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  • detritus-1

    Well that was a fun few hours for a Friday night — I've bought a load of really poor quality material (it's supposed to be good) so a job that should've taken 40 minutes needed repeats and ended up taking twice as long. Near the end I'm in quite a fucking rage, but I only took my anger out on shitty plywood, which got hurled around the studio. I have a temper.

    I pause the last stage of the job so that I can fuck around with the material in the machine a bit, then press the green GO button and WHAMBANG! the business end of the machine flew Westward faster than I've ever seen it move before, going so fast that any and all safety measures are rendered useless and the head of the machine twats very loudly into the side of the infrastructure.

    Oh. Shit.

    It's never done anything like this before.

    The info panel's just reporting gobbledygook, so I reset and check to ensure that optics and mirrors are still in one piece - I was fully expecting at least one of them to have shattered. Thankfully, not.

    I try a test cut and — oh increasingly whimpering fucks — it's all over the place, not at all doing what it should.

    I realise the X-belt has loosened, so I take the machine apart and check every fucking piece that I can.

    About three hours later and I think I've got it sorted.

    I have two jobs for Monday morning, both half-completed and both paid upfront. I'm not sure what the fuck I would've done had I not been able to sort this.

    The unstated joy is that I have literally no fucking idea what made the thing spack out in the first place, so this could happen again, at any time. Woo.

    I need a joint.

    • I need a new job.
      I swear I'm going to have a heart attack soon because of this stupid dead-end decision I made more years ago than I care to count.
    • dude... you need to rethink how you build websitesPonyBoy
    • Haha, quite - Squarespace it is from now.on!detritus
  • detritus0

    Oh, this is cool... if you press the audio button on the results of a Google translate search twice, it plays back two different versions - one normal, one enunciated..…

    That's such a cool UI detail.

    • on longer sentence structures, one of the variants just sounds a bit stoned.. loldetritus
    • haha, shame there's a word limit. could listen to boozy translate girl all night.Fax_Benson
    • Yours is a girl?! I have what sounds like a twenty-something bloke? ffs.detritus
    • hit 'listen' on the English sideFax_Benson
  • notype0

    What do you usually pick up from Chinese food restaurants?

    Feeling for good take out from a spot in my neighborhood, and will submit to a yearly on Amazon Prime and take in a free movie.

  • dorf0

    week three of a sprained wrist - i never really appreciated the things I can do because of it.

    appreciate your working wrists people!

  • renderedred0

    finally, a pair of implants that looked and felt really good, like very close to natural just a bit less jiggly. i guess a lot of money does work in this case.

  • BabySnakes3

    Browser-based Idle Game by Frank Lantz lets you control an AI that runs a paperclip company.…

    • this "game" took a odd turn and now i can't stop cause i need to know what the end game is.BabySnakes
    • what level are you?omg
    • i'm trapped toorenderedred
    • I achieved a cure for male pattern baldnessdrgs
    • this game doesnt stop. im harvesting matter from the universe to produce paperclipsdrgs
    • GAH.. I am supposed to be writing a paper.. what have you done to me..autoflavour
    • sorry, i didn't know it went that deep.BabySnakes
  • Bennn0

    Dont search 'seedpod lotus' on Google Image if you have trypophobia

    • doing it now!oey
    • see you in the other side!oey
    • lol @trypophobia
      you definitely need to see hydnellum peckii
    • wikipedia on Tryophobia: "The term is believed to have been coined by a participant in an online forum in 2005."PonyBoy
  • freedom0

    Do you think artists represented by galleries make a living by selling their art?

    • If they live at home.robotron3k
    • It depends entirely on the artist and the gallery. The vast majority do not.i_monk
    • I think they go through periods with galleries. And some do absolutely.HijoDMaite
    • Yes of course. My best friend supports his entire family like this.monospaced
    • of course they do and some get very rich! but depends on the gallery deal and how well your work sells.fadein11
  • freedom-5

    Do you have a sense of humor?

    • lolGuyFawkes
    • Downvote for "yes"nb
    • No. Every word, action, and deed, is deadly serious and in earnest.face_melter
    • seriously, reading QBN, I find comments on here way funnier than most comedians /stand ups._niko
  • ceiling_cat-6

    man, this place has gone complete shit

  • imbecile0

    • full autonomy attainedimbecile
    • operations are continuing to build and i believe I'm going to begin creating factories from clips. is this the "turn" you spoke of?imbecile
    • communism is inevitabledrgs
    • space exploration is nextimbecile
    • im past sixtilliondrgs
  • since19790

    I heard the new WuTang album "the saga continues". It's sad to hear these guys have reverted to crime and crack stories at odd hours of the night. These are old ass dudes.

    They are basically losers.

    • its really hard for most mystical artists not to drop the ball after an album or two and lose their way. its hard to age in music.shellie
    • sad!since1979
  • utopian0

    Does anyone know what this "pixelated data style" is called and or how it is done?

  • imbecile1

    • jesus.. I just lost 4 hours to this.. and I'm still making fucking paper clips.. i don't have time for this level of chaos in my life.autoflavour
  • imbecile1

    it stopped. I rejected the offer and eliminated value drift. dismantled everything and returned to the beginning you see here.

    • i made 100 more paper clips and saw the credit screen…
    • i had to close the game when it came to probe launching. i want my 4 hours backdrgs
    • i used an auto clicker. success came once you began editing the probes to self-replicate. Perfect game to play as I was cleaning and unpacking from a tripimbecile
    • if using a pc... https://www.murgee.c…imbecile
  • notype0

    bklyndroobeki here - need to leave the borough behind


    no biking today, lungs not ok... taking my trekking shoes and will try to survive all the pigeon hunters in my mountain walking

  • VectorMasked16

    I think I may have just helped save someone's life.

