WP Theme for beginner
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- 7 Responses
- benfal99
What is the simplest possible theme for a beginner who wants to create his first website on Wordpress??
I want to code a website that runs on WP, but i can't find any SUPER basic framework to start with.
- benfal990
I know nothing about PHP and javascript.
I would say I'm "OK-GOOD" with CSS, but I'm not an "expert".
What should i start from?
- dbloc0
start with this
- bklyndroobeki0
Free or paid @benfal99
- nocomply0
If your goal is to learn the basics of WordPress theme development and gain a deeper understanding of how themes work, stay away from any theme "frameworks" such as Genesis, Headway, etc...
They definitely have their place, but if you're trying to learn this stuff from scratch they have a lot of extra code and functionality that will get in the way.
I suggest using underscores as dbloc mentioned above. That's the bare-bones theme that I use as a starting point for all of my custom themes. It's great for hacking to pieces.
A lot of the premium themes out there bundle in everything under the sun. For the most part those kinds of themes suck from a developer's standpoint, so stay away from those too.
- y stay away from genesis?bklyndroobeki
- See my comment belownocomply
- cool. not tlbklyndroobeki
- bklyndroobeki0
ck out vids on http://codepoet.com/
and lynda.com are you in nyc?
- nocomply1
As for bklyndroobeki's question on why stay away from Genesis...
I only mean that in the context of someone who is trying to learn how WordPress themes work from their most simple components.
Genesis is a great theme framework and I use it regularly in my own development, however it works a little differently than a simple, traditional WordPress theme such as underscores.
Genesis adds a lot of additional functionality that is not native to a WordPress theme that you would be developing from scratch. That functionality is totally valuable, however I feel that it adds an additional layer of complexity to account for that makes learning the basics of WordPress theming more difficult. But really, that's just my own opinion.
I feel like it's easiest to learn how things work when you strip them down to their most basic components, and that's what underscores does.
The code of all genesis themes that I've worked with has been rock solid. If you are going to purchase themes, that's my #1 recommendation.
Start with underscores, graduate to Genesis themes once you get a handle on things.
- benfal990
Thanks guys, i think http://underscores.me/ is exactly what i wanted.