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  • Fariska0

    Some months ago, there was a small but powerful quake. I ever lived in non sismic areas. And, now living at the 4th level, the bulding had a sort of "whiplash".
    I felt totally harmless.
    Just gone down the stairs and waited outside, cool blood but terrified.

  • |oo|0

    maybe not so 'harmless', you could've falling through the floor and landed on someone else : 0

  • oscargonewilde0

    damn, this thread is kinda scary,... but also kind of morbidly fascinating at the same time.

    For me, it was probably having my grandfather kill himself the day he was born

    that or seeing my father in intensive care after he fell down 3 flights of stairs during the winter. I hadn't seen him in about 3 years and he never woke up.

    not too extreme, I know, and I feel fortunate for that

  • algorithm0

    Dropping some friends off after someones bday the nex morning. Across the street was out of a movie. You name it , they were there. Cops, helis, tv etc, etc... Come to find out , a acuitance snuck in to the house (another acuitance from school) supreised her mother and beat her head in with a hammer. Then had sex with the dead body and walked down the street and sat on his roof and waited.

    Knock on my door at 3pm, The police. Did you hear anything unusaul last night? No? Well your neighbor blew his head off with a shotgun last night and you didnt hear? HIs door is 3ft away.

    Party during college. 75 people good time until... Find out my roomate is being attacked by 7 KC Cryps, blood everywhere. Me drunk and stupid yank out my 12 guage and walk through 75 proplr to the door and open. Open the door to see 7 very surprised KC Cryps as they scatter. Not 2 seconds later...Pop ! pop! pop! 75 poele hit the ground, glass everywhere bullet holes throught everything.

    Working at a club, ganstar hangout. 9 white bouncers, 300 gangsters. Needless to say the 2 groups didnt get along and there was a ful on gun battle. Once again hit the ground and got to clean up some poor hits blood in the parking lot3 hours later after he got nailed by a sawed off.

    that one still stiks with me a little.

  • algorithm0

    i just realized how bad my typing was on that. sorry

  • caulfield0

    Biggest thing I've ever been ivolved in? It was when I jumped off the rocks into the surf to save a woman in the surf at Coogee.

    Lifesavers got to her first on their ski's, and paddled her back to shore.

    So I climbed out, alone and wet...and caught the bus home.


  • PonyBoy0

    Enter response:

    caulfield.. if it's any consolation - I think you're a hero... anyway who does something like that is a hero.

    that reminds of the time when I used to live in New Hampshire. I'm sitting in a Burger King on Lake Winnepasaukee. Kinda cool - in the summer - boats pull right up to Burger King's private docks...

    ... but in the winter - it's all about the ice-fishing in the harbour area. So i'm enjoying a chicken sandwich staring out at the frozen tundra freckled with bob houses for fishing when some lady screams - SOMEONE FELL THROUGH THE ICE! LOOK LOOK!! so everyone goes running to the windows... and about a mile out we see what looks like flayling arms try desperately to get on the ice.

    so some dudes run out onto the ice.. .sliding all over the place trying to get out to where we think we see the person...

    ... 10 mins later the FD shows up with a hovercraft and cruises out on the ice to rescue a plastic garbabe bag that had frozen into the ice next a bob house and was tossing about in the wind.

    false alarm... but fuck if it wasn't a circus for a while. :)

  • inspiration0

    this is a very interesting but tragic thread.

    the weirdest thing i've seen was at an airshow in eastbourne. we were sitting on top of the cliffs watching the planes flying/looping over the sea.

    one plane did a really high backwards loop and as it came down towards the sea it just stopped turning and flew into the water. there was a delay (we were a little way off), a weird bang then complete silence.

    freaky shit to watch.

  • lnu0

    Horrible stories, but they make mine seem petty in comparison, and I guess I'm lucky for that. Here's a l_o_n_g list:

    • Biggest tragedy is watching my mother slowly withering away with cancer. The flipside is, I've discovered that she has superpowers I never knew of.

    • Biggest shocker... probably watching two guys down a hill on a bike way too fast. They yawed of the road out in the ditch and the guy at the front flew over the handlebars and cracked his skull against a tree just a couple of feets away from me. He survived. I remember the sound and running around to nearby houses, ringing doorbells frantically and watching elderly people look out the window like I was some sort of burglar.

    • When I was about 6yo a guy at a playground started strangling me for no apparent reason. My sister and her friend saved me somehow. I later learned he had some issues.

    • At about the same age I was playing in a heap of snow and a delivery truck passed by slowly. I slided down and in between the trucks front and rear axles and then out between the left and right rear wheel. It happened to fast for me to get scared but I didn't play there anymore.

    • At the last day of our last period in camp in the army, we were all happy to be going home soon, although noboby of us had been aloud to sleep enough the last week. 1hr before we were to drive home we learned that four of our colleagues had crashed into a truck and the two up in front had died instantly. The driver fell asleep at the wheel. The commanding officers had totally disrespected the ammount of sleep us drivers needed (even according to the law) and these two soldiers died because of it. (And our country hasn't been at war in over a hundered years.)

    • A part tragedy, part shocker was watching my girlfriends father, who had been a father figure and role model to me, turn in to a complete childish idiot a-hole after the end of my girlfriends parents perfect marriage - which he ended.

    (•) I also had a mini-shock this morning as I woke up really early to the doorbell ringing, the sound of someone peeping through the mail slot and then checking if the door was locked. Still don't know what that was about, a burglar maybe.

  • 67nj0

    car crash and LA riots

  • anzelina0

    inspiration, i've seen that airshow in eastbourne, i think it was 2003?

  • Mojo0

    My granddad had a heart attack a week today and is still in a coma, not looking good. and last night someone spiked a friend's drink (I'm not local to her) with E's, she blacked out, and had her stomach pumped at the hospital.. she actually nearly died.. thank god for paramedics who are on time.

    Death is a consequence of life is something I am becoming more and more familiar with!

    Sorry im not trying to be depressing, my heart goes out to all the people who have loved ones unaccounted for or have passed away.