grrrr, qxd to indd help
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- 7 Responses
- timeless
I was given old native files and they're quark from '09. Yay!
Anyone out there that can make this into indd or idml? I'll be your best friend :)
login is QBN…thank so much
- lvl_130
did you try this?…i don't have quark, so i couldn't save it down like they suggest (assuming that is the version the doc. is currently saved in)
"(To convert documents created with QuarkXPress 5.0 or later, reopen the documents in QuarkXPress and save them in 4.0 format.)"
- Gnash1
All I can do is export as a PDF. Quark 8 doesn't export in any format that InD can open.
wetransfer link for the PDF: frutiger, sabon, and zapf dingbats
- evilpeacock0
Yeah, the options are limited if it's not a Quark 4.x format, which I know I could import with a custom VM I have with the last version of InDesign that had the importer for that (plus I never had or used Quark after that version).
So you'll need to find someone with a current third-party tool like this one:…
I see some folks offer a $5 conversion service online too, but I have no experience with those.
- capn_ron0
Is it possible to start from scratch to recreate this document? I was just looking at the pdf and if you have the links in a folder it looks like just some simple type setting and getting a gradient to look right. If you are pretty quick in InDesign it shouldn't be too much effort more than trying to find a conversion.
- i just now realize you may have had no idea what it looked like. I was just tossing out a rushed idea.capn_ron
- hans_glib0
best i can do is get it back to quirk 5
(i have v7,6,4 & 3 but not 5 which is retarded and annoying)…
v6 and v5 files are there
- timeless0
thanks everyone - and . . .
Gnash delivering again - we took the text from the pdf and rebuilt - thanks so much