Kendall Jones
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- 48 Responses
- mekk…
What are your thoughts on her?
I think she's a new marketing figure of the NRA & Co (I think so of Dan Bilzerian too!)
- severian0
I think she should be shot.
- fyoucher10
ummm, idiot? Killing for the sake of killing?
- discoduro0
I hope she gets eaten by a fucking lion. Infuriating.
- Maaku0
151,313 likes ????? Jesus fucking christ, where's karma when you need it....
- ********0
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- benfal990
she had like 50K likes friday and since gawker talks about her, her likes exploded.
I really hate that king human. How can you kill endangered animalz as a ''sport'' and entertainment?
I don't say that often, but I hope she get killed by one of those animal. Her and all the other hunter that kills those amazing animals just for fun.
- lessfloor0
Can no one stop this crazy person
- ********0
How is she not in prison?
- money talks, bullshit walksmoldero
- not illegal in africa?doggydoggdog
- well obviously it's not illegal. That's my question, why the fuck not.********
- Animals don't have lawyers.********
- retarded********
- doggydoggdog0
I think most of all the NRA's message is that a gun is a tool for protection and that you could be in danger at any time.
Going out into the savannah to kill some non-dangerous gazelles isn't their message.
She must have terrible parents.
- doggydoggdog0
- doggydoggdog0
Ten to one this Texas cheerleader claims to be pro-life.
- guaranteedmonospaced
- This is covered in the bible. God gave us the earth to rape and pillage as we please.IRNlun6
- i'll bet you one unplanned pregnancy that's she's pro-choice ;)exador1
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why dont we gang up on her ass as QBN squad and fuck the shit outta her??
- dirtydesign0
This won't sound like a good reason to keep her alive, to most of you...
Government agencies sell ridiculously expensive 'tags' to hunt very low quantities of species, to then pay for conversation. Seems to be the only way to pay for it in some countries. Whether or not they're using the money for conservation is another story.
I have a hunting license for small game and birds, which I pay for and rarely ever use. But the bulk of that price tag pays for local conservation.
- you shoot small game and birds? watch out, QBN will rape youmoldero
- that sounds like some expensive conversationscannonball1978
Fucking cunt. Deserves to be shot.