IE10 to ditch flash

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  • 38 Responses
  • detritus0

    No, they're just keeping their Idiot-Consumer level demographics safe from nasties. Just as Apple does with its consumer devices, ringfence the idiots so they can hurt themselves, and in the process shove them through a premium apps channel to wring them for their idiot dollar.

    All us lot, and everyone else who actually uses computers, we'll still be lumbered with that vicious whore, Flash.

    • ‘can't’ hurt themselves, even.detritus
  • Projectile0

    But how will we make web banners "pop"??!!!

    seriously, though.. everyone seems really excited to see the demise of things like the Monet site and a lot of other beautiful stuff. Why?

    Timeline based animation is really quick to use and is extremely powerful. I haven't seen anything even mildly impressive done in HTML5 yet. A lot of crap stuff has been done in CSS, Java you name it... but somehow everyone's hating the Flash? If it disappears I'll miss it, personally, and I really hope something decent replaces it. And I'm not talking about something that you have to bea mathematical genius to make a pixel move with... I'm talking something that creatives can pick up easily and use effectively

    • shhhhht,
      they are like kids who need to be told what to think before really thinking it through
    • Simplistic as always, Georges,detritus
    • BUT CAN YOU ROCK THE FLASH?!?!?!??!!?!?!?vaxorcist
  • nb0


    I think it's because Flash isn't just beautiful sites. It's a whole lot of bullshit, with the occasional good site.

    For example, if I go read some news article, the page might have a couple Flash ads on the side or some silly Flash navigation. It's slows down my experience, often crashes my browser, kills the battery on my laptop, makes the fan run forever, etc. All that bullshit.

    So I think people want to see flash disappear so we can eliminate all that bullshit from our web browsing experience. Yes, we'll lose the good sites, too. But eventually we'll figure out new ways of creating that stylish content and animation without the use of Flash.

    • yesdoesnotexist
    • Why do people blame Flash for the bad work done with it?CyBrainX
    • Good point. It's not the fault of Flash. Still, if we remove Flash we remove the bullshit.nb
    • Ok, so you're going to get crap HTML5 ads instead, which perform a helluvalot worsefyoucher1
    • Flash has been around for a long time, and sucks nearly as bad as when it was released. Give HTML5 some time.nb
    • Also, it's not Flash vs. HTML5. It's The Past vs. The Future. Move forward.nb
    • How does it suck? It's come along way in it's abilities, doing many many things that HTML couldn't do.fyoucher1
    • I'd hope eventually HTML could do those things but I'll probably be retired by the time that happens.fyoucher1
  • ahli0

    If battery draining = CPU usage, then you don't think Web GL and all that shizzle doesn't hammer the CPU?

    • As part of a more efficient stack, it onw't hammer the CPU as much as Flash, no.detritus
    • Can't Adobe improve their framework as well? Wouldn't they be faster at it than the W3?zarkonite
    • detritus, have you heard of stage video and efficient programming practices?ahli
    • Doesn't matter if deitrus has heard of it. Most flash developers are hacks who don't give a shit. Kids, amateurs, etc.nb
    • Good point, nb.ahli
    • Very true nb, but the same will apply to HTML5 moving forward. Same shit, diff techfyoucher1
  • CyBrainX0

    I want to go back in time about 3 years and kick Jobs so hard in the balls.

  • i_monk0

    We stopped using Flash in print years ago.

  • monolith0

    My long response but it has to be said since there's so much ignorance and hate exhibited by some people.

    Metro IE doesn't support any plugins..not just Flash.. so this is not an anti-flash move per-se. It's actually more of a fuck you to Silverlight developers.

    If anyone is deluded that Flash won't be around for another decade think again. HTML5 is nowhere near being able to compete. Sure it can do basic video and audio and you can write 15 lines of code in CSS to make sure it works on a couple of browser (which basically about 40% of people can even see) but this is all basic stuff. The only thing and effect that works crossbrowser and is some what doable i HTML5 is this parallax scrolling and it's becoming a joke because every single site is doing it and look exactly the same..I'm not even getting into whole HTML5 separation between browsers, specific APIs that will only work with a specific browser.

