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  • scarabin0

    what do you folks pay per month for car insurance? informal survey

    • approx $130 (canada)Gnash
    • i just wanna know what's typicalscarabin
    • about $100... but I drive a lowly lil truck... and I'm 36... that Z you're looking at... I can only imagine :)PonyBoy
    • i pay $40 per month. for my pathfinder. it helps to have a perfect record.
      *knocks on wood.
  • Hombre_Lobo0

    Went and watched my mate have is 2nd Kick Boxing fight (Oriental rules) the other day. It was great, he was ace.

    Then in another fight on the night I saw some dude throw a kick, his opponent blocks it, then the guy who threw the kick collapses. Yeah you've all seen those videos, he snapped his shin big style. ouch!

  • albums0

    Found my groove earlier today with the 360 kick flips with my new board. Even landed 3 or 4 in succession one right after another a few times.

    • gotta love that new board pop and foot hugging concave,fresh grip tape thumbTheMagicSheep
    • I think you're right, plus I was with friends who are MUCH better, so I had inspirationalbums
  • inteliboy0

    Reminds self not to read Engadget comments. Nor any website that is remotely geeky, to avoid a consistent stream of whining nerds who seem to never be happy with anything. Qbn excluded.

  • e-pill0

    my broker found me an apartment on the beach. a luxury high rise with lots of amenities. in the area i want, and 1 block away from my favourite restaurant in the state. i have a friend going tomorrow to check it out for me, and let me know everything is in working order. so when i get back i can end this hellish hotel living.. its been 7 months of living in a hotel.. or many hotels.. oi im done with this lifestyle.. i want my own place so bad!!

    also will have to get my first car.. looking into a VW GTi.. anyone ever have that? is it recommended ?? do you have other recommendations?? i will be leasing it..a few people tell me to get a mini or an audi.. but im not so into their shape.. i do like the GTi.. but i hear its interior is rather cheap.. would love to hear from those that have it or had it.. thanks!!

    • mate has a vw, not sure if is gti, but looks it - really really good car.inteliboy
    • cool thanks. i do like it. just not sure about cars since it will be my first time needing 1 to own.e-pill
    • I drive a 2010 GTI love it , interior is good and clean , great on gas , spacious to drive friendsBattleAxe
    • do i get a 2 door or 4 door? what extras are there? sunroof? turbo? wheels?e-pill
    • GTI's are sweet. if you're living in florida, yes get the sunroof. i would say fully loaded! the girls will like that. vroom vroomsea_sea
    • 4 door , autobahn package , nice touch screen 6 cd changer with aux for ipods, bluetooth paid 26kBattleAxe
    • what's a CD?monospaced
  • BattleAxe0

    so today I found out my EX is getting married , felt weird cause we have been split officially only 5 months but what are you gonna do.

    on the bright side I have a major crush on my best friends cousin that just moved close to town , she invited me to her kids bday party, I had to work but stopped by to drop off a gift and buy her a bottle of Effen Cucumber Vodka , I got two hugs for that :)

    • 2 hugs meaning she pressed her tits on you?? twice??e-pill
    • well technically it was the one armed hug twice , so is that one hug total ?BattleAxe
    • The girl I fell for (and I thought fell for me)... we were forcefully separated for a short time... 6 months later she was married :(PonyBoy
    • forcefully? was it at gun point? oh and btw, that's one pair of tittie press in total. i can count.pango
    • i saw ex this week , we do have a kid together , told her congrats but your guy is a douche , she left aburptlyBattleAxe
  • PonyBoy0

    My buddy's gonna be a DAD!!!...known him since he was 17... he just turned 30... it's their first... ... i kinda feel like I'm gonna be an uncle :)

  • e-pill0

    im getting very frustrated with my manager in florida.. she isnt responding to any emails regarding anything.. i am questioning her level and her title as she is not accomplishing her job. she is also a friend of mine from nyc who brought me into this company, but as a friend whom ive known for many years, i wasnt paying attention to her not doing her job..

    recently the brand made her my superior.. which i had originally laughed at because i am higher with experience and ability then her by a lot.. so its hard to justify friendship versus work ethics.. i send daily reports of what is happening in the sample room for all developments after each long day.. i discuss in detail, for all accessories for my own designs as well as everyone else's. i expect feedback from the parent office every now and then, however i get none, and she is the contact person to deliver the messages.

    i have yet to receive any feedback for rushed samples that landed a huge account from her even after i asked for it 9 times..

    i dont know how to channel my frustrations about this since she is my friend, however i feel our friendship is going to end soon as i just cant deal with her childish actions to have other people do her job for her and watch her complain that she is too busy thru a day, when she isnt even working a 40 hour shift let alone a 70 hour work week as i do.


    • are you sure she is receiving your emails?CanHasQBN
    • yes.. its been taken care of, i spoke to the owner today, and she said to email her directlye-pill
    • and she will have a talk with my manager/ friend, she also has not been responding to others.e-pill
    • so its not just me, she just isnt doing her job.. and honestly i never thought she could do it.e-pill
    • she claimed to have been a design director at other companies where i know she -e-pill
    • hasnt, also she claimed to have been my design manager at a previous co, where she wasnt..e-pill
    • ohhh no she didn't! she just crossed the line. never put your friend in one of your lie!pango
    • yes its fucked up.. and the china office knows about it too.e-pill
    • she said she knows the owner of the Tumi Factory in north china so our china office took-e-pill
    • her to see it, and she went to the owner there and said, hey you remember me right??e-pill
    • the owner of Tumi factory had no idea who she was and made some research on her..e-pill
    • he found out she was only an assistant to the CD back then her lies have been checked..e-pill
    • it sucks that hse made it this far in her career by lying especially on someone else's hard work.e-pill
  • albums0

    I was this close to buying a new font family, complete with web license, then that capital E... so sad.

