Hackers just killed global warming

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  • 215 Responses
  • dMullins0

    I heard Google has mail now.

  • GeorgesII0

    I know some on you already made up your mind, but the more I look into it, the more I see the castle crumble and the critics are not crazy gun totting god fearing reps, as the media have portrayed for so long.
    Just be open minded and accept that you have been lead to believe falsity built upon falsified data and for what?

    wall street journal follow the money:
    for those who think the scientific debate is settled, here's a good fuckn article
    since the release of the mails, which are genuine, heads have been rolling.
    Nz is sinking too,
    and finally from today's a well balanced article

  • joeth0

    Hackers stole thousands of emails from 13 years and pluck out just a few controversial words.

    This is supposed to disprove everything? Gimme a break.

    • no...posting all of the emails. everyone else pointed out the damaging conversations.zenmasterfoo
  • joeth0

    The 7 Biggest Lies About The Supposed "Global Warming Hoax"


  • GeorgesII0

    FFs joeth did you even read the articles or just decided to believe a single source,
    this is exactly why I'm more scared of the dumbed down populace then ending under one meter of water, some serious climatologist and scientist are not claiming global warming is a hoax, they just want the data and a chance to analyze it themselve, I won't repeat myself for the 50th time.
    " Hackers stole thousands of emails from 13 years and pluck out just a few controversial words.
    This is supposed to disprove everything? Gimme a break. "

    this proves you have no clue what is going on and didn't even take the time to look at what is happening,
    anyways 2 weeks, just 2 weeks

    • Yup Global Warming Doesn't Exist... its 70 Degrees December 3 2009, Massachusetts USA.Iggyboo
    • the weather changes and fluctuate, 30 years ago, it was called global cooling. you obviously have never travelledGeorgesII
    • because when you end up going from -35c to 10c to +40 in less than 24 hours, you realize we don't know shit about this planet, do you?GeorgesII
    • about this planet, can you honestly say you do?GeorgesII
    • oh my god climate change happens! now only if i can find a way to make money off that factdeathboy
  • Ironmonkey0

    I must say I really am hoping for that Mad Max sawed off-shotgun, samurai sword, six-string future......

  • ukit0

    Hate to bump this sad excuse for a thread again, but-

    As a final word of sorts, I'd encourage all of you to take a look at this video. It explains the whole hacker e-mail thing better than anything else I've seen or read.

  • GeorgesII0

    Its ok Ukit, you have this point of view that you're right at all cost and for every video you post I can counter it with another video, same thing for the articles and vice-versa,
    one thing I understood in this sad excuse for a debate on climate, is that there's no debate, you either with us or against us (people never learn don't they).
    Be happy Copenhagen is in 2 weeks and I'm pretty damn sure you don't even know what are they going to sign in this treaty,
    for once I'm happy because the countries that will be hit most won't be the poor one (they don't have anything anymore), be ready to curb your carbon foot print.
    btw: posting videos with gb and r.l sucks as much as angry mob posting the random obama mix, they are no fuckn scientist, why should anyone listen to them, oooh I forget MurrrrRica

  • pr20

    Haven't you learned by now that to discover the real truth you just have to take what FOX News is talking about and spin it 180 degrees?

    • thats not too hard, but fox news isn't news so why people even listen to them escapes me.GeorgesII
    • but the fact they are the ones who speak out so loudly about it... shouldn't it give u a clue?pr2
    • I'm not american, the US is not the world, why should I give a fuck what they have to say??GeorgesII
    • Same goes for all major news corps patryk. They all have their agenda.raf
  • GeorgesII0

    pollution only applies to non millionaires. How small is our memory if we already forgot the famine summit where they had the infamous 18 serving dinner (filter qbn to find the thread)
    a fuckn wall of flat screen turned on all day and probably all night,

