Looking for collab on blog
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- 17 Responses
- benfal
i'm in a process of possibly launching a blog about music, art, design, geek things, cinema and tv. And i'm looking for 1-3 collaborators who are willing to participate and post stuff.Anyone would be interested?
- freakpelican0
- bklyndroobeki0
Can't wait to see it. Would like to see if I can join in in a couple months when the dust settles ove' here.
- VectorMasked0
Non, mais merci!
- VectorMasked0
Puis-je avoir une baguette? nous pouvons parler après ...
- inteliboy0
They work if the content is interesting and new - not reposted / recycled stuff from elsewhere.
- jtb260
They can work. Especially if you branch out into things like video blogs/podcasts/youtube.
- Ianbolton0
You have to see what's out there already I guess man. How can you make something different or give it personality? This was originally a blog (http://cyclr.com/) then turned into it's own website due to popularity. But that was mainly due to the lack of really interesting cycling websites. There's loads of film, music, art, design and geek things sites. How will yours be any better/different?
- ********0
Will there a FUN category on your blog?
Here's my resume: http://www.qbn.com/topics/687597…
- ukit20
"music, art, design, geek things, cinema and tv"
That sounds like a wide range of stuff. But maybe it works if you have a unique slant on all of it. Anyway, Im interested to see what you come up with!
- benfal0
well my ultimate goal is to have a project that will rake cash eventually. Maybe a blog isn't the best project for that matter. So i think i may find something else, finally.
- Ianbolton0
Why don't you set up your own TV/radio channel? Or project your face and a tiger onto the moon? Or start selling sponsorship deal to people who want branded tattoos? Just ideas dude!
- ukit20
^ Or start selling tigers. This gonna be huge in a few years, everyone will want one
- capn_ron0
I wanna play! I think it would be fun to have little assignments to put up.
- renderedred0
if you're interested in what's going on in jerusalem in terms of art, music, etc. i can provide lots of content.
- ********0