  • autoflavour0

    I half fell down a open manhole yesterday when I was shooting a film clip.. sprained my ankle, fucked my knee (as the other leg went straight down the hole) .. 2 hours wasted at a hospital and all I got was a few ibuprofen and some xrays..

    whats more fucked is busted my camera when it flew out of my hands.…

    • fortunately most of the camera damage is just cosmetic. the filter cracked, but the lens survived. the LCD works, just crackedautoflavour
    • cracked.. and the case has separated a bit.. but i think it should just snap back into placeautoflavour
    • im kind of lucky, i had the whole redrock rig with marshall monitor setup.. fortunately it came out unscathedautoflavour
    • damn auto..e-pill
    • DAAAAAMMMMpango
    • i have a 7D as well. i would cry if i drop it like that.pango
    • ankle will heal up. camera does notdrgs
    • duuuude, that sucks!! a sprained ankle sucks anyway, but camera damage too! :(
    • Karma's a bitch bro, be nicer.antagonlsta
  • autoflavour0

    • well that sucksmoldero
    • yeah it does suck.. especially as on closer inspection, its not really functioning as a camera anymore.. only live view
    • which needs the LCD
      i have no money.. and i need to repair.. blah boring
    • external LCD monitor. how about getting one of that?pango

    Saw the amazing spider man and every time he shot his Web or spread his legs I thought of e

  • e-pill0

    i just had my hot date with them 2 cuties.. they had to change the time from this evening to this afternoon as they will have to work late today.. they work 7 days a week, and put in 80+ hours each week... its insane!! they do get 2 hour breaks every 4 hours thru the day but to work everyday is crazy..

    so i invited them to the hotel i am staying at.. they came dressed super sexy.. it was nice!!

    a weird thing happened when we were sitting down.. one of the waitresses who i think is a perfect 10, has been flirting with me the last 4 weeks as i eat at this restaurant/cafe everyday..

    and so the girl i am on the date with kinda notices that the waitress is constantly looking at me and smiling at me.. her friend says that the waitress is very beautiful and the girl im on the date with sees me smiling at her and asks if we are dating each other/??

    oi.. perhaps i should.. i mean the waitress is 6'1, perfect body and has an amazing smile.. it was just weird to hear that kind of thing from the girl i am having a date with, by her suggesting that i go out with someone sexier then she is..

    oi i had a good time.. even though our time was short.. we took a short walk outside in the garden but quickly came back inside as it was 103°F outside.. we noticed there was a wedding in one of the floors in the hotel and decided to try to sneak into it.. although me being one of the very few only americans in the city i very much stand out and was quickly told to leave the wedding party.. on the way out i snatched a bunch of roses and gave them to my date..

    which got me a nice kiss!!


    • awwwww eddie is getting all the girls in the town :Ppango
    • hell yeh!!e-pill
    • teach medrgs
    • drgs.. im pretty sure you can pick up any chick.. you are a good looking guy..e-pill
    • confidence. got itdrgs
  • inteliboy0

    everytime my housemate has a party the place gets trashed, which is mostly my furniture getting ruined. grrrrrr.

  • albums0

    I was on my moto in the center lane when this happened in the lane to the right of me at 12:30 this afternoon (about 2 hours ago). Promptly after leaving the scene, I returned to take these photos from an access road. The thought of being in that lane makes me want to vomit. It was so loud, I heard all 3 impacts right next to me. I had changed lanes 30 seconds earlier to be first in line of my lane instead of between the red Jeep & gold/silver car you see pictured below.

    • that's a scary thought. glad you're okay.sea_sea
    • yes thats scary!!
      go take a bong hit!!
    • scarey but it really doesn't look that bad?inteliboy
    • he would have been an album moto sammich..e-pill
    • a right - on a bike. Shit!inteliboy
  • stoplying0

    Got to play at a headbanger party yesterday as a last minute thing. Last minute as in, no rehearsal for 10 months. My bass player texted saying how much his son wanted to see his Dad play. We went on first around 5pm and the party was empty, but it was still fun. Those heavy metal kids are alright.

    And here's a video from later last night. Megadeth!

  • albums0

    Apparently the cosmos simply had it out for my bike today. After avoiding being squished between a couple cars (a few posts up), it was parked in the street at a friend's when someone decided to back into it and push it a couple extra feet for good measure (about 7pm). Tank totaled, rear fairing scratched, exhaust gouged, pegs broken, bar ends gnarled, license plate mount damaged. Crazy day.

    • :/i_monk
    • what the fuck? it's like Final Destination: Bike Edition.CanHasQBN
    • hit and run?e-pill
    • got the insurance, should be alright.albums
  • CanHasQBN0

    -I'm an enema.
    -A what?
    -An enema.
    -Oh, you mean an enigma?

  • scarabin0

    is it just me or is this 2-bottle growler crate completely useless? growlers already have handles... it takes two hands to carry them with this box or without

    • featured on uncrate. pretty dumb to be featured on a blogscarabin
    • It's so the bottles don't roll around and break.. if you are putting them in a vehicle.CanHasQBN
    • fehscarabin
    • It's nice but not essential. Plus when I drink growlers, I end up getting sloppy. :/stoplying
  • e-pill0

    one of my jr designers came from florida to china yesterday and told me that the company wants me to extend my trip thru august by either a few weeks or thru the end of the month.. oi!!

    • is she fired yet?!pango
    • no n she wont be. apparently they have been updating the network in the office..e-pill
    • so she couldnt reply til today. also spoke to her last night and worked out our friendship bettere-pill