    "We thought they were not going to have many cars, due to it being a climate convention," she says. "But it seems that somebody last week looked at the weather report."
    "We haven't got enough limos in the country to fulfil the demand," she says. "We're having to drive them in hundreds of miles from Germany and Sweden."
    The airport says it is expecting up to 140 extra private jets during the peak period alone, so far over its capacity that the planes will have to fly off to regional airports – or to Sweden – to park, returning to Copenhagen to pick up their VIP passengers.
    According to the organisers, the eleven-day conference, including the participants' travel, will create a total of 41,000 tonnes of "carbon dioxide equivalent".............
    .....Many of the participants do not really need to be here. And far from "saving the world," the world's leaders have already agreed that this conference will not produce any kind of binding deal, merely an interim statement of intent....
    They could at least ridden a fixie to get around, but this conference isn't about saving the planet, its about setting the ground rule for carbon taxation. but i'm only a crazy denier blathering non sense as usual.
    eng: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth…

    ita: http://www.translate.google.com/…

  • lowimpakt0

    "GeorgesII - one thing I understood in this sad excuse for a debate on climate, is that there's no debate, you either with us or against us (people never learn don't they)."

    where have you been the last 15 years? The issue has been debated for so long it's unreal.

    All thet has happened now is that governments and business have seen enough and have decided to do something about it.

    In 1998 I had a summer job @ UNESCO (while I was studyin for my product design degree) and even then there was research and discussions on climate change.

    The reason it seems hardline is that people think there si too much at stake.

    Yes there is intense hypocrisy among some politicians and delgates because they are travelling by plane or looking at flat screen TV's but there are more important issues to discuss.

  • _niko0

    human contribution is tiny and insignificant, this planet has been through waaay worse in it's billions of years of existence and life has flourished.

    • email that chart to copenhagen in case they missed it....lowimpakt
    • they've got it and their busy trying to switch the colours_niko
    • *they're_niko
  • GeorgesII0

    look, 15years, 50years, 100 years, is still not enough to understand how this planet work and we still don't, any scientist who tell you the contrary is obviously lying,
    how can we base such important decisions on a political scheme, because it is ONLY a political scheme. Do you believe Al gore believe in the lies he tells, if he did he would not consume so much energy, do you believe millionaire are going to cut their carbon footprint, off course no, they'll just find a loop hole.
    The thing I find most hypocrital about this debate is exactly the point you just made, 15 years ago they were already debating this and they didn't do shit,
    I can tell you 20 years ago they signed kyoto, did you see any changes, no it got worst,
    can we for once stop this unilateral bs and have a serious debate and so far we never got one, either you were in the band wagon or you were a skeptical now re branded denier,
    low, we have argued before and I know unlike others here you enjoy listening to other points of views.
    i just find it sick that the game is played again and again and at the end we are the one always paying,

    • forgot: video is a "denier" scientist exposing the difficulty to pin point and calculate our influence on this rock we call earthGeorgesII
    • yup just a big excuse to setup expensive restrictions and new taxes. common sense tells you thatdeathboy
    • You both are morons. I can't wait for future generations to piss on your gravesDr_Sparkleshine
  • lowimpakt0

    "up just a big excuse to setup expensive restrictions and new taxes. common sense tells you that"

    common sense is the least common sense.

  • lowimpakt0

    in an unprecedented initiative, 56 major newspapers in 45 countries published a shared editorial calling on politicians and negotiators gathering in Copenhagen to strike an ambitious deal on combating climate change. The editorial appeared in 20 languages including Chinese, Russian and Arabic. It asserts that the Copenhagen summit has the power "to shape history’s judgment on this generation: one that saw a challenge and rose to it, or one so stupid that we saw calamity coming but did nothing to avert it."

    So in honor of this important event, we've built a number of new tools to give delegates — and you at home — easy access to useful information to help visualize and explore data and issues relating to climate change.


    • yeah I read it before,
      this is what you call a debate, I guess. its weird how people never see the underlyning plan
    • it's weird how people think there are always super conspiracies and plans behind otherwise random data setsDr_Sparkleshine
  • deathboy0

    goddamn hackers. they should be the ones shoveling my driveway.

