look at this. Is there a cap on variations? Or does it just bog everything down?_niko
    • https://downloadfree…
      i'm not sure if it exists, but this can help
    • Yes it will be slow af., and even if you get a specialized hosting for it you're going to face problems managing the data/orders.sted
    • If you would like to go with wp you have to use a headless wp+woo.
      200x variations is insane lot, maybe re-think the structure?
    • Thanks man, yeah not all products have that many variations, average I’d sat is 10-20, but I can just tell the client to cap it to 30 max to make things easier._niko
  • voiceof0

    Any suggestions on where I should go to find dependable WP developers. I rarely go in to WP but we have a few things we need set up like setting up webhooks, SSO etc...

    • wp developers are a dime a dozen on upwork.com. Many of them good if you have a clear understanding of project scope and have granular tasks listedhotroddy
    • Thanks. We found a developer on upwork and I really should have followed your granular tasks advice more.voiceof
    • Sorry to hear that! Hope you didn't lose a lot of $$. I know nothing about webhooks and SSO so I'd be in same positionhotroddy
  • hans_glib0

    anyone know anything about animating stuff on scroll in wordpress? i've specified a simple (to my mind) infographic that would animate on scrolling

    as you scroll down, the page scroll stops moving while the material in the box scrolls up instead. in addtion there's a circle on the rh side of the box that rotates.

    anyone able to do this for a client? there's money available, tho i'm not too sure how much...

  • hotroddy0

    How can I edit the Visual Composer blocks of code found on a page?

    I want to swap out an image but I have no idea what to click on to get me to the darn area where I can swap.

    What do I need to click? I hate not being able to code it myself!!

    • install the clasic editor, images are only mentionned by # id.
      look for something like this : image="7004"
    • thaks dude! that worked!hotroddy
  • dee-dubs0

    this is probably a really dumb question... i seen quite a few code snippets of things being registered within functions where they have a random var a the end of each array which is the same for all entires..ie

    // Add new taxonomy, NOT hierarchical (like tags)
    $labels = array(
    'name'=> _x( 'Writers', 'taxonomy general name', 'textdomain' ),
    'singular_name'=> _x( 'Writer', 'taxonomy singular name', 'textdomain' ),

    etc (textdomain)


    array('labels' => array(
    'name' => __('Custom Types', 'jointswp'), /* This is the Title of the Group */
    'singular_name' => __('Custom Post', 'jointswp'), /* This is the individual type */
    'all_items' => __('All Custom Posts', 'jointswp'), /* the all items menu item */
    'add_new' => __('Add New', 'jointswp'), /* The add new menu item */

    Is this just some arbitrary thing for grouping or what.. Have seen these functions where they also not used but cant work out what they'd be for

    not important, just curious.

    • last argument is the domain it's just used to retrieve the variable (if you leave it the domain is 'default').kingsteven
    • second arg for _x is the context for the translation. you'd only see that on big plugins/ themes with language packs pretty fucking niche.kingsteven
    • documentation for the double underscore function here... https://developer.wo…kingsteven
    • ah, was assuming wasn't essential but that explains itdee-dubs
  • dee-dubs0

    HELP ME QBN, you're my only hope !!!

    Can someone assist me with what I hope is simple problem.

    I am using the great misha post more ajax load:

    click a button and more posts load via ajax magic.

    I have tried to alter the code a little as I dont want all posts to show, just ones that belong to certain categories (only ever one at a time). Did it to one page (fed in cat 2) and works just fine.

    I just cant work out how to dynamically set the cat so that depending on what page you are on determines what cat is requested for more posts

    I have tried the below:


    and added the function page_post_var() which works when called by misha_my_load_more_scripts but not when called by misha_loadmore_ajax_handler which I am assuming is because maybe this is called before it actually knows what page it is on?

    Im not amazing at code, is there a simple way i can alter this to get it working how I need?

