
Out of context: Reply #47

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  • PonyBoy0

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    caulfield.. if it's any consolation - I think you're a hero... anyway who does something like that is a hero.

    that reminds of the time when I used to live in New Hampshire. I'm sitting in a Burger King on Lake Winnepasaukee. Kinda cool - in the summer - boats pull right up to Burger King's private docks...

    ... but in the winter - it's all about the ice-fishing in the harbour area. So i'm enjoying a chicken sandwich staring out at the frozen tundra freckled with bob houses for fishing when some lady screams - SOMEONE FELL THROUGH THE ICE! LOOK LOOK!! so everyone goes running to the windows... and about a mile out we see what looks like flayling arms try desperately to get on the ice.

    so some dudes run out onto the ice.. .sliding all over the place trying to get out to where we think we see the person...

    ... 10 mins later the FD shows up with a hovercraft and cruises out on the ice to rescue a plastic garbabe bag that had frozen into the ice next a bob house and was tossing about in the wind.

    false alarm... but fuck if it wasn't a circus for a while. :)

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