recent vinyl finds

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  • Gardener2

    album finds in recent weeks from a few charity shops
    and a couple of boots, the sun shines on the early bird





    • "Cherry Blossoms" on the Cal Tjader is a boss trackNonEntity
  • Gardener2

    Picked up some unusual BBC records I'd not come across before
    earlier this week stuffed at the back of a box of Mantovani and James Last albums. They all have what sounds like easy
    listening background music on, they are not muzak as such,
    more light orchestral instrumentals.
    I guess they were issued to radio stations in the late 60's early
    70's? but there is little info on them online to confirm.

  • Gardener1

    I've picked up a mixed selection of 7" finds on a trip down south, I only came to Northants see my mum for a few days but she
    insisted on taking me charity shop hopping. She's got a great
    eye for ceramics and jewellery but I tend to stick to the things
    I know best and they're usually round with sound.

    yes it's (probably) rubbish but I can't leave 20p records like this
    for some strange reason.

    These 2 EP's we're sandwiched between some classical LP's,
    I was very pleased with the Moondog as I've never found
    anything by him in the wild before.

    Lovely blue vinyl horoscope disc from 1960, I guess there are more in the set...

    I'd never heard this this 70's Dutch summer tune before
    but it has a spookily familiar tune.

    a Funky Disco classic

    Scarce finger snapping tune from '63

    Even Discogs don't have this single listed, it was the theme
    to a musical about Robin Hood starring Ronnie Corbett that
    totally bombed.

  • Gardener2

    vinyl finds at a car boot, a tip shop and an auction lot win.

    I'm quite into folk music but this global lot are really Inter folk!

    This curious looking pair caught my eye in a 50p box
    but they both turned out to be line dancing records, damn.

    A tune still used today to plug things in Corby even though
    it's steel industry is long gone, it came in a nice swirly paper
    sleeve but I doubt that originally came with it.

    An unusual white label 12" from 1986 sent by Alex Pascall
    who was the organizer of the Notting Hill Carnival at the time
    to his friend John, it features 2 songs to promote the Caribbean
    Focus Festival, I could find no other info on this so if anyone knows more?

    Released in 1969 this was 1 of only 2 records released by the
    SCS the other was a year later and called Songs From Irish Pubs.

    Dear old Mike certainly loved his idol Winifred Atwell and was an incredible pianist.

    To find this LP in a charity shop in Bletchley, Milton Keynes
    is probably just as freaky as this 1966 album.

    I have a tidy copy of Ravi's first UK album from 1956
    but the vinyl on this, his third one from 1959 looks unplayed.

  • Gardener0

    An afternoon in Aberdeen turned up some interesting finds.

    I Googled 'charity shop warehouses' and discovered a couple
    of vinyl drops, with one offering a fine selection of walking sticks
    and the other picnic hampers.

    I am sure I have another copy of this 2 x LP spoken word tour
    of The Pyramids somewhere, but I know it doesn't have the little booklet insert.

    A pair of early 70's Dana Gillespie albums, the best (red) one
    has a cover of Andy Warhol with Bowie & The Spiders From Mars backing her.

    First Jamaican pressing of the second album by a priest who
    sings a strangely delightful hybrid of Christian Folk and Reggae.

    Dunno wtf this is tbh but it was signed and was on SRT
    which is an imprint that turns up unusual tunes.

    Another odd album, the sleeve and it's exclusive availability
    through the NY Herald Tribune paper piqued my interest,
    might be just rubbish though.

    odd singles, like the DVD's & CD's in the store they were 10 for a quid!

    released in a limited edition of 200 copies

    Catchy power pop, does kinda sound like Blondie

    Signed by Ruthie herself, whoooo?

    The Belgian Tornadoes!

    Very scarce (ie hardly anyone bought it) charity 7" from an
    Edinburgh band released in '82, note mis-spelling on front of sleeve.

    Nicest find was this Canadian kids picture disc released in 1948

    • That Buddha track is ace. Also I’ve got that Son et Lumiere Record too. The sleeve on it is quite enticing.scruffics
  • Gardener1

    I'm back down south for a few days and after digging in a
    handful of local charity shops came away with some curious
    singles.The first stop though was an antique centre where 7"s
    were £1 a pop, I'd actually have been tempted by more if they were 50p...

    I was the most likely chap in town to snap this one up,
    initially thought it was a joke disc, but no it's for real

    Debut disc by a power-pop duo called France/Angleterre
    ‎titled Carte De Visite in a signed fold-out sleeve.

    Odds 'n' ends found elsewhere I've not listened to them all yet, but they took my fancy.

    Orange/silver 2 x French EP released on Stampa Alternativa in 1987.

