The More You Know ★

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  • Akagiyama3

  • akiersky2

    This dystopian device was used to extinguish the Kuwait oil fires after the Iraqi invasion. It’s called the „Big Wind“ and can blow out burning oil wells like candles. Two MiG-21 fighter jet engines mounted to a tank.…

    • Made in Hungarysted
    • Ah yes Hungary number one country in blowing technologygrafician
    • Yeah well Romania already took the glory of "we suck at everything".sted
    • Weren't you deported from Hungary?grafician
    • ooo a eastern block flame war.
      michaeljacksonpopcor... but with a Gopnik and instead of popcorn it's radish flakes.
    • Ah just some Balkan Tusken tried to spit up, while still standing under it.sted
    • But Romania is not even in the Balkans you idiot, maybe that's why you got deported, you were too dumb even by hungarian standardsgrafician
    • look at the tiny man trying.
      47 mentions for Romania just on the Balkans wikipedia page.
    • Do you see Romania OUTSIDE that Balkan peninsula?

      Do you need glasses or are you really that dumb?
    • seems top heavy...pango
    • Looks like something from command and conquer red alertGuyFawkes
    • can u redesign it to a vaporizer for burning man?neverscared
    • Giant vapepango
    • double vapested
  • PioneerDJ3034

  • grafician-6

    sted: "Romania is in the Balkans"

    Romania: Not in the Balkans

    The Balkans: We're actually in Bulgaria

  • sted8

    Remember kids, Romania is in the Balkans

    • You're embarrassing yourself further but okaygrafician
    • Yeah I'm the one who gets burned with his own post :D pity that you're so delusionalsted
    • "Hungarians define it: The Balkan starts at the Southern side of Carpathians. Transylvania is not part of it, pre-first-world-war Old Romania belongs to it."grafician
    • So yeah I guess you being a Hungarian fucker would say Romania is in the Balkans while nobody would believe yougrafician
    • Hungarians also say that Transylvania is a Hungarian territory.

      While again nobody would believe you hahahahaaaa
    • And if you think you "burned" somebody again that a look at the map I posted you dumb fuck

      Do you how to read a map do you?
    • Now tell us why you got deported from Hungary? All the way to Australia of all places lol

      Now you consider Australia a Hungarian territory too?
    • tesla was from the balkan ,, just sayin.neverscared
    • now u r all drving a car inpsired by himneverscared
    • Well if we consider facts, Tesla was born in today's Croatia and he was...Serbian I think?

      You could say Tesla was NEAR the Balkan Mountains in a way lol
    • u can use it as a synonym for the south east region of europa i think.... still funny though that people are trashin balkan while their cars name is from a dudeneverscared
    • from there.neverscared
    • But there's no synonym, I guess the region sted keeps mentioning like a lunatic is the former Yugoslavian region in a way, but not even than

      It's silly
    • sted didn't even mentioned the wikipedia. fucking article he copied this shit from

      Guess facts don't count when you're trolling
    • https://en.wikipedia…
      the first search result
      it's at the bottom.
    • tbh, i had to google where Romania and Hungary is... lolpango
    • LOL This is ridiculous, I'm laughing my ass off. How can someone be this stupid?sted
    • he's very worked up at the moment. i'd give him some space.pango
    • LOL so you started this shit cuz you found an obscure link and you contradict the world based on THAT?!

      I'm stunned by your stupidity really
    • A comparison would be that Canada is in the US actually, based on the fact the same 2 countries are in North America

      Your logic is...wait... you have none!
    • Not to mention giving you a BIG fucking map you ignored

      Bruh grow the fuck up
    • I'm sorry for the ones who give birth to these, they are so unfortunate.sted
    • 1. This post was made from the page you, @grafician shared.sted
    • 2. You're constantly insult others.sted
    • 3. The same kind of racist shit you posted at 3am on a monday got people banned from here.sted
    • The Balkans isn't just a mountain range. It also refers to the entire peninsula region, which many (most?) would say Romania can be part of :)monospaced
    • *sorry its more xenophobic, than racist.sted
    • sted baby you literally have no logic again - Millions of people living around here simply consider you an idiot based on what you said okay?grafician
    • There is no peninsula bullshit, even if it's on wikipedia lol

