Donald Trump

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  • utopian1

    The 24/7/365 shit show must go on!

    Paula White, a White House employee and Trump's spiritual advisor, calls for 'satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now'…

    • IF this works, isn't it technically forced abortion and against what they stand for?
    • But abortion of a women's right? You idiots, get your beliefs consistent. Triggered QBN™Hayoth
    • typical capitalist trying to trademark shit. Are you a Koch Brother?MrT
    • look at that face on him, how's that NOT punch-able?renderedred
    • It was taken out of context, but it's also 2020 and this lunatic is literally demonizing political opponents.garbage
    • And @hayoth What the hell are you even talking about?garbage
    • It's kind of sad that somebody who seems to think of himself as a firebrand that's triggering the libtards, you don't seem to know the definition of triggering.garbage
    • Just because somebody thinks you're ignorant and asinine doesn't mean they're triggered.garbage
    • Hayoth's comment makes no sense at all. It's even more idiotic than an idea of a satanic pregnancy, or that prayer is real. Only morons believe in either.monospaced
    • The most concerning thing here is that we have dumbfuck mumbo jumbo and some cunt whispering in tongues in the white house. This is unconstitutional.monospaced
    • lol bizarre.fadein11
  • Ramanisky20

  • Ramanisky20

    When you’ve lied over 15,000 times ... what’s one more.

    • the one lie will come that will be the singularity for his crash.neverscared
  • neverscared1

    • Legitnbq
    • His quid pro'd every fucking country we've been giving money to since his first day on office.robotron3k
    • there is no doubt about Trump’s guilt; the facts are undisputed.neverscared
  • elahon0

    • It's funny but it's like a 3 terabyte filerobotron3k
    • 487KB to be exact. Upgrade your internet.elahon
    • looks like he is going to testify according to romney, o boi if they get their hands on that secret white house server with trumps criminial activity on itneverscared
    • putin wil not be amused.neverscared
    • A+ Photoshop skillsomahadesigns
    • Actually this will surely cheer up Ramrobotron3k
    • CheeredRamanisky2
  • whatthefunk4

  • Krassy7

  • sarahfailin3

  • BusterBoy8

    MAGAt #cult

    • Warriors of God.PhanLo
    • these kids with the hippity hop12xu
    • they hate blacks but love their raputopian
    • "We're here to blow............... the liberal's lids"elahon
    • Imagine the Hitler Youth had youtube.ben_
  • BusterBoy4

    • criminicuhl covfefeKrassy
    • he needs higher grade denture glue.inteliboy
    • What did that orange turd say?nbq
    • i think it's amazing that a tangerine can speak at all. gotta give it to it.scruffics
  • PonyBoy-4

    @ 1:30

    This interview is from this past August. Bolton refers to the phone call between Trump and the Preezy of Ukraine (the 'Congratulation' call that has been the topic now for months and the actual reasons for impeachment where derived from) as 'very warm and cordial' (@ 1:40). There is no sign of Bolton being even slightly worried / concerned about anything thing regarding that call... he goes on to speak about how well things are going.

    So... given that reality... whatever Bolton's book has to say should be taken with a grain of salt at best (of which the news has been all over the last couple days BUT w/out an actual fucking quote because one doesn't even exist yet — once again left-leaning media is reporting hearsay as fact — shit reporting even if we eventually find out that Bolton is butthurt in his book).

    I wonder if the man's mustache is individually as butthurt as he is for getting fired. I'm pretty sure that stache has plans of it's own...

