Ever been bullied?

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  • pinkfloyd0

    Googled the name of the kid who teased me freshman year and found this:


    Turns out he's a serial thief, can't find his jail mug which I saw a year ago.

  • fadein110

    I have been bullied quite intensively for 15 years on QBN - still have zero anxiety about it.

  • monospaced0

    I love going back to my hometown during the holidays and seeing those bullies all fat, working dead-end jobs, serving me food and drinks on Christmas Eve. They know what I'm thinking, and I know what they're thinking just by the pathetic, bitter and resigned looks on their faces. Feels great.

    • lol i can see mono's satisfied face in my head already.pango
    • I like tipping them at least 75% too, just to see their faces. I know it's mean, but it's my payback.monospaced
    • Better watch out they don't spit or put shit in your food...elahon
    • What, for tipping an insane amount and being a patron of their establishment? Please.monospaced
  • cbass990

    Gym class, 7th grade, the teachers would go in their office and shut the door while 30 minutes remained for us to get showered and dressed...That was plenty of time to do whatever the fuck you wanted..

    So this kid and his two friends would come push me up against the lockers...his two friends had mustaches and were in small engine classes etc..they looked 25.

    I started leaving early and somehow the teacher noticed and sent me to the principle's office. I then told them I was leaving because I was getting beat up in gym class every day. The next day the bully came up to me with his two friends and said "you narked on me!" I didn't even know what narked meant. Again, they pushed me around and finally, an older classmate stepped in and said "if you ever fuck with this kid again, you're dead." They never touched me again and I became friends with all of the older kids..

    Years later, the fucker requested to be my friend on Facebook. Go figure.

    • the bully secretly likes you and don't know what else to do to get your attention?pango
    • did you accepted?CALLES
  • detritus0

    I once bullied a kid, without really appreciating what it was I was doing.

    An English kid, not very offensive - christ, I can't even remember why I and the others didn't like him.

    I'd just gotten a printer (Citizen colour dot Matrix, oh yeaah) and would dabble with things in Deluxe Paint.

    I made up badges and a membership/allegiance form for the 'AWA', which stood for the 'Anti W---- Association' (W--- being his surname). Got a load of the kids in my class to sign up (poor kid wasn't exactly popular) and ... well, can't remember much more than that - it was a pointless secret cabal that didn't do anything other than exist for a non-purpose.

    My form teacher found one of the forms.

    I was always a bit of a twat in school - always in trouble, but I had good relationships with the teachers who weren't fundamentally assholes - they knew I wasn't a total toad, I knew where to draw the line most of the time.

    My form teahcer was one of my favourite teachers for this reason - he'd throw me out of class pretty much every lesson because I was being a show-off dick or whatever, but we always got on and he was a solid teacher.

    He called me ‘Evil’.

    At that moment I took a step back from myself and realised what an utter, utter shit I'd been.

    Parents informed, made to come in - personal apologies made.

    Mine was sincere and heartfelt - i felt terrible. I have no doubt he thought I was just filling in gaps, saying words to appease, none of it meant.

    Still feel bad about this episode to this day.


    I bet he's a multimillionaire somewhere now.

    • maybe you should make some apology signs and put them up in his neighborhoodcannonball1978
    • haha, this was all 20-odd years ago, in a country a thousand miles away. I've no idea where he is now.detritus
  • Milan0

    When I first moved to Canada, I was in 8th grade and didn't know much English. I could understand it, but couldn't speak well enough yet.

    First week of school, some kid made fun of me as I was walking to class. I ignored it. The next day, he did the same thing in front of a couple of girls as I was grabbing things out of my locker. I can't remember exactly what he said, but I know it was some nasty shit about me and my family. It pissed me off so much that I went up in his face and started yelling and swearing at him in Serbian. He didn't understand a single word, but I could tell that he got the message. He was frozen stiff with a :O look on his face. He never tried to bully me after that.

  • detritus0

    Last time I remember someone trying to bully me at school, I was about 13. A couple of local kids used to follow me and my other British chum home, making our lives hell.

    I lost it one time, and found myself ba5hing the head of the bigger guy repeatedly against a car door, Vinnie Jones style, screaming at him like some berzerker.

    He never bothered me again after that.


    Funnily enough, the major school bully guy, who was part of one of the local 'bad' families (smugglers, etc), who scared the living shit out of everyone and whose path I only ever managed to cross once (I accidentally threw a half-full box of Ribena juice drink at his head, which was fun), ended up marrying someone who worked for my Dad.