      You clearly take for real some obscure link VS. some fucking countries that know better
    • The peninsula bullshit started a few centuries ago by some German guy, it's proven fact around here, you clearly aren't from here so you know shit, that's allgrafician
    • 47 million people live in the Balkans, and you claim to represent Millions.
      You're still in minority.
    • Anyway I'm done here, you clearly have no clue about the history of the region or whatever, you're just regurgitating bullshitgrafician
    • nah i just made a quick calc based on these numbers:
      or whatever.
    • It's true, the region has been referred to as the Balkan peninsula for centuries. It stuck, internationally, but it's not meant to be offensive.monospaced
    • Well it is. Very.grafician
    • Also doing some deskop research while people who actually live there tell you otherwise is next level insulting

      But hey, QBN lives for flame wars
    • @monospaced when it comes to benefits nobody has issues with this label. it's also a common joke about how fucked up things still are compared to the weststed
    • Wait... Being balkan's offensive?pango
    • I wouldn't get offended if people said Canada's in US... I'd simply chuckle and reply "no it's not"pango
    • It's in America :)monospaced
    • balkanisation has become an offensive word... like americanisation.... for example...neverscared
    • balkanisation is equal with chaos, violence, brutality.. because of the splitting up and tensions since the war .neverscared
    • neo nazis in norway use the word for example .. like in - balkanisation of norway.. because of immigration ... def. some nazi jargon ..neverscared
    • sted probalby knew that and wanted to provoke of course, not the brightest in the brain..neverscared
    • Yes, this makes me want to go sleep or fuck my baker, is sted Hungarian?i_was
    • also romania is not balkanized in that sense... he was trying to smear it.neverscared
    • eww no it isn't a nazi jargon. maybe in some dumbcultures in norway...
      @i_was yep :)
    • balkan is also used normaly only for the former yugoslawian states. .. in media and public..never goes to romania or greek when the use it... so sted is justneverscared
    • playing some stupid game..neverscared
    • Just checked Wikipedia does not say it's Nazi jargoni_was
    • What is wrong Balkan Weenies? There is something seriously wrong with the world!utopian
    • @neverscared THANKS for actually taking the time and UNDERSTANDING the issuegrafician
    • @neverscared https://en.wikipedia…
    • and the rest is humans making things up, but only delusional person thinks that this means anything what makes him less or more.sted
    • simply put: in these cultures saying that somebody is from the Balkan, or behaves like a balkanize means less cooperative and European.sted
    • But like the url behind the Donkeymap shows, when it comes to simple things like tourism. All countries are standing up to show their Balkan heritage.sted
    • Yep, Tesla, Serbian. Btw he was a pigeon lover.i_was
    • btw where is this from? just pure curiosity lol…
  • grafician-18

    More about sted's people - the lovely Hungarians:

    "What most Hungarians think and what they say are different things. Most Hungarians like to lie for fun, especially to badmouth other peoples. This habit goes back centuries and is not entirely sane.

    Some of the great Hungarian lies include:

    - baloney theories about the origins of other peoples
    - the fake brand HUNgary
    - fake pre-WWI censuses to forcibly assimilate Romanians, Slavs, Germans
    - denial of Hungary’s role in the Holocaust, to teach kids to do it again

    Even their medieval chronicles are by no means propaganda-free. Since they reached the Carpathian basin, they have been promoting a fictitious Hunnic ancestry as part of a drive to “recover” territories once held by the Huns, including present-day Romania. They claim they found this beautiful country nearly empty, so they were stopped by Mickey Mouse from retaking the entire past Hunnic territory.

    There is no point to argue logically with such people. Logical contradictions do not bother them. To this day, they are one day Europeans, next day Huns, Turks, and they even invented civilization when they were Sumerians"

    Also recently:…

    Not to mention they really like voting for authoritarian fascists like Orban

    No wonder pooor poor sted fled this shitty country

    Or did he? Is he really in Australia? Cuz it seems Hungarians are just liars so you never know with these shitty people

    • So as the quote says no point in arguing with shitty Hungarians like sted

    • Romania is still in the Balkans.sted
    • *Mickey Mouse is mentioned in a quote about a central European countries medieval chronicles.sted
    • How does it feels in the Balkans to get triggered at 3am on a Monday?sted
    • hmmm that sounds like racist shit talking to me. Are you going on a tantrum again graf?pango
    • Lol, many of your politicians wear purlple ifadein11
    • in an attempt to protect against witches curses and your gov started taxing witches extra on their spells to raise revenue. Glass houses and all that.fadein11
    • @fadein11 mate you have a fucking clown as PM and you make jokes about other countries?!

