T-Shirt Print On Demand
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- 21 Responses
- microkorg
Looking for a place that sells tshirts and other merchandise on demand.
Something like http://www.theprintful.com
So people can buy things with my design on it. I get a kickback from each sale but don't have to deal with the order but to the user it looks like it's coming from the shop on my website.
Their tshirt prints look pretty decent.
Anyone used this service?Or know of a similar company that takes orders and ships worldwide?
Is there an international company like this that deals with orders locally depending on where the order comes from for quicker delivery dates?
- ETM0
Doesn't cafepress do this? Though I haven't used those guys in 8 years to comment on current quality.
- They do cheap inkjet prints I think.bainbridge
- They do silk screening in minimum amounts.ETM
- Embroidery too.ETM
- utopian0
I have been using www.customink.com for my on-demand t-shirts. I am not sure what kind of "kickback" programs that they might have. I do like their t-shirt & printing quality, but their pricing seems to be a bit high.
- microkorg0
Thanks for the links.
Are the quality of CafePress tshirts good? I've always been under the impression they used transfers rather than a print into the tshirt so you are left with a clear A4 transfer area around your print.
May have to do a test order from them. The benefit is that they distribute worldwide based on location.CustomInk are bulk orders not individual sadly
Everpress.com is a cool idea - kinda like Kickstarter for tees etc. You set a target for sales and a time deadline. Good idea if you had a strong following of people to bite at sales. Noticed their clientele was things like established record labels.
- they are great for testing but not good for re-sale in my opinionMiguex
- bainbridge1
If you want a quality tee, you need silkscreen and that requires a screen which costs money. I don't think there's a service that will do one or two for cheap. It's like asking if there's a place that will do one business card.
- indian_pole0
i've used these to sell my band tshirts before:
- canoe0
Give us an update microkorg. What worked? What didn't?
What kind of shirts were you selling?
- SteveJobs0
Would also like to know.
Also, is cafepress the most cost-effective to test designs?
- spot130
Anybody using Amazon merch yet?
- canoe2
Here's the list... does anyone have a quality check on any of these?
.20 listing fee
3% Transaction
3.5% Payment Processing +.20Zazzle
You set your own margins and determine what you will earn from each sale. Choose any royalty rate from 5% up to 99% and we’ll increase the product price so you earn that royalty.
Base Price + Your Royalty Percentage = Retail PriceThreadless
“Artist Shops is completely free to use with no credit card required. Also, you can set the prices of your products to whatever you choose as long as it's over the base cost. Example:
You list your t-shirt for $25. Our base cost on a shirt is $10. You sell 1 shirt and you make $15.”Spreadshirt
Not sure how much money you make off each shirt.Teespring
https://community.teespring.com/…Design By Humans
Looks like royalties are only around $3 a shirt! Human?Design By Humans
I’ll read more on this later.Everpress
Reasonable profitRedbubble
Found trendy shirts, quality looks questionable. Trendy, found on first page of Google for “Trump Shirt”FunnyShirts
Trendy, found on first page of Google for “Trump Shirt”CafePress
Unsure about qualityCrazy Dog
Ambiguous sales pitch. 12.5%?- thanks for the list +1Gnash
- <woah.MrAbominable
- which has the best quality tees/prints i hate those thermal transfer crap that washes out in a few wearstrooperbill
- ^ not sure any of these are thermal transfer. it's basically an ink-jet printer that's usedGnash
- canoe0
- Gnash1
Came across another fulfilment shop.
UK based- (TL myself. canoe posted already)Gnash
- nice - why they only do time limited campaigns?trooperbill
- cool but if u select screenprinting, how do you know you WILL sell 15 minimum?! Do you have to pay upfront or pay a penalty if you dont?microkorg
- ^ they don't print until the 'campaign' is overGnash
- If you sell less than 5 items, the items don’t go to print and all buyers are refunded in fullGnash
- microkorg2
ive been using threadless for the past few years to sell shirts. i ordered some for myself but wasnt blown away by the quality of the shirts.
i got some tees and a hoodie done through spreadshirt and their stuff is much higher quality than threadless.
thinking of switching completely to them as they do fulfil worldwide too and they ship from different sources worldwide too so its cheaper postage for folk from the likes of europe.
in the uk and ordering from threadless you get hit with import tax from the US which can add £10-20 per order!!!- spreadshirt also do various types of printing onto stuff. there's digital but theres also like a solid colour transfer which is cool for big bold text or logos.microkorg
- BTW i kept with Threadless (few years later now). They seem to have improved their quality and seeing customers coming back too.microkorg
- canoe0
Printful is getting their ass handed to them by COVID.