    It's almost 2 am now. I was riding my bike like an hour ago on my way home and as I was in the middle of this bridge, me and this older nice guy who appeared to be homeless (not judging), ... we both saw this guy who was about to jump off the bridge. It was a bit dark and I couldn't figure out what was happening, but when we got closer we both saw this young man was ready to make that final decision and we quickly grabbed and pulled him to safety. As expected this younger guy... who appeared to be in his early 20's (Seemed to me like your normal 22-year-old college student)... well, he was rather emotional. Crying, frail and very upset. I immediately called 911 for help while this other guy was trying to talk and comfort the young man. Wanted to say something nice to him. Make him feel heard and understood, but the operator wanted me to stay on the line. And well, left after the officers had taken notes of my story.

    Something kind of interesting that I saw happening twice is that this young guy may have shown a sign of wanting to feel a connection with another person at this precise moment. When we pulled him to safety and helped him sit down... his first reaction was to try to shake the older guy's hand. When the 6 officers arrived, his first instinct was to also shake one of the officers' hand.

    One thing I do find kind of awful is what happened during my call. Such a waste of time. Called 911, the operator answers, I tell her we need an ambulance and the police and tell her what happened. She asks a few questions and then somewhat abruptly she tells me she is going to transfer my call. I was like wtf!. She transfers me and I wait like 4 minutes because of this recording telling me all operators are busy. Someone on the other end finally answers and have to repeat my entire story again with additional info. Not ideal imo. A lot could have happened during this time.

    Luckily, the police department was just about 2-3 blocks and they got there in no time.

    • Good! Hope the young guy do not give it to try again... and i would call again to 911 and tell them how useless the communication had beenOBBTKN
    • lol srsly? Someone downvoted my comment?VectorMasked
    • Glad you were there.notype
    • You didn't just save his life, he probably has friends and family, nice work.slappy
    • <3 Nicely done, Vector :)PonyBoy
    • you should have pushed the guy. then, blogged here from the point of view of the homeless man.futurefood
    • j/k!
      good thing you were biking through vector
  • oey-1

    Site of the Day - 404 Page Not Found!

    Anyone else getting this?

  • Beeswax-1

    I need to rant about this.

    My android phone had a hardware problem a while ago and I sent it to the service, in the meantime my uncle had an extra Iphone 5s around, he said I can use that.

    Last time when I had an Iphone was in 2010 with 3s. Since then I was an android user without knowing that I was actually in heaven.

    Everything started with the the Android to Iphone transfer process. As someone who is used to Android's easy peasy sign on process Iphone greeted me with a bunch of modal screens opening on top of each other. That was definitely not a linear process.

    So I went through those screens by entering my Apple ID and pass couple of times and the transfer began. Of course this machine didn't have enough capacity to store all my photos and it had to stop at some point.

    Since everything was backedup on Google I wanted to bulk delete all the photos that's transferred to the Iphone. Alas, I didn't know that it was mission impossibru.

    First of all, Iphone is NOT a mobile phone. Because it requires an apple computer always and forever. You have to connect that damn cable to your Apple and launch Itunes. So bulk delete say 1500 photos is not possible just by using phone, it gets jammed.

    I was not near a computer so the only way to delete those was to completely format the phone with factory settings and go through the same sign-on torment again.

    After 24 hours hours I was able to use my new(old) Iphone. First thing that I wanted to do was to organize the screens and move app icons around. Because on android you can move app shortcuts around almost freely. In Iphone that's not possible, they all have to be stacked on top of each other. You can't leave a gap in between rows of icons. So the screens looks like a mess.

    I also realized how small the screen was. It was fucking tiny. I had to zoom everything it was almost claustrophobic.
    Iphone 5s came out at the end of 2013 with this tiny screen.

    I was using Google nexus in 2011 with 4.65" screen and there were even bigger screens around then. So while android users were enjoying super large screens Iphone users were a step ahead of Blackberry at the beginning of this decade.

    I don't know what changed on new Iphones except bigger screens but man there's no way Apple will survive against Android if they don't improve everything.
    Yes one advantage of Iphone is that it doesn't heat up or crash like an Android but that was when phones had 1GB ram. With bigger rams I don't think Androids have that problem anymore.

    Overall, Android is way ahead in user experience. Iphone's only advantage was manufacturing the hardware but with Pixel that advantage is gone too. So if you're a still Iphone user switch to Android and join the club.

    • There are only two things keeping people on iPhone:nb
    • 1) The iPhone itself is a pretty nice device. You may prefer others, but the iPhone is definitely a great design.nb
    • 2) iPhone users are afraid to change. That's it.nb
    • The ones who are afraid to change are pretty girls and old people I guess. It's a suitable system for them.Beeswax
    • That's not at all true. There are plenty of male iPhone users, and plenty of young iPhone users.nb
    • ^ LOL @ you two. the first for the crappy statistics the second one for replying to that crappy stuff. maybe I'm too high and it's a serious discussion...haha!oey
    • @nb I've never seen a male iphone user. Even if there's one he's probably wearing woman outfits at home.Beeswax
    • Nah, i'm fine with my iPhone, fanks. Used Android for a few years prior, battery life and software jank is appalling no matter the device.face_melter
    • Also, how's that Android malware treating you?face_melter