    • @pango these are just facts buddy about Hungarians, everybody around here knows they're shitty people sorry, guess you know don't know
      Nothing racist about it
    • It wasn't a joke, it's a factfadein11
    • Link? lol
      That sounds crazy even by Romanian standards mate
    • But I love how you guys use whataboutism to throw bullshit when you're too ignorant to actually prove it with facts...grafician
    • Guess this is the QBN way lately

      You live in an "alternative facts" world down there in UK or the US
    • nope it weirdly came back into my memory reading your anti Sted rant. Watched a doc about Romanian mysticism a while ago, it's still rife in major cities.fadein11
    • Here's one:
    • and another:
    • there are plenty of others, surely you are aware of it living there?fadein11
    • one more but google is your friend:…
    • I actually loved the concept of taxing spells, there has to be a film or novel in that, perhaps a children's book.fadein11
    • 2010?! 2011?! Mate come on, you're stretching

      I don't deny the articles, bullshit journalism is everywhere even in NYTimes that's what sells
    • That Ponta guy and other lunatic politicians nobody takes those seriously, you telling me you take Boris or you took Trump seriously? Come on

      Anything else?
    • lolfadein11
    • lol well guess the Romani "witches" had their 15 mins of fame back then

    • Romani people are everywhere, they're a nomadic people

      Confusing them with actual Romanians is a common ignorant mistake sorry
    • Anyway back to my original point, many of your politicians wear purple to ward off curses and they tax spells to raise revenuefadein11
    • Ofc not, your generalisation is silly

      The articles you've linked are not more serious than any crazy article about Trump, Bannon or other muppets like that
    • I'm done here, believe what you want, but you guys are nuts for believing all this nonsense

    • then again how many of these are true:……
    • "Most Hungarians like to lie for fun, especially to badmouth other peoples. This habit goes back centuries and is not entirely sane."pango
    • "Hungarians are just liars so you never know with these shitty people"
      seems pretty racist to me.
    • Hungarian isn’t a race, moronGnash
    • Nice mic drop with the multi-links fade-out. Oops. DerpGnash
    • My Romanian friend says that a small part of Romania (not all of it) IS part of the Balkans and that's common knowledge there.monospaced
    • Most people consider the Balkans to be a large region, but some don't. I don't see why it would be a big issue though. It's just a label :)monospaced
    • xenophobic is the word we're looking for?sted
    • Well what if Mexico started claiming Texas and California are actual Mexican states again? Would you agree?grafician
    • Balkan = Mountain range in Bulgaria
      Balkans = Large geographic area southeast Europe with a unique culture.
    • The only territory somehow acknowledged by Romanians to have some historic ties to Bulgaria (as the Balkan Mountains are in Bulgaria) is north of Dobrogeagrafician
    • It's really different from the Middle East or West Europe.sted
    • While Hungarians still claim Transylvania is theirs because fuck history if they say something it must be truegrafician
    • This isn't like Mexico claiming back US territory. It's just a reference to a region, not a dispute over national borders :)monospaced
    • We have "New Mexico" in the US, and the entire Baja California peninsula and Gulf of California is in Mexico :) Just labels, not really an issue.monospaced
    • People in these CE areas still want their preWW territories (lots of current conflicts based on these events).sted
    • I used to say that I want the Roman empire borders back. Mentioning that you're from the Balkan is an insult for some. Whatever the reason for that is.sted
    • Its worth mentioning that one side of my family left Transylvania, and not because of fun of a quest in Budapest.sted
    • so are you Jewish?grafician
    • I thought Mexico sold California to the US? Can't claim what you sold.pango
    • Gnash. I was using the word loosely you dimwitted. Also that's just how it's commonly used anyway.pango
    • Ya how is being called Balkan an insult? Got graf so worked up.
      Genuine question.
    • Words. Just use any one, redefine as neededGnash
    • Blame the population for word repurposing. Keep up with the time.pango
    • Words aren’t repurposed. Morons just don’t know how to use themGnash
    • old man yelling at skypango
    • so gaypango
  • 62

