Overpopulation > Solution
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- 40 Responses
- GeorgesIV
Hello guys and girls,
after years of research,
Me GeorgesIV, have come up with the perfect plan to save this planet, I know most of you will agree with me because I've read many time the laments of my fellow QBNers about overpopulation and came up with a serious plan to save mother earth and all of us at the same time.No matter your religious beliefs, sexual preferences, skin color, geographical location, this solution will not discriminate and is the best for everyone and you won't believe how simple it is.
Here it is:
No one, I repeat no one under 5 feet and 10 should be allowed to reproduce, ever.
Those under that size will off course still be allowed to have sexual intercourses, but only after a small quick and painless sterilisation, this plan should be applied worldwide.
Think about it seriously, there is no other way to bring the population down while creating a better race without killing billions in a painful manner
- Continuity0
- uan0
your propaganda pic is shit. Everyone here knows that tiger baby would totally devour that black kid's hand.
Always knew you were one of them.
- GeorgesIV-4
I'll be waiting for a better solution!!
- detritus0
Nonsense! It should be the exact opposite, with only people UNDER 5'2" being allowed to reproduce.
If we can reduce humanity's stature, we can can fit more people in for the same mass, making better use of the resources we still have.
- iron hard logicdrgs
- this is so stupid, they are already more short people in the world, my plan will lead to better humans, can you really compage dutchs to britsGeorgesIV
- Given we're shorter than those mountainous Dutchies we're already ahead on the evolutionary curve.. as seen in this context, anyway.detritus
- To let them remain, I suppose we could lob off their limbs below the knee. put them on wheels, seeing as they like cycling so much.detritus
- Taller isn't better. More complications with lungs & heart.microkorg
- detritus-1
...no short'n'tubbies though, so Honduras is OUT.
Nuke it, and Holland, from orbit.
- Continuity2
The benefit of detritus's idea is that all of those unused castles in Europe, and all of those unused colonial fortresses in the Americas built for pre-industrial Revolution short people? That's new housing!
- Mm, and ultimately we could mezzanine entire floors of tower blocks, quickly doubling capacity in cities everywhere.detritus
- GeorgesIV-3
- lol. It warms my heart that you read and screenshot my commentsyuekit
- lol, sorry I just did a quick google search and you were the first :)GeorgesIV
- none less than a staggeringly super-colossal cunt has ever used the word 'manlet'********
- Ha-ha lol, this thread pleases me. Well the consolation prize for the British is that the collosal Welsh will repopulate in your stead. Ha-ha I'm with ya g3********
- monoboy1
In evolutionary terms, increased height in humans is attributed to diet in childhood and access to diary produce in particular.
As global warming starts to impact on the worlds ability to feed itself, high resource intensive farming like diary would decline.
Thus reversing this evolutionary trend back to shorter humans.
So why waste important resource and time, start culling everyone over 5' 10" is the right thing to do.
The smug fuckers.
- Plus, shorter folk fight like lions.monoboy
- Cmoooon, everyone knows "glocal warming" is just a lie invented by the NWO/Jews/reptilians. I read it on 4chan and we know they are never wrong.yuekit
- global warming will not impact if you freaking shorties just stopped reproducing, didn't you read a single word of what I wrote??GeorgesIV
- mekk-2
I think the overpopulation topic is not solvable by just being less humans. What needs to be done is spreading the wealth not amongst the 500 richest people, but under the 7.999.999.500 other people.
- Sounds like socalism to me m8yuekit
- And why is this a bad thing?mekk
- Southern California has led to nothing but daeath and miseryyuekit
- ...because of socialism? SoCal != Socialmekk
- I want to downvote this immature nonsense more than once ..coldarchon
- fadein111
- ********3
Height, inherited wealth, beauty.... Always humorous when dolts take personal pride in something that they possess through no personal effort or accomplishment whatsoever.
- Let's kill off the unsubstantially smug********
- stop upvoting yourselfGeorgesIV
- keep telling yourself that********
- Taking this all a little seriously, set?detritus
- Yep, finding something humorous
= super cereal******** - the fuck are you on about?********
- set always take everything literally, he rarely get the jokesGeorgesIV
- lol, SUCH FUNNY THREAD MATE!********
- Comedy genius********
- once again, no one is forcing you to participate, you literally always proving how low is your self controlGeorgesIV
- lol, at what point did I say I didn't want to participate? A participate exactly the amount I wish to, due to unwaveringly impeccable self control.********
- I've got a better idea, let's steralize the short poor and ugly instead********
- Let's kill off the unsubstantially smug
- ********0
- Oh. The future of the human race, according to this Grand Plan™.Continuity
- GeorgesIV-5
ok, we can keep half of the shorties,
but under 5"5 they have to go!!
- Projectile1
If there was a way to make it difficult for women to conceive once they'd given birth twice, it would solve half the problems in this world.
They tried a more forced version of that in India, though, and it was bloody horrific!