    Nicest find in a 50p box at the tip-shop was this old acetate
    featuring 4 covers of rock 'n' roll tunes by an unknown/forgotten
    band from the early 70's.

  • Gardener0

    I've picked up some strange odds and ends in the past few
    weeks, I dunno if it was a karmic payback for dropping a load
    of albums and singles at my local Shelter but I came across
    a lovely stash of folk and classical albums in a charity shop
    warehouse just hours afterwards, so I like to think what goes
    around comes around.

    No doubt quite a story behind how these 2 Scottish paper bag
    and video ad cards turned up inside a South African album sleeve.

    I have 4 of these South African albums somewhere but this one
    goes up to 11 and includes an unusual choice of Lennon cover.

    I love discovering unusual Scottish singles I never came across in Northampton.

    Another nice find to add to my football vinyl collection.

    Best find was a EX+ copy of this Trojan album by
    Tommy McCook & The Supersonics which has at least
    half a dozen stunning standout tracks.

    A John Hassell private pressing of a meditation record
    from 1966, it looks unplayed and came with a card insert.

    I'd never seen or heard of this odd album from 1975
    which is hit + miss but I think the right word is "interesting".

    • Chanlmers & Joy's was an epic record shop in Seagate, Dundee. Believe previously it was in the Hilltown. Bought much vinyl there!microkorg
    • good work. i've goit a couple of other albums from Dan Hill's Sounds Electronic seriesscruffics
  • Gardener2

    Bits & bobs picked up on a recent trip to the beautiful city
    of Perth, I was pleased to find this handful of early 60's card
    flexi-discs which were given to doctors from drug companies
    as promo discs to persuade them to use their products.

    Some drugs like Nialamide offered here once used to treat
    depression are now long out of use due to unforeseen side
    effects like Hepatotoxicity.

    Diabinese is still in use today.

    Terramycin is no longer available in many countires due to side effects.

    This vinyl disc promoting high blood pressure drug Centyl came
    in a wrap around sleeve featuring the same design as the actual sleeve.

    Away from drugs and away to the Mediterranean was the
    way ahead for Jan Cunningham who boarded the SS Uganda
    in Dundee for her trip of a lifetime.

    When Jan and friends came back from their trip on the high seas
    with all that rich food she would have given this promo disc many spins.

    One of the stars of The Rocky Horror Picture Show movie
    released this cheeky red vinyl 'triple B side' single in 1978.

    The ultimate chill-out record for plants, which turns out to be mostly classical music, who knew?

  • Gardener2

    Freddie must have taken note of this album title by the Israel Philharmonic as it came out in 1972

  • Gardener0

    Records I have picked up in the past few weeks mostly in
    auction lots, some in Northampton and one lot in Dundee,
    no prizes for guessing which country these few came from.

    This caught my eye as I thought it said on the back that the
    drummer was Bill Nelson but I'd misread it, as it was Bill Neilson and besides Bill is a guitarist anyway so it was one hell of a long shot!

    Volume 1 was withdrawn of course as it was 'With Kids'

    Almost taking the piss in such Scottish pants,
    I really am gonna have to start a 'Scottish vinyl' blog soon...

    Other bits from down south.

    His brilliant debut 7" in great nick, thanks Ronnie.

    Quirky EP which I'd not seen before but I recognised a couple of tunes.

    This single has crossed my path before but not in this sleeve

    I was well chuffed to find this pair of Century 21 EP's in the
    same box - never had a copy of the Daleks one before.

    Never seen nor heard this one before either.

    I didn't pick these up in an auction but found them in one of
    the many boxes of CD's in my garage after the move up north,
    the One Cut disc looks like I hardly ever played it and the top 2
    are We Love You Records comps and all 3 have artwork which
    makes them collectible because of some fella called Banksy.

    This was a sweet find in a charity shop in Arbroath last week,
    an un-played UK issue complete with booklet.

  • Gardener4

    Finally got round to starting a Scottish Vinyl blog with plenty of bonnie records to come : https://scottishvinylfinds.tumbl…

  • hans_glib1

  • Gardener2

  • Gardener1

    more vinyl rubbish

  • Gardener0

    It's been a while since I went digging anywhere and have since
    moved to Scotland, but rather than go back to England just yet
    I found myself digging in Wales, however just while I was visiting
    friends there.
    These were found in a handful of charity shops, nothing too
    shabby & there were a load of cheap folk EP's I couldn't resist
    picking up and I am certainly now the owner of far too many
    singles on the Cambrian label.

    Nice poster I couldn't persuade my mate to part with even for some lovely Beatles albums, can't blame him.

    £1 boxes

    No shortage of action! or girls! on this cheesy mid 70's film
    soundtrack I'd not come across before, though it should have
    come with a warning sticker, contains Robin Askwith.

