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- 25 Responses
- benfal99
What is the worst thing you would do to automatically get 100,000,000$ ?
- pumpaction0
Suck a camel's ass
- pango0
- benfal990
would you cut 3 of your finger with a saw? for $100,000,000
- i would do pangoCALLES
- LOLbenfal99
- Pingo pango********
- http://i.imgur.com/Y…pango
- i_monk0
Pollute a design forum with 4chan-like threads.
- bored2death0
What have you got?
- autoflavour0
you would be surprised how quickly it would go
- Continuity0
Assuming you're talking about Canadian dollars (or even American ones, for that matter), the exchange against the Euro hardly seems worth the trouble.
- ukit20
Why are these questions always so depressing?
Why not...what would the BEST thing you could do to make $100 mil
Would you do it for $1?
We've already determined what you are.
Now we just have to settle on a price.
- Knuckleberry0
a lot of things
- monospaced0
I would do Scarlett J for $100,000,000
- scarabin0
give flava flav a rimjob
- Ouch, that's desperate, son. :(Continuity
- $100,000,00 can buy a lot of therapyscarabin
- and by therapy you mean cocainelajj
- and listerine, like a case of itprophetone
- Continuity0
For 100 000 000€, I would let hedge tickle me bollocks.
- Or even that ex from when I was a teenager; the one who grew her own gravity well as she got older.Continuity
- ukit20
If you are one of these people, you can just sit around and wait 100 hours