Wordpress Custom Fields

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  • 8 Responses
  • mg33

    Any of you Wordpress guys really skilled with custom fields, and more specifically the Advanced Custom Fields plugin?


    I use that plugin for custom pages now, but looking to do something more complex. I'm looking to create a page with custom fields, that pulls all thumbnails for portfolio posts into a grid. Needs to grow as more portfolio pages get added.

    I can't use the site's current portfolio page for this, because the number of posts shown is connected to the number of blog posts that display on a separate page. Looking to isolate the controls for this new page from that and not mess with the blog.

    Can anyone point me in the direction of what I need to code so that it gets all portfolio posts, and displays the info I need? I can handle the content display part (thumbs, heading, etc), I'm pretty good with that part.


  • Centigrade1

    you don't need the plugin for this... you need a new page with a custom template associated with it. Then query all the portfolio posts and grab the thumbnails from them.

    • I do in some regards; there are custom fields in my portfolio posts now. Need to leverage those.mg33
    • ah, then you can query the portfolio posts and grab the custom filed data... for images look here:
  • FallowDeer1

    Sounds like you need to create a new custom post type?

  • fadein110

    Create a new custom post type and associate the custom fields with that post type.
    Funny - I have just started using this to create better admin areas for clients.

  • fadein110

    Custom Post Type UI is a useful plugin to set everything up within Wordpress.

  • mg330

    Here's the thing. I might not be describing some of this the right way. In the admin screen, there's a Posts section, and a Portfolio section. Portfolios don't display in the blog, and blogs don't display in the portfolio.

    There's a setting in Settings > Reading called "Blog pages show at most X" where X is currently 10. This same number applies to the existing portfolio pages.

    I don't want to increase the number for both; I want to keep blogs at 10 per page, and for a new custom portfolio page (or modified existing page, which is turned off on the site now), I want unlimited per page.

    That's why I'm figuring that I can leverage the existing portfolio content on a new page. That might not even require custom fields, except for leveraging what I've already added to existing portfolios.

    • Sounds like you need to create a new custom page template to display your portfolio post types, as others have said.nocomply
    • A new custom post type shouldn't be necessary.nocomply
    • yep just create a new template with a custom query on it.fadein11
  • Centigrade0

    Are you coding this with PHP? Or just using a sersies of plugins to help you?

    It's easy to increase the number of posts shown if you are writing page templates with php.

    Use a loop like so:

    $args = array(
    'post_type' => 'YOUR POST TYPE HERE',
    'posts_per_page' => 1000,
    $loop = new WP_Query( $args );
    while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post();?>


    <?php endwhile; ?>


    The key part is the posts per page... you can change that number to whatever you want.

    • posts_per_page => -1 for unlimited posts to displaynocomply
    • Thank you! I think this is what I'm aiming to figure out.mg33
    • Just be careful if you're doing a huge query for tons of posts. Could get really slow.nocomply
  • mg330


    Thanks again for posting that. Helped me look around existing pages and I lucked upon realizing that I can grab existing code used on the homepage template and repurpose it:

    $args = array(
    'showposts'=> 6

    $temp = $wp_query;
    $wp_query = null;

    $wp_query = new WP_Query();
    $wp_query->query( $args );


    <?php if ( $wp_query->have_posts() ) : ?>


    <?php endwhile; ?>
    </ul><!-- .fromportfolio-items -->
    </div> <!-- .portfolio-items-wrap -->
    </section><!-- #fromportfolio -->
    <?php endif; wp_reset_query(); $args = null; ?>

  • mg330

    A few more things:

    My main goal is to change the layout of http://www.expeditionbureau.com/… (which isn't used on the live site, but is an existing theme page) to be more like http://www.expeditionbureau.com/…, which is a custom page I created last year, because I want the descriptions to display for each feature. If I can modify the current portfolio page, I've got the advantage of pagination already built in to avoid pages being too long. I just can't find where exactly that portfolio page lives in the theme structure.

    The issue page uses custom fields for thumbnail, link, overview, and name. I would start integrating anything not available in a portfolio post into portfolios as a custom field, and just access it via the PHP.

    • /portfolio is using archive.php or archive-portfolio.ph...

    • ^ nice, that's a great chart. Thanks!mg33
    • estetic - you're right - I found that easily. So if archive.php is this page, what is the archive page for blogs?mg33
    • Looks like page.php or page-blog-page.php, something like that - bit of a weird setup, did you do the original build?estetic
    • Inspecting the source and looking at the body tags is a good place to start when chasing template routingestetic
    • Thanks again. It's usually easier than this, and I haven't worked on modifying this theme in a couple years.mg33