
Out of context: Reply #44

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    Dropping some friends off after someones bday the nex morning. Across the street was out of a movie. You name it , they were there. Cops, helis, tv etc, etc... Come to find out , a acuitance snuck in to the house (another acuitance from school) supreised her mother and beat her head in with a hammer. Then had sex with the dead body and walked down the street and sat on his roof and waited.

    Knock on my door at 3pm, The police. Did you hear anything unusaul last night? No? Well your neighbor blew his head off with a shotgun last night and you didnt hear? HIs door is 3ft away.

    Party during college. 75 people good time until... Find out my roomate is being attacked by 7 KC Cryps, blood everywhere. Me drunk and stupid yank out my 12 guage and walk through 75 proplr to the door and open. Open the door to see 7 very surprised KC Cryps as they scatter. Not 2 seconds later...Pop ! pop! pop! 75 poele hit the ground, glass everywhere bullet holes throught everything.

    Working at a club, ganstar hangout. 9 white bouncers, 300 gangsters. Needless to say the 2 groups didnt get along and there was a ful on gun battle. Once again hit the ground and got to clean up some poor hits blood in the parking lot3 hours later after he got nailed by a sawed off.

    that one still stiks with me a little.

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