Write a short story about

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  • drgs1

    Two QBN users Continuity and Utopian have both contracted covid-19. Write a funny story about their attempts to cure Continuity's brain fog.

    Continuity and Utopian both decided that the best way to cure Continuity's brain fog was to drink lots of orange juice. They chugged down gallons of the stuff, but unfortunately it just made Continuity even more confused. In the end, they both decided that maybe alcohol was a better cure and went out to get drunk instead.

  • drgs0

    Two QBN users Continuity and Utopian have both contracted covid-19. Utopian has invited Continuity to his house to help Continuity with his brain fog. Write a funny story about Utopian's angry attempts to cure Continuity's brain fog.

    Continuity is in the middle of Utopian's living room, trying to read a book. Utopian is sitting on the couch next to him, angrily muttering about how brain fog is a load of BS. Every few minutes, he'll get up and pace around the room, muttering about how Continuity is just making excuses for being lazy.

    After a while, Utopian gets fed up and grabs Continuity's book from his hands. "Here, let me show you how to cure brain fog," he says, before starting to read the book out loud in a monotone voice.

    Continuity quickly realizes that Utopian's method of cure is actually making his brain fog worse. He tries to tell Utopian to stop, but Utopian is too far gone to listen. He just keeps reading, getting more and more angry with each word.

    Eventually, Continuity can't take it anymore and he flees the house, leaving Utopian alone with his angry rantings.

  • drgs0

    Two QBN users Continuity and Utopian have both contracted covid-19. Utopian has invited Continuity to his house to give Continuity a massage hoping it would cure his brain fog. Write a funny story about Utopian's angry attempts to cure Continuity's brain fog.

    Utopian angrily rubs Continuity's back for what seems like hours. Occasionally, he would stop to give Continuity a few words of encouragement, telling him that the massage will definitely cure his brain fog. Continuity just lays there, trying to enjoy the moment despite the slightly angry energy coming from Utopian.

    After what felt like forever, Utopian finally stops and tells Continuity to get up and see if his brain fog is gone. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like the massage did much since Continuity can't even remember why he came over to Utopian's house in the first place.

  • scarabin1

    Write an erotic ballad about the users of graphic design forum QBN.COM

    Come one, come all, to the best design forum on the net!
    QBN.com is the place to be, whether you're a beginner or a pro.

    We've got all the tools you need to create amazing graphics,
    And a supportive community to help you every step of the way.

    So come on in and join the fun!

    You'll find us creating masterpieces day and night,
    And sometimes we just can't help but get a little frisky.

    When the creativity starts flowing,
    We let our inhibitions go,
    And we explore every inch of each other
    Until we reach ecstasy.

    So if you're looking for some hot action,
    You know where to find us!

    Come on over to QBN.com,
    And let's create some beautiful art...

    ...and some unforgettable memories.

  • drgs1

    Write a story about an awkward meetup between users of an online web designer forum. The names of the friends are pango, Nairn, utopian, Krassy and SimonFFM. All of them are men. SimonFFM does nudity photography. Nairn gets really drunk.

    The friends all decided to meet up in person for the first time, since they had all become close through their shared love of web design. They had all been talking online for months, and were excited to finally meet in person. However, the meetup quickly turned awkward.

    Pango was shy and withdrawn, and spent most of the time hiding behind his laptop. Nairn got drunk very quickly and started making inappropriate comments to everyone, regardless of their gender. Utopian tried to keep the peace, but ended up getting into a fight with Nairn. Krassy just rolled his eyes and tried to ignore the whole situation.

    SimonFFM was the only one who seemed to be enjoying himself. He chatted with everyone and even managed to get Nairn to calm down for a bit. However, things took a turn when SimonFFM started talking about his work as a nude photographer.

    Everyone got very uncomfortable and started to leave, one by one. Pango was the first to go, followed by Utopian and Krassy. Nairn ended up passed out on the floor, and SimonFFM was left alone, wondering what had just happened.

  • drgs0

    Write a story about an awkward meetup between users of an online web designer forum. The names of the friends are Continuity, Nairn, utopian, Krassy and SimonFFM. All of them are men. SimonFFM does nudity photography. Nairn gets really drunk. Krassy and utopian get into a fist fight. Continuity has brain fog.

    The five friends had been planning to meet up for months, ever since they had connected on a web designer forum. They were all excited to finally meet face-to-face and discuss their shared passion.

    But from the moment they met, it was clear that things were not going to go smoothly. Continuity was suffering from brain fog and could hardly string a coherent sentence together. Nairn got drunk almost immediately and started making lewd comments to everyone. SimonFFM was constantly taking pictures of everyone, including some nudity photography, which made everyone uncomfortable.

    And then Krassy and utopian got into a fist fight. It quickly turned into a free-for-all, with everyone throwing punches. SimonFFM kept taking pictures, even as he was being hit. In the end, everyone went home bruised and battered, vowing never to meet up again.

    It was an awkward meetup, to say the least. But at least they can all look back and laugh about it now.

  • Continuity0

    A little bit too on the nose and self-referential, this one.

    Write a song in the style of The Sisters of Mercy

    When the night comes
    and the darkness descends
    the sisters of mercy
    are waiting for you
    in the shadows
    they're waiting for you
    to take you away
    to their secret place
    where they'll make you feel
    like you're the only one
    in the world