  • ukit0

    "for every video you post I can counter it with another video"


    See that's the problem. You treat every video (or every source of information) as equal. If someone posts an analysis by a serious scientist, you'll counter by posting a completely fake graph created by a fraud amateur scientist (like Raf did) or an actual parody of global warming deniers thinking it's real (like you did a few pages ago).

    Saying that you can counter every point with another point like they are all equally valid means that any debate would never be settled. It's a great way for people who have a stake in this to confuse and mislead the public by appealing to their preexisting biases (which I think is what has happened in this debate). It's ceased to become about science and it's become about rooting for your team to win or be right.

    If that's not true ask yourself why EVERY right winger, Republican and/or conspiracy theorist is now convinced the whole thing is bunk, whether or not they know anything about the science. Is there really something that Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, Georges II and Fred McWoozy know, that all these organizations are wrong about?

    Did they get fooled or are they in on the "conspiracy?"


  • exador10

    isn't it interesting that all this scandal just happened shortly before the copenhagen event?.....almost as if some folks wanted to scuttle it.

  • GeorgesII0

    ukit, you still don't get it don't you, maybe you will, maybe you never will, this is not a game of ping pong, there won't be a winner as you may believe.
    look I'm sick of this debate, because there is none,
    even if the most brilliant scientist come here and explains to you how difficult it is to put all the sciences needed to have an accurate view of how the climate on this planet works. you still believe what you want to believe, its your right and you best use it.

    You need to step back of your US point of view sometimes and realize that some of us just don't give a fuck about US politics, we're just pissed when they go empire building and create more problems at the end.

    you never read the rules of misinfo/disinfo, its not too long, 25 rules, I bet you'll find what you play in it
    If that's not true ask yourself why EVERY right winger, Republican and/or conspiracy theorist is now convinced the whole thing is bunk, whether or not they know anything about the science. Is there really something that Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, Georges II and Fred McWoozy know, that all these organizations are wrong about?
    you always seem to blur the lines of reality and fantasy, you see when someone is lumping things together without actually making a point, you end up sounding like those you try to downplay (e.g: glen beck, r.l.)

    I posted dozen of links of scientist here, but you ignore them all,
    let me guess this person is a crazy denialist,
    why so much hate and name calling if you're sure at 100% of what you imply is correct and flawless. Look you have 2 weeks to wait and everything will be signed and ready to go, sooner or later you're bound to realize that once politics becomes bonded with science agenda's arise. but it was said before, Science will be the new religion (google it, I won't waste my time pasting here who said that)
    I'm seriously praying nights and day that Obama signs this treaty. Believe me its true, in your mind, people outside of the US are either right wingers or obama lover, they either listen to rush limbaugh or don't have a radio, you want to talk about conspiracy but all you know about it is jesse ventura...
    grow up, stop name calling and discuss a subject without being condescending to others. Doesn't McWoozy has the same right as yourself to talk about everything he wants to? are you the law?

    Tonight again, I'll pray that the US sign this treaty, will you be with me?

  • GeorgesII0

    - I'm closing this thread, I've been convinced, global warming is a reality, it's raining instead of snowing, deniers are crazy conspiracy cuckoos ready to start a war on you and your kids, we never got cheated of trillions of dollars, the economy is sound, there are still wmds to be found in irak, solar panel and ethanol is the way to go, science is always right, the earth was never flat, the sun never rotated around us, gravity is understood perfectly, iran will develop the ATOM BOMB in collaboration with North Korea, tiger wood is a goddamn cheater and finally I for one welcomes our new earth religion priests

    “The common enemy of humanity is man.
    In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
    with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
    water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
    dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
    changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
    The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”

    • oops posted a quote that I was googling hhhhhmmm, forget about itGeorgesII
    • and this quote is false, so don't waste your timeGeorgesII