- How so? Are their sales impacted or something more logistical, like an inability to fulfill orders?MondoMorphic
- They are super behind on fulfillment (3+ weeks) and are no longer accepting new shirt designs. Meaning the label I work for can't even put out new products.canoe
- And I designed several BLM and anti racism shirts before George Floyd, so people started ordering them like crazy, but can't get them in time...canoe
- adding to the overall fuckery... I'm relieved I didn't start my own label with printful like I plannedcanoe
- utopian4
I set-up an Amazon Merch Account last year....and what a nightmare!
• Signed-up for a Merch account (waited 6 weeks for approval)
• Set-up my store (got little to no support or help with technical issues)
• Uploaded my t-shirts (12-16 shirt designs)
• Zero visits to my Amazon store (after 5 months)
• You can't even search Amazon for my shirt design or store name
• My store got lost in the Amazon maze of fake store and redirects
• A month later I found a Chinese company was stealing my designs
• I reported the Chinese theft to Amazon
• 6 months later Amazon has nothing done
• I receive Amazon Merch related spam at least 2-3 times a days
• Took my store down on Christmas 2019Amazon is clearly a "Pay-2-Play" organized racket with zero concern for stolen intellectual property, they provide NO help for small businesses in the USA succeed. I followed all of the Amazon's rules, used all of their advice on setting up both my account and Amazon Merch store. I priced everything based on Amazon's recommendations and even made it so that Amazon could make a good profit.....and I still got fucked by Amazon.
Fuck you Amazon!
- Can we see one of your T-shirt designs?SlashPeckham
- Here area few of them
https://i.imgur.com/…utopian - Thanks, China!Gnash
- Retail is hard. You need ads, seo and social clout as well as the right product. Then months of testing different scenarios on your store before you see anythinSlashPeckham
- The anti-Amazon rumbling in tech circles is getting louder and louder. It's a cesspool for indies. Curious why you went with them? You figure big pool o'custom?Nairn
- Someone recommended it to me. Thanks for the heads up!scarabin
- Why does the man and woman look so familiar utopian? Is that from some 70s/80s sci fi? I like it.canoe
- It's the Pioneer Plaque
https://upload.wikim…Nairn - Your “designs” look really familiar. Like I’ve seen them before. Maybe on a nasa vehicle, or an old design book.monospaced
- utopian designed the pioneer plaque. NASA just used Chinese to steal it via amazon. Who woulda thought ;)monospaced
- Switch to threadless! Been troublefree for me. And put your effort into promoting (even advertising) on social.microkorg
- My threadless got picked up by a japanese 'zine and I made more in a fortnight than i'd made in the past few years!microkorg
- The Pioneer Plaque wasn't the design that was stolen, I had at least a 16 designs up on Amazon's website. I was asked to share some of my shirt designs.utopian
- cool - I'd love to see some of your other T-shirt designs. It's really interestingSlashPeckham
- Hey Microkorg. Whats your threadless space?, That's cool about the japanese exposure.BH26
- https://undgndtv.thr…microkorg
- Clever stuff microkorgSlashPeckham
- grafician1
Just so you guys know, if you're posting t-shirt designs on twitter and even mentioning the magic word "t-shirt", there are bots scrapping the images and dropping them in automated online shops available for sale in like 10-15 min after you post!
- So... I should screenshot this post, share it with a hashtag and description including "t-shirt", then let the bots generate free wearable PSAs so folks know!evilpeacock
- https://waxy.org/201…SlashPeckham
- microkorg0
grafician, but they can only steal the artwork for print if it's of decent quality.
A 1080x1080 insta/twitter pic or a screengrab from Threadless etc isn't going to be printable.
- Its not like the companys are going to be bothered about the quality of what they sell...
- Its not like the companys are going to be bothered about the quality of what they sell...
- canoe0
I'm not sure if I'm overthinking this, but I've got a production question.
I'm working on a sci fi theme of a bust or headshot, to create the tech feel I've been playing around with "engraving" - actually mono turned me onto the idea but for a different application.
So if I were to print this on a black shirt, would I simply keep a black background in a TIFF or would I have to cut the image out (clipping path) and turn to vector and save as EPS?
I can send the clipping path work to India and pay for it... so I don't need cut any corners, just want to do it right. Thoughts?
- Don't know their printing methods but when I did an image on a black background for some shirts on Mysoti I had to remove the black and save transparent.webazoot
- Else you get a printed black background in the image, which looked less effective. Not competely sure if that helps or if its what your asking?webazoot
- It does, I wasn't sure if there was specific kind of black that worked.canoe
- if you want to do classic screenprinting and keep it single colour, you would have to invert your artwork and print with white ink on black fabricd_gitale
- if the website you are using allows you to do so in their set-upd_gitale