    We are already seeing it btw.. HTML5 in Metro is something internally called Metro HTML5 and is relying on underlying WinRT.. Same with Chrome and Native Client which only works with Chrome (Firefox is doing their own thing).. Same thing goes with CSS3 and upcoming ECMAScript 5. It is such a clusterfuck I don't even know where to begin to address it.

    If some of you truly believe that HTML5/CSS3/JS will somehow magically work everywhere the same with same performance and same code you are bat shit crazy. Just ask Big Spaceship and what they went through in making that Adobe presentation for HTML5. They literally dropped a 3rd testicle and wasted so much time just to get it to run decent.

    The reason Apple and Microsoft even Google support HTML5 is because it's free and because they get to control everything since they are making the browsers and with HTML5, that's where real control lies. Instead of plugins, which are basically executables/libraries done by 3rd parties, big boys now want to do their own thing. So we will see HTML5+ stuff popping up in IE10, Webkit specific stuff happening on Chrome/Apple stuff (already happens with CSS3 and specific things that only work with Safari for example).

    What you will see is 5 different levels of code in HTML5 apps in order to work on Metro IE, on webkit browsers, on Firefox etc etc.. While some aspects of HTML5 will work on every browser (such as elementary tags and audio and video) the rest of the stuff being made like certain native API support (such as microphone and cameras and so on) are going to differ from platform to platform.

    Plugins have ALWAYS brought innovation. W3C and web standards evolve SUPER slowly and plugins allow 3rd party companies to evolve the web and do more things across every browsers supporting <object> and <embed> tags.

    If you don't like proprietary, then you certainly don't like h.264 as well. So let's kill h.264 too. I'd say h.264 is worse than any plugin because it requires licensing, while plugins are completely free. There is value in proprietary technologies as well, ESPECIALLY when the standards are simply not growing fast enough to bring new features. This will be no different with HTML5 and why HTML5 spec still allows embed tag.
    Imagine what web would look like if we relied on W3C and the mess they did with earlier versions of HTML. HTML5 is just slightly better bringing a few more features but so loosely standardized that every browser maker can do their own shit on top of it (such as the case with codecs for video).

    If plugin, Flash or Silverlight or whatever is so inferior, then HTML5 will force it out of existence by itself by being a better platform. The way Apple and Microsoft are trying to do it is to manipulate again the web landscape for their own benefit. It has nothing to do with battery life, or performance (which btw, Flash is better at than HTML5, especially on mobile).

    It is not up to a corporation to prevent technology. It should be up to developers and consumers. Android is a very good example. There is absolutely zero downside in having Flash. It's 100% choice. You don't like it, or you believe it drains your battery or whatever, just don't install it.. Simple as that.

    This is why Google is doing it the right way. They allow Flash, they push HTML5 and a very good example of that is diversity and beautiful interactive applications you can find on Chrome Store which use Flash and HTML5 and whatever.

    They also solve the security issues by sandboxing the plugins so the user has complete choice. Only in this retarded new Apple age where two most proprietary companies are like pushing open standards (yeah right!) it is ok to start banning specific technologies who are btw, far more superior than HTML5 is at the moment and will be in the next 5-10 years. It's so funny, because two companies known for delivering tools and services across platforms and open support plugins and Flash (Adobe and Google). This thing is so funny.

    Btw, Flash will not die (better yet, Flash platform), it will eventually migrate to native apps just as it is now. It's still going to be at the forefront of new 3D games and so on (especially since Unity is now exporting to Flash) And very simple example of that is Machinarium. The best selling game on iOS for example. Game is completely built in Flash.

    Adobe is doing a smart thing. They are pushing HTML5 tools as this space is completely empty and in the mean time they are pushing native app development with AIR/Flash Builder/Flash as that's really where to future is going. Nobody will care about the web in the long run as mobile and tablet computing grows.

    • well said sir. that's a lot of typing.fyoucher1
    • These long posts remind me of the Boz.ernexbcn
    • yesformed
    • Gotta be Bozanimatedgif
    • Microsoft discontinued Silverlight more than a year ago. It's not really worth mentioning anymore.CyBrainX
    • This is great. Well done.CyBrainX
  • ernexbcn0

    @monolith you make it sound like Flash behaves the same on Win, OS X and Linux. It's only decent on Windows, the rest have their issues and speed differences.