    • php controller has no idea about that pageid, you need to pass the pageid variable to the ajax controllersted
    • add in js 'cat_id' =>
      or get the page catid in php.
    • actually this shit should know what category that page belongs to: $_POST['query']
      or you can inject the catid into this.
    • Thank you so much for trying to assist...however Im starting to think this is above my thick comprehension, I'm struggling to get my head rounddee-dubs
    • Am i right in thinking i can do away with the extra function i wrote and just pass the cat in better way?dee-dubs
  • ideaist0

    As to the above note, has anyone been able to make gains on https://developers.google.com/sp… at all?

    I seem to be stuck at around 25% on mobile and 75% desktop.

    I've NOT yet enabled Gzip compression OR done server-side caching as per suggestion(s).

  • Cosmodrome0

    This is not exactly a WP question, but I recently inherited a WP site that was hacked. I was able to clean up all the bad files, install security and everything is clean now.

    Problem is the site is receiving thousands of hits per day from malicious bots or whatever they are. The security plugin is blocking them and locking out IPs (about 12 per day), but it's screwing up the analytics. Google says the site is clean, but the traffic numbers are ridiculous.

    How can I make this right?

    • you can wait this out, bots go away. or move the site to a new IP and do a permanent SEO redirect to the new site for a view weeks. then cut the rope. done.api
    • Thank you. Exactly the answer i was hoping for!Cosmodrome
  • Salarrue0

    WP question.
    I have an external API that gives a raw json data.
    Do you know if there is there a way to import that information to wordrpess?

    I have been testing this extension, https://fr.wordpress.org/plugins… but I think this has to be done without extensions directly to the functions.php ...

  • elahon0

    We've got a client that has a framing business, for framing posters, prints, etc and their site is WordPress. They found this site and they want to do something similar:


    They want the user to be able to upload their image and preview it behind a variety of frames, ultimately picking a frame and placing an order.

    Anyone know of anything similar to this? The example site they gave isn't WordPress, of course. Any advice? Thanks!

    • Theme or plugin? My searches are coming up fruitless so far.elahon
    • this looks reasonably straight forward. You could build this with Gravity Forms for image upload and content type creation...spot13
    • then in a custom content type (initiated through a custom plugin) get the image dimensions and scale a frame around it with CSSspot13
  • uan0

    wp ui question. Been asked to make this kind of posts, image container with text place over it.

    I got it working and centered the text vertically and horizontally.

    now they want to vertically position the text by themselfs...

    - should i make option boxes in edit posts where they can chose between start at top, middle, bottom, maybe even more options?

    - should I make a input where they can insert a pixel value (distance to top)?

    - should i try to code something in customizer (never done it, but eventually I would manage to code it)?

    - do you know any other option that works, I might not know of, for this kind of problem?

    tnx :)

    • is what you're trying to do like this meme builder plugin?
    • yep. were do you implement that kind of interface in a wp site?uan
    • or where in wp can I design/code that kind of interactive positioning interface?

      can I write a plugin that shows up in the edit post space?
    • probably there is a plugin yet coded somewhere..i should google wp meme generator ;-)uan
    • don't reinvent the wheel ;)spot13
    • Just a thought but rather than use Customizer from your plugin, you could try and use the new Gutenberg editor that's slated for v5spot13
    • it creates slide out panels for settings like the Customizer but perhaps with less complexity around object mappingspot13
  • hotroddy0

    Any good GALLERY plugins for a masonry type grid that can handle both images and videos?

  • sted2


    you can add custom style definitions to cols via offset, to avoid inline css export.

    offset="vc_col-md-6 vc_col-xs-1 theme_style"

    for all visual composer elements you can use the el_class="extra_item_class"

    prefix bootstrap styles via vc_

  • section_0140

    ^^^ Who is your host? Depending on the size of the database, using PHPmyadmin to import a .sql file could be a pain in the ass. Mostly, because phpmyadmin implements some absurd file limits like 4MB or something. And, possibly, a 60 second time out limit.