    • but....but her emailsutopian
    • Testifywagshaft
    • They are all quite good at the lies...until reality kicks their ass, then they deny for as long as they can, eventually caving in.formed
    • Was thinking the same thing, formed. What's really a shame though is Bolton could be speaking honestly in his book and just blowing smoke in the interview.PonyBoy
    • If that's the case and he does get called before the Senate he and the Dems are going to look silly... regardless of what narrative is true.PonyBoy
    • Disgruntled & bitter old man who got fired is now all of a sudden singing a different song and selling a book. Pfft.Krassy
    • under oath, i expect he'd have some valuable information.wagshaft
    • Do you think that he heard the calls or if he’s just reporting them “warm and cordial” because that’s what Trumps team was saying about it? He might not havemonospaced
    • If he didn't hear the actual call then what can he actually add to the conversation other than another opinion based on hearsay?PonyBoy
    • Anyway... if his book's narrative competes w/what he happily states in the interview you can bet this video will be dropped on him while under oath...PonyBoy
    • ... with the expectation that he explain himself. He will look weak (and silly) and will hurt the Dem's argument to remove Donny.PonyBoy
    • I'm guessing he's just butthurt...
      hell hath no fury like a mustache scorned
    • The Trumptard's eat their own..Who would have thought?utopian
    • Well the transcript came out after. But he clearly knew a lot more beyond the call. The whole situation is a lot more than just that call.monospaced
    • Jesus, trump would be a janitor by now if it actually mattered what he said in interviews and on Twitter. I want to hear from them, all of them, under oathscruffics
    • ...or in prison. Bottom line, disgruntled employee is a weak line of defence. How many times have YOU talked shit to your client about the company you work for?scruffics
    • Hehe, Bolton has 13 books so far, he know how to spin yarn....robotron3k
    • that's at least 13 more than the cheeto has ever read!scruffics
    • the logic that "warm and cordial" is equivalent to he didn't say/do anything wrong does not follow.dorf
    • It opens the door to question the man's integrity... like it or not. Supposedly he has something to 'testify'... if he does — this interview will be brought upPonyBoy
    • ... and it will call in to question whether you can even trust the ol' war hawk (whom the left suddenly loves.. go figure).PonyBoy
    • It's funny that you guys keep discrediting this as 'hearsay' while the WH hasn't offered any proof that it was hearsay.mathinc
    • And this 'opens the door to question the man's integrity... like it or not' while Trump lies constantly and... it's rich Pony. Absolutely rich.mathinc
    • Ya'll are limber as fuck in your defense of the biggest twat that ever twat'ed.mathinc
    • there is a transcript and plenty of people on the call that had no issue w/it. The only folks that have tripped out here are provably (including the...PonyBoy
    • ... 'whistleblower') are arguably anti-Trumpers. This entire ordeal IS political.PonyBoy
    • - 'are arguably'
      This is all political... the most certainly are anti-trumpers or Obama holdovers. This isn't a conspiracy—it's factual... and purely political.
    • Okay, so getting vulnerable foreign allies to investigate your rival is just 'political'. Sounds good.mathinc
    • If there is reason / justification for the investigation (which there is)... then yes - get to it. That's part of his fucking job.PonyBoy
    • expand on your justification. what illegal act did the bidens commit?dorf
  • robotron3k-3

    • He'd have the same title for Trump. Pulling out of Syria is just the type of thing that gets Bolton's undies in a bunch.wagshaft
  • Miesfan2

  • elahon-2

    ALL THE WITNESSES: Ok we all agree. This is what happened.

  • elahon11

    ALL THE WITNESSES: Ok we all agree. This is what happened.

    REPUBLICANS: None of you were in the room!

    BOLTON: *raises hand* Well I was in the...

    REPUBLICANS: Who asked you?! Shut up! You’re a liberal pawn!

    BOLTON: Um... I’m actually I’m a lifelong Republican and I was literally Trump’s national security advi...

    REPUBLICANS: Shut your mustache! Somebody bring back the first national security advisor.

    FLYNN: *in orange jumpsuit* Hey sorry guys I’m in jail lol.

    REPUBLICANS: What? Why?

    FLYNN: For lying to the FBI about the Russia investigation.

    REPUBLICANS: Well what idiot told you to do that?!

    FLYNN: The Pres...

    REPUBLICANS: Shut up! No one believes either of you!

    KELLY: *raises hand* I believe them. And I was Trump’s Chief of sta...

    REPUBLICANS: Shut up! Let’s talk to the current chief of staff. Who is he?

    MULVANEY: *raises hand* It’s me. Sort of. Well, I'm the act...

    REPUBLICANS: Shit. Never mind.

    PARNAS: *raises hand* I was also in the room. In fact, here’s a cell phone video of the President saying that...

    REPUBLICANS: Wait what?! How in hell did you sneak a cell phone into a meeting with the President?

    PARNAS: It was easy I just walked right in and...

    REPUBLICANS: Shut up! You’re a criminal!

    PARNAS: Correct. So I just walked right into...

    TRUMP: I don’t know him.

    PARNAS: And here’s 500 pictures of me with the President because we’re besties.

    REPUBLICANS: Wait... What idiot introduced you to the President??

    PARNAS: His personal lawyer.

    REPUBLICANS: Cohen??

    COHEN: *also in orange jumpsuit* Hey no sorry guys I’m in jail too. Oops.


    COHEN: For campaign finance violations.

    REPUBLICANS: Whose campaign?

    COHEN: The Pres...

    REPUBLICANS: Shut up! Who was the campaign chair??

    MANAFORT: *also in orange jumpsuit* Yeah. Me. Also in jail. Heyyyy.


    PARNAS: It was Giuliani.

    YOVANOVITCH: Giuliani! That’s the guy who had me fired from my job!

    REPUBLICANS: Who are you??

    YOVANOVITCH: I was the ambassador to Ukraine.