    • Also: are you Boz under a character account?ernexbcn
  • animatedgif0

    "Still waiting for someone to show me an amazing, polished, smooth and functional HTML5 site"…

    Kicks the shit out of even the best uses of Flash video

  • fyoucher10

    Timeline in Flash is awesome and you CAN do awesome things with it. After FX / Video is cool too but I don't see bandwidth allowing for it anytime soon (just will be too costly for the mainstream especially with companies capping bandwidth and my excessive use of 30 second pron site flicks).

    HTML5 (CSS/JQ) has some basic animation capabilities but it 'will' be like working in Flash 4/5. Kind of a setback but I'm still exciting to learn something new. It 'does' make sense to not have a plugin.

    Can't talk about it much (on NDA) but there will be a timeline-based animation tool VERY similar to Flash coming out for HTML5 (not Adobe Edge). So don't worry too much Flash animation folks.

    • I agree, but why is is bad to depend on a plug in. It wasn't even much of a problem in the 90s.CyBrainX
    • Updates, security issues, shit like that that's separate from the browserfyoucher1
    • Yeah cos the 90's were great for the internet... oh waitanimatedgif
  • obsolete0

    I've said this before:
    This way microsoft will buy adobe at a sale price
    it makes business sense
    and ios (this is my prediction) will be a niche OS in a year or two. Specially now with steve jobs out of the picture....
    but again flash needs a lot of improvement for mobile and tablet applications....
    I guess adobe fell asleep on the whell... and maybe they woke up with the apple bump... and if they didn´t they will with this one!
    just my 2 cents

  • Mojo0

    @nb "I think it's because Flash isn't just beautiful sites. It's a whole lot of bullshit, with the occasional good site."

    So everything based in HTML/JS/CSS isn't bullshit? Sorry, no. The world is full of bullshit, with the occasional good thing. That's not Flash, that's the general human experience.

    And if you think you are going to see animated advertising disappear, just because flash is 'dead', you really shouldn't hold your breath - you're going to get the same tired, animated advertising delivered in a whole new exciting way - HTML & CSS..

    Long live the internet!

    • Exactly, people blame the technology for what it's being used for. That's the bullshit.CyBrainX
    • + gazillion. Ad agencies aren't going to stop making online ads. Online advertising makes more money than sites.fyoucher1
    • A lot more.fyoucher1
    • Sure, but it will be far more difficult for a hack amateur to crash my browser. Currently, they can crash simply by not trying.nb
    • trying.nb
    • Also, it's not the animation in advertising that I mind. It's when the ad uses up so much of my system that bothers me.nb
    • Your second paragraph is correct, though. There will be plenty of shit sites, but they won't slow me down. Hopefully.nb
    • nb - your browser set up must be crap if a flash ad crashes it - never had that problemfadein11
  • CyBrainX0

    The only way this makes a big dead to Adobe is if Microsoft tablets become the first challenger to iPads.

    Microsoft buying Adobe is the worst thing that could possibly happen.

    • for users maybe... they would have a huge monopoly!obsolete
  • formed0

    That's the part that I don't get about all this - what's the point? We are going back about 10 years.

    Is this just a conspiracy to kill Adobe?? Hmmm....

    Still waiting for someone to show me an amazing, polished, smooth and functional HTML5 site.....waiting......

  • i_monk0

    ^ "working with" can mean anything from repeatedly saying "Please?" to actually coding stuff.

  • CyBrainX0

    I accept your criticism, but disagree on several points.
    1. I've been designing for 16 years and haven't had any problems getting work. I stand by anything on my site. My site design is simple because it's supposed to let the work stand on it's own. It should be simple and functional.

    2. The use of html would work but I have no reason not to use Flash since almost all of the pieces on the site are Flash to begin with.

    3. Video: Flash is best for cross platform video. Keep in mind the site is two years old.

    I think your basic objection to my work is my choice to use Flash. It seems like a lot of bias.

    Care to display any of your work. I won't critique unless you want. Just curious.

  • CyBrainX0

    The conspiracy is Jobs'. His restriction of 3rd party content and Flash is merely a way to protect revenue from app development.

  • jon_d0