    Personally, for mysql, I use the MySql Workbench (which is free) to do database work. Again, this may depend on your host whether it can be used (it runs over ssh for remote work). But, it's 100x better than phpmyadmin. It may even have a tool built in for this sorta thing. It does for converting sqlserver databases (I've used it).

    • Client is on hostgator. The DB is small so I haven't had any errors importing the DB. Just can't connect to it locally. Wondering if it's the plugins?hotroddy
    • Is the name of the database wrong in your code? user/pass? It's gotta be one of those.section_014
    • everything is correct. so strange.hotroddy
  • Fax_Benson1

    Anyone used a WP plugin to generate email newsletters? Are they good enough to use instead of mailchimp et al?

    • I would use Mailchimp personally - why not? It's easy.fadein11
  • mg330

    Considering moving some sites and future sites to a Wordpress multi site install, and thinking about a subdomain setup to differentiate between them, such as:

    URL.com - main URL and landing page, simple links to subdomains and accumulation of all subdomain site blog posts, as links to those full posts.

    photos.URL.com - migrated photo portfolio from another site, with a blog.

    music.URL.com - site with music I've recorded and possibly a blog.

    UX.URL.com - professional portfolio and info, maybe a blog, private portfolio.

    I started working with a new theme today that offers an extensive amount of customizations. I'm interested in multisite because I don't want one huge site with all this content, and I want a consistent look/feel but slightly different designs per site.

    Any thoughts or tips?

    • that's .htaccess magic...doesn't matter if you are using wp or any other setup...uan
    • http://stackoverflow…uan
    • from what you're describing it do it with the sub-directory option. cuz areas are all related. also some say music.url.com ranks differently than url.com/musicSquiddy
    • fwiw, at my company we do this with url.com and url.com/spanish and for page speed purpose, sharing etc used photos.url.com as a CDN.Squiddy
  • dbloc0

    Best Caching Plugin?

  • ArmandoEstrada0

    Here is my copy of a theme I created with _S and added Zurb Foundation grid only. This does NOT have all the url stuff, so if you want to add components just do a custom Zurb export and replace. Im no expert, so use this as is.


    • wow! thanks! I'll try!oey
    • <- url stuff= Zurb Stuff, like buttons styles etc.ArmandoEstrada
    • haven't quiet figured out how to do that but I will be in 4 hour daily modus after the weekend.oey
  • fadein110

    Quick question - I need to pull out a value from mySQL database (custom field) in wordpress.

    I am thinking of using the code below. Unfortunately I do not have access to the site currently so I am sending an updated file to the administrator.

    Anyone know if the syntax below looks okay? I just need to pass a value to PHP variable so I can do an if/else statement:


    $jobactive = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT Job_Active FROM activejobs");

    if ($jobactive = "2") {
    echo do_shortcode( '[contact-form-7 id="115493"]' );
    } else {
    echo do_shortcode( '[contact-form-7 id="133"]' );


    • thanks in advance by the way!fadein11
    • I believe it should be:
      if ($jobactive == 2)
      no quotes if 2 is an integer and if you're trying to check and not set the var
    • thanks yep - picked that up now. Still doesn't work but because of the database fields :( waiting to get a copy of the database.fadein11
  • slinky0

    ok, so THEY want to have their wordpress site multilinqual. Only in Spanish/Portuguese. I've tried some of the translation plugins, and because some of the content (forms, etc) will be pulled in via iframe, the plugins obviously will not translate those, and also obviously the plugins will not dynamically change image based content to the alternate language versions. (The iframe content and images will have alternate lang versions available.)

    Also, the client will provide the content in the alternate languages themselves...

    is my best route to have multiple WP installs of the same site for the other languages?

    i am mostly new to WP because i have not touched it in like 10 years.

    • sorry but you have to use wp multisitested
    • but if it's just 2 languages there are some plugins what can handle the content properlysted
    • https://wpml.org/sted
    • thanks sted. but its not just the content that is in wordpress, but i also need to be able change the iframe link and images to match each langslinky
    • sounds like i need wp multisite..slinky