    REPUBLICANS: Wait, you had her fired? Do you work for the government??

    GIULIANI: Nope. But I figured no one really follows any rules around here so...

    REPUBLICANS: Well who is the ambassador to the European Union??

    SONDLAND: *raises hand* It's me. I was also in the roo...

    REPUBLICANS: F@$&!!!

    PUTIN: *rubs his bare chest*

    • Why didn't Nancy & Adam and the rest of Dems in Congress call Bolton during the Congressional hearings? Someone didn't their fucking job(s).PonyBoy
    • < That's the gist of it alright.mathinc
    • lol did you write this? this is great!_niko
  • tank023

    Wind Energy strikes back!…

  • CygnusZero40

    Sounds like bolton will be blocked from testifying. Trump has been crowned a king, will be free to rig elections and basically do whatever he wants, and trials are now totally meaningless with 0 witnesses. RIP America.

    • "I want to go to USA and live a better life..." -1.4 Billion that want to move from the Americas into USArobotron3k
    • No one wants to move to this toilet right now.CygnusZero4
    • NEW witnesses should be blocked... if you wanted Bolton and anyone else they should have been called by Congress during the initial impeachment hearing.PonyBoy
    • It's cute how Dems are 'blaming' the right for blocking witnesses when you had your chance during the congressional hearing to call these people...PonyBoy
    • ... all Nancy and Adam had to do was fucking call Bolton during their impeachment hearings. Bunch of fuck ups... but yeah - blame pubs. <3PonyBoy
    • They were. The totally innocent president blocked them. They're not reporting that on OANN? Crazy.mathinc
    • And 'lol' @ 'crowned a king'. Bullshit - the Dems fucked up and didn't do their job (and have a garbage case)... The dems called 17 witnesses during...PonyBoy
    • ... the Impeachment hearings. They (Schiff / Pelosi & team) wouldn't allow ONE WITNESS from Trump's side... nobody. And you have the balls to say...PonyBoy
    • Why exactly do you believe new witnesses should be blocked? I mean, in the name of process, whats your reasoning?mathinc
    • ... 'Trump... crowned a king' when in fact the Dems fucked up by rushing through impeachment w/out planning ahead.PonyBoy
    • The process in the Senate is to hear the facts as presented by Congress... not to introduce new ones. If you have a new 'issue' you create a new...PonyBoy
    • ... Article of Impeachment and send it the fuck over w/all the evidence and present it.PonyBoy
    • That's your view on it. To me it made the Rs look stupid. They just recorded their approval that the Senate does not have oversight responsibilities of the Execmathinc
    • Let me ask you this. Do you believe after all of this that Trump was after corruption, or did he withhold aid to get Ukraine to investigate his opponent?mathinc
    • I don't know... honestly. But let me say this... if he did want Biden investigated - so what? The Bidens are wrapped up in some provably sleazy shit...PonyBoy
    • ... I don't see Trump trying to investigate any of his other opponents. He wants the Bidens held accountable... BOO HOO. It's perfectly legal...PonyBoy
    • ... to investigate criminal activity regardless if it's your fucking political opponent. And to comment on 'holding the aid'... again -so fucking what? They...PonyBoy
    • ... still got their aid... and it was on-time. It's funny how you're worried about their aid when for 8 years Dabomba sent them blankets.PonyBoy
    • I'll leave it at this: This is purely political... if you like the fact Trump wants Biden investigated for corrupt ties to Ukraine then you should probably...PonyBoy
    • ... stop watching the News. This shit isn't going away w/Biden and his disgusting son. They ARE criminal... provably. Good for Trump investigating them.PonyBoy
    • *if you DON'T like the fact Trumps wants Biden investigatedPonyBoy
    • I'll find the clip if you need to see it. Biden BRAGS to the press about HOLDING FUNDS FROM UKRAINE unless they fire the attorney investigating...PonyBoy
    • ... the CORRUPT company of whom his son Hunter was a board member. Why wouldn't you investigate that?PonyBoy
    • I've seen the clip. But it seems you haven't done even a modicum of digging for why he wanted the guy fired, have you? You do realize that was supported by themathinc
    • IMF, EU, US Gov (including R's). The richness of the entire thing is that they all wanted him fired because he was a corrupt prosecutor.mathinc
    • The entire reason for having him fired was to root out corruption. Now on the other points you raised.. lets say that the Bidens being corrupt is a bananamathinc
    • .. then the Trump corruption is like a train full of bananas. Let's just agree they cancel out and move on to another thing you said.mathinc
    • You said, 'So what if he wanted the Bidens investigated.' See this is the problem. He wants them investigated because WHY? His job is to represent the people,mathinc