    So at my Dad's wedding a decade or so ago, I was perplexed to see this once-brutal mass of testosterone smile at me and politely ask how I was getting on with things, haha

    • lesson. as irresistible as it is. dont fuck with gingers. angry lil fuckersCALLES
      *TONK, TONK, TONK*
  • cruddlebub0

    Yeah I was bullied a whole heap at high school/secondary school. Mainly the first 3 and a half years. They were bastards, beat me, used me to help them with their homework then told the teachers I'd copied theirs, verbally were horrid, broke into my locker and stole my Panasonic cd Walkman that id worked and saved for all summer.

    The teachers were told, they did nothing, the bullies used to do most of it when the teachers left the room, or in the corridors. My mum took me to a parents evening once and made me take off my top to show them my bruises, they made accusations that it was happening at home, fucking shitty man.

    My mum made all the effort with it all and went to these kids homes to speak to the parents. Only one helped, she was the mother of the tallest and the most verbal of the bullies. She owned a corner shop and her son helped himself to fags, money, food even rolls of scratch cards. She told my mum to tell me that all I could do was look after myself.

    My dad was useless, never got on with the man...

    It took me a huge amount of something to do something about it. I waited until they next started on me, in an art class, giving me grief about pocket money, so I turned to biggest one and said that the only reason he got £20 a week as his mother hated him. He didn't take to kindly to that, got up, pulled me off my chair and hit me in the eye. With all my power, anger and rage I fucking smashed that cunt right on the nose! I used to swim for the county and was no string bean, he hit his head off the wall....goodnight!

    The teachers suspended me, mum was cool about it, dad wasn't but I didnt care! When I came back to school all the bullies wanted to be my best mate!

    It was far better after that and I suppose it shaped me into who I am, I don't take shit, but I'm not one to dish it out either. I suppose it's down to how you delt with it at the time. I'll be honest and there was a point where I wanted to top myself, but that's cowardly and selfish. I put it all down to my mum being the one who helped me through it, that and my right hook!

    • Jesus, dude, glad you got the best of the asshole. From what you hear about these days, what you went through sounds like enough to push todays kids over the edge.elahon
    • enough to push todays kids over the edge, sad to say. Fuck bullies.elahon
    • Yeah they are all cunts, group mentalities, get them on their own and they brick it. I remember hearing the rest say...cruddlebub
    • "Fuck.... What a punch" after I hit the prick! Hahaha and all the class cheering!! I burst into tears!cruddlebub
    • I have a 6 year old who's been getting teased by some of his class friends. I've taught him how to punch from a young age...cruddlebub
    • But told him never to go around being horrible and I can put my hand on my heart and say I know he hasn't...cruddlebub
    • His school report was excellent, and I am proud of him. If these kids keep picking on him, I've told him to give them 3 warnings...cruddlebub
    • Warnings... After the third... Swing away Eli! Haha. Hopefully he won't need to as I've contacted the school...cruddlebub
    • Best of luck with your son's situation. My boy is 6, too, but nothing like this has come up for him. *knock on woodelahon
    • the teachers have been good, i'd noticed a change in his mood as he was getting angry very quickly...cruddlebub
    • he told me what was going on. its been about a week now without any more. the teachers have had to tell these kids off a lot.cruddlebub
    • lot, they must of got bored.cruddlebub
  • monospaced0

    If only every little kid could have a luck dragon.

  • moldero0

    i was a scrawny little mixed breed kid growing up, back then being anything but pure white in certain places sucked. back in Montreal at age 6 i was held down by 4 teenagers while they put their cigarettes out on my back.

    at age 4 - 6 in Montreal my babysitters older son used to hunt me, and when he caught me he used to beat the shit out of me so most of the time i would be hiding under some random snowy staircase in the neighborhood till my mom would pick me up.

    Age 8 moved to Arizona, it wasn't as bad as Canada, they would only spit in my food or throw me in dumpsters n crap like that, no big deal, i remember just being grateful i wasn't getting my face punched in.

    moved to cali at age 14, after getting robbed and carjacked a few times I got into the families martial arts, Kali and weightlifting, ever since then i always kind of looked for trouble, but for someone else to start it with me or someone else before going ape shit on a bully mother fucker. funny thing is, the body language of a guy that can handle himself is like a shield in itself, so i never got messed with just walking down the street, most of my incidents were in cars

    • damn dudesine
    • positive side....
      they made you stronger would you say?

    i was 100% that a main reason we congregate here is because you were all bullied

    • pensively scratches chin stubble in contemplationmonospaced
    • YUP :]
      and i made sure they regret it.
    • Not that i'm tough. probably stupid cuz most of the bullies were bigger than me.pango
  • Continuity0

    I was routinely bullied when I was a teenager.

