Kelli Anderson
Kelli Anderson
- Started
- Last post
- 6 Responses
- organicgrid0
Stereotypical female designer...Very Feminine
Lots of pastel and pinky colors in all of her designs.
- fate0
You're joking, right organicgrid?
- No..It took me 1/100 of a second to know the designer was a chick by look at her cute designs.organicgrid
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Very well-considered design, but over-styled and over-designed.
The website could present the work better.
- CyBrainX0
I looked at the second link first for some reason and the female style never occurred to me. My impression was her style works best with content that has an historical angle. The Russ and Daughters segment was hugely impressive. I'll have to go there now since I've lived near there for the last 8 years.
- ********0
Kelli Anderson: you have a vagina.
End of discussion.