    • Dude... Hunter worked for a corrupt company w/out being paid a fortune w/zero experience in what that company does. That company was...PonyBoy
    • NOT represent Donald J Trump. In this case he illegally witheld federal funds to improve his chances at staying president. That's an affront to democracy.mathinc
    • And your stance on this issue is only your stance because for some reason you support him.mathinc
    • ... under investigation as they are corrupt as fuck. Daddy hooked his kid up w/a pretty job and HELD AID until the attorney investigating the co...PonyBoy
    • *w/out = while (sorry... typing fast)PonyBoy
    • You have zero proof daddy hooked him up with anything first of all. His daddy's position probably did. Wait, now do the Trumps.mathinc
    • ... was fired. Point is - Biden did exactly what Trump did. Withheld aid to demand and investigation into corruption... because something IS off there. Why...PonyBoy
    • Tell me about Trump Tower in Turkey and how we just handed Turkey a win over our allies the Kurds.mathinc
    • ... the fuck did Hunter EVER get that position??PonyBoy
    • Tell me about Ivankas trademark haul in China.mathinc
    • Tell me about how Trump said the China Phase one was signed like a year ago, sending the markets soaring with a lot of bets placed on it - when it wasn't true.mathinc
    • Tell me about foreign countries pouring money into hotel stays at Trump properties and not even occupying the rooms.mathinc
    • Tell me about how a 1/3 of his presidency has been spent at Trump properties.mathinc
    • Investigate the FUCK out the Trumps. Please! And if you find something that sticks... get rid of them. I'm not a Trump supporter, Tom... never have been.PonyBoy
    • Tell me how Kush got funded by Qatari $, after Trump went after them publicaly.mathinc
    • I didn't vote for the fucker and talk plenty of shit about him when he deserves it. However I'm reasonable and the facts of this impeachment...PonyBoy
    • ... are an utter fucking joke. Even if he held back aid and wanted an investigation... GOOD! There were facts that demanded and still demand an investigation.PonyBoy
    • ... and the kid of the VP getting paid is a huge deal. I don't agree with Hunter's deal at all.. but you're a hypocrite if you don't also see Trump corruption.mathinc
    • Honestly... some of the shit your listing is petty at best. Trump isn't supposed to go out of business because he's preezy. He's lost money btw.PonyBoy
    • Why do all the people who support Trump say they're not a Trump supporter? In any case, you are wrong and you are believing lies to justify your support.mathinc
    • 'Investigate the FUCK out the Trumps.' They did, Mueller found a lot. This investigation found a lot. But you and the rest of his supporters havemathinc
    • Uh... calling the Dems out as full shit of doesn't mean I'm backing Trump. Their arguments and entire case are silly at best... they're a continuation of...PonyBoy
    • your fingers in your ears and your brains doing fucking yoga just to not process it.mathinc
    • ... the Dems on-going inability to LOSE WITH GRACE. You fucking lost... instead of voting him out w/a better candidate you clowns choose this road...PonyBoy
    • ... and hold the country fucking hostage w/out passing a single useful bill. Jesus, math... look at the fucking clowns running for president...PonyBoy
    • ... including Trump. FFS.. I'm a little worried.PonyBoy
    • Yet you sit here YELLING about the BIDENS rampant corruption!! But not one criticism of Trump. Might be why any logical person would call you a supporter.mathinc
    • This impeachment trial is a joke. There is no crime—there is nothing wrong w/investing possible crimes even if it's your opponent. Yay! You impeached him tho!PonyBoy
    • Alright, this has been fun. Gotta get back to it. Too many kids to provide for.mathinc
    • Lol... I owe you a taco fest weekend, dude... you, the wife and kids. I also have mad-access to Pepsi Amphitheater shit I wanted to share... text me. <3PonyBoy
    • Nice.MrT
  • utopian0

    • Apparently this was in concrete that hadnt yet fully dried. Just sayin. The fence (not a wall he promised) is still a massive waste of money that WE paid for.CygnusZero4
    • Fell on the Mexico side, so they have to pay for it.jbasnight
    • Blown over by all the hot air coming out of Republican's mouths trying to say Bolton is a deep state liberal plant.wagshaft
    • How about all that heat from the Dems demanding new witnesses because they failed to prove / solidify their case in Congress (like they're supposed to)?PonyBoy
    • Do you think there should be witnesses? Bolton, Mulvaney, Guliani who can provide 1st person accounts? Hunter biden and whistlerblower on corruption claims?wagshaft
    • Hell yeah... bring them all in... every last one demanded by both sides. We'll be here through the summer but I'm all for hearing everyone under oath.PonyBoy
    • high five.wagshaft
  • utopian0

  • sephil0

    Trump’s biggest logo design crimes, ranked…