    • Don't go full Trump again sted

      You seem desperate mate :))
      Using another account to post bullshit, guess you can't win with facts
    • This post wasn't submitted by me.sted
    • Is Greece in the Balkans?drgs
    • Yes minus the islands and the Peloponnese_niko
    • The only thing to come out of the balkans was the First World War, the Yugo and Drazen Petrovic_niko
    • How about Nikola Tesla, Mihajlo Pupin, Novak Djokovic, Vlade Divac...?Milan
    • Bulgaria's contributions: the computer, the photocopier, cars' automatic gearboxes, Cyrillic alphabets...Krassy
    • ...electronic wristwatch, , Hristo Stoichkov, The Matrix' specia effects, meKrassy
    • my first architectural studio boss was from serbia.. very good designer and architect.neverscared

  • grafician-13

    Before (some Balkans all over the place):

    Between (somebody edited the - clearly wrong - map):

    "06:08, 1 May 2021 Thumbnail for version as of 06:08, 1 May 2021 596 × 383 (112 KB) Bukarester (talk | contribs)

    Reverted to a version which does not offend most of the Romanian population. Only the historical region of North Dobruja is considered to be Balkan in Romania"

    After (no more Balkans all over the place):

    p.s. next time at least ask, we're here to learn, not start stupid flame wars

    • - posts an article to defend his position.
      - gets burned with the same article.
      - goes xenophobic
      - gets a warning
      - still doesn't gives up, nor apologizes
    • *whining cunts managed to replace 1 map, but lol it is still on the official country page that Romania is a country in the Balkans.sted
    • Maps matter, context is very important in historygrafician
    • Also a kind reminder we have some maps threads:……
    • Excuse me?! Apologise for knowing more about my fucking country than some trolls on the internet?

    • The apology would be for something else. LOL.monospaced
    • Romania isnt in the Balkans.Brabo_Brabo
    • yeah monospaced the apology would be coming from sted for starting a smearing campaign for no reason

    • But yeah I do apologise for defending myself from trolls like sted, monospcaed, Guyfawks and othersgrafician
    • But yeah I do apologise for trying to set the facts straight because some idiots are ignorant around heregrafician
    • But yeah I do apologise for wasting my fucking time talking with morons that have nothing better to do than to smear people and act like lunaticsgrafician
    • They are real people, and to highlight something important, they know how to express themself without getting banned.sted
    • the apology would be for something else still, but for some reason you are incapable of self reflectionmonospaced
    • instead, you just insult and insult and denymonospaced
    • I'm not trying to fight or argue here, but instead just share a point of view from mostly the outside. Peace.monospaced
  • Nairn11

    Good work, sted. Wind him up and watch him go!

    • Grafician totally annihilating a really good thread with his nonsense again! Kick this jackass out please.Hayzilla
    • culturally and geographically a ballachekingsteven
    • true good work from orban´s illegitimate son, he send him to australia , coz u know .. christian values...neverscared
    • just kidding... still must be a clown to do that..neverscared
    • So childishi_was
    • Yeah cuz QBN tolerates real racists around here like bobo and others while trying its best to make the good ones leavegrafician
    • @Hayzilla actually sted started, get your facts rightgrafician
    • We need Graf here.
    • When he said in a side comment that it was in the Balkans, you got uber-triggered, called him an idiot, and then insulted his hungarian heritage.monospaced
    • And then proceeded to trash the rest of the page with multiple posts and arguments, with more insults and accusations.monospaced
  • BaskerviIle1

    If it's not Balkan, don't fix it.

  • Gardener2

  • neverscared2

    The Culture of Cities

    The Reith LecturesRichard Rogers - Sustainable City Episode 1 of 5
    Richard Rogers examines the ways in which buildings can enhance the public sphere and argues that over-zealous preservation allows our architectural heritage to choke our future.…

    from 1995.. not much happened i think

  • utopian0

    • Now I know, and knowing is half the battle.GuyFawkes
  • uan1

    about the pulp fiction square 1957-1994.

  • neverscared-1

  • scarabin3

    Here’s a peer-reviewed scientific paper on how to jerk off as many guys as possible in the shortest amount of time…

  • shapesalad1

    World ends 2040

    • interesting topic, I've been really trying to get through this vid but man, is this guy's voice annoying._niko
  • ok_not_ok-1

  • neverscared0