    Consequently, I now take it out with relish and glee on fredddddd.

  • sine0

    i picked on a girl with a physical disability at school when i was like 8 or 9. i was young and dumb, and probably had a crush on her...

    she was very upset, and her dad came to talk to me one afternoon. and this was the good part about it... he didn't get mad. he didn't threaten me. he spoke to me like an adult and explained to me that I really hurt her feelings and that it's silly and unnecessary. the next day i apologized to her, and we became good friends. #lifelesson

    • Nice. I wonder how you would have continued if he'd have shouted and threatened you...set
    • there's a proper adult.pango
    • yeah set.i will always remember this. he also acknowledged me a few days later by nodding and smiling, and it made me feel good.sine
    • ... and it made me feel good.sine
  • GeorgesIV0

    Yep, but you grow up and get over it

    • Some do, I'm sure. Certainly not all.set
    • or become a copmoldero
  • elahon0

    I got a lot of shit in grade school for being a fat kid. Then on into high school, I joined the theatre group, and my whole group of friends were targets for most of our HS career. Called "theater fags", pushed around, etc.

    I can remember I pierced my right ear in HS, and apparently, according to the jocks and rednecks, piercing only the right ear means you're gay. So of course I got shit for that. The only reason I did my right was because I'm right handed and it was easier for me to clean it! haha!

    But, my circle of friends was pretty tight, so I think that helped quite a bit. I remember one year, junior year, I think, there was an openly gay character on MTV's The Real World that had died of AIDS. This one asshole, for about a week, really amped up his homophobic game towards us, it was pretty nuts. I actually got into a pushing match with him and fists were almost thrown when a teacher came running up and broke us up. Which is crazy, but I'm a total pacifist (read theatre fag, haha). But, again, my friends were tight, so we all got each other through it.

    It really puts a pit of fear in my stomach for my son, who is 6. He's totally innocent and sweet, but I know I can't protect him forever... But he's in karate, so he's learning a lot about self confidence, and his teacher does a lot of work on "bully busters", so that's good.

    • theatre kids always get it for some reasonmonospaced
    • probably majority of the boys were taught boys should be "a man" masculinity. if you're not you're weird.pango
    • and theatre were labeled "pretty gay". personally i blame the parents and society for that conception.pango
    • in my school, and all the schools nearby, theatre did have a huge majority of gay boys in itmonospaced
    • so, at least in our districts, the stereotype was backed up with reality, unfortunatelymonospaced
    • That's funny...I remember the ear thing too. Left ear vs right ear :)ukit2
    • We did our left ear, we were all certain the right ear meant you were gay. I've heard it was the other way round though hahahaset
    • I tried my left ear once, but I'm dumb with my left hand, couldn't keep it clean during healing and it got infected, lol! Right it is!elahon
  • antimotion0

  • pinkfloyd0

    Kinda makes sense how i'm dealing with my issues today based on my past experiences. Wondering how to beat it, and coming out stronger.

    • i'm absolutely not a certified expert on this. maybe not give as much fuck as you are currently giving it? :\pango
    • that's part of it :)pinkfloyd
    • It's easy to say just ignore it. That's an ignorant comment. If it were that easy nobody would have problems with anxiety.Josev
    • "absolutely not an expert" : \pango
  • monospaced0

    I was bullied between ages 7-11 when I had crooked teeth. Then I got braces, and was teased for those for a couple years. In my hometown the population is half "white" and about half native Mexican, which caused a fair amount of racial tension—and hence, bullying—among the children. At some point in highschool I was jumped by a group of the hispanic kids just because I was "white" (that's what they said).

    • "white"set
    • well, I put it in quotes because it's a gray area just generalizing "white" as a racemonospaced
    • I'm not even 100% caucasianmonospaced
    • : )set
    • you are white and what else, curious?utopian
    • Like I said, "white" isn't a race. I have Russian/Mongolian blood in me.monospaced
    • I went to prom in 99 with a mongolian chicks, I could have been your dad ehehehGeorgesIV
    • that means I'm older than youmonospaced
    • well.... racist rarely care about your race accurately. they only care what you look like.pango
    • that's true, pangomonospaced
  • _niko0
  • MHDC0