    Really enjoying this one from 1968.

    Sadly no paper bag sleeve with this flexi but it does feature
    the first recording by whistling Roger Whittaker under the
    pseudonym Hank And The Mellowmen.

    I couldn't find anything online about this pair of acetates, 1 a 5" t'other 10".

    One of only a couple of singles ever released by the Daily
    Telegraph newspaper, narrated by a suitably plummy voiced lady.

    A flexi-disc personal message to cereal growers about the
    different varieties of barley, nice postal sleeve.

    Another flexi-disc, this one is narrated by the English character actor Vernon Reeves, okay yah.

    Maybe it's because of dull songs like this that politicians are
    not releasing singles anymore, this one features the leader
    of the Liberal Party throughout the 60's.

    Best of the bunch of 50p EP's I picked up, nicely signed on the back.

    • It's not a Saturday morning without some amazing finds from you. Keep DITC, cheers.garbage
  • Gardener0

    Not bad Sunday booting finds considering I only went to this one
    and was there at 7am, by the time I took this pic an hour later it
    was pretty much all over (for me)

    The best fiver I spent was on a bundle of jazz books including
    this early 60's programme which had surprising extras.

    I guess the guy (it was bound to be a guy, right?) who went
    to the show made these drawings as he sat tapping his foot.

    Inside were some beautifully handwritten notes on the show,
    so I guess he went to the show to review it, maybe for Jazz Mag Monthly?

    Finding some Scottish sevens was inevitable but I only picked
    up wheat I hadn't seen or heard of before, I don't just buy any old rubbish!

    Loved this delightfully daft Celtic-electro-poppy-folk one.

    It wasn't all Scottish singles however, this signed Irish EP
    in a fold-out fancy sleeve was irresistible.

    Always nice to find cheap 60's singles in good sleeves.

    Three 'pound a pop' albums

    This original UK mono in lovely nick was lurking in a box of Cliff albums.

    A quite beautiful sleeve.

    If they were releasing anti-cuts albums in the 80's, I wouldn't
    be surprised at an anti-vax compilation coming one day.

  • fooler0

    recent Discogs purchases that I way over payed for but reminds me of my 90's glory days...…

  • Gardener2

    This recent find of Kate Bush's Hounds of Love had mixed
    blessings, the slightly oversized outer sleeve is for the US
    promo edition which originally came with a bio/photos and
    the LP was even pressed on marble coloured vinyl, all tied up
    with a pink ribbon.

    Alas the copy I found in an animal charity shop (for £2, cheers!)
    has the outer fold-around cover + ribbon but the album inside is
    a UK stock issue with original inner/insert and not the fancy
    coloured version which I can assume the previous owner had
    swapped for this one and kept the other, but it's nice to have
    this outer sleeve and all even if it only just fits on my shelves.

  • Gardener0

    Mixed blessings at the car boots today, the early one on a local
    football field got pretty busy by 8am with cars still coming in and
    records actually coming out.

    Nice original pressings for a pound a pop, shame the
    James Taylor was stereo as I know the mono is pretty scarce.

    A slightly damaged sleeve didn't deter me from this budget issue
    especially as the vinyl was super clean.

    In the same £2 box as Muddy was a well cheese & dippy Sandy album.

    Anytime of year is good to find this seasonally name changed
    offering from The Boys - the Xmas card insert was a nice bonus!

    A trip over towards Perth to what is apparently Scotland's
    LARGEST CAR BOOT and where a lot of folk have semi- permanent stalls where they store their crap, erm stuff in
    shipping containers (!?!) and where the talk of the tables
    was that there had been a stabbing here last week, ho hum...

    I took a pound punt on this shiny labelled bootleg by Leon
    Russell (quality turns out to be thankfully pretty good)
    I stood behind a bloke who pulled all the Queen albums
    out of the box this was in, but he mysteriously left this in it
    as well as the LP below.

    It was the mention of Current 93 on the cover and the odd tracklisting that caught my little eye.

    Only found a couple of 7"s today but they were cheap & cheerful.

  • fooler2

    This was one of my first punk rock tapes I ever bought (way before Evan Dando became a teen pop star). They re released it for Record Store Day this year and I wanted it bad. Not bad enough to stand in line at 6am like a 100 other people at my local record shop. I waited until the lines died down and went to 2 shops with no luck. I even called a friend in the mid west that runs a vinyl shop and he said they only got a few and they were sold out.
    I checked Ebay and people were flipping them for twice the price.
    At first I was pissed and didn't want to pay but then I thought "Fuck it, I just paid someone $25 bucks to get up early and stand in line for a few hours for me"
    The best part was when I got it in the mail yesterday it was shipped from 2 miles away in my same town.