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  • utopian1

    • science or religion + politics = mind control..yurimon
    • nah just religionutopian
    • Religion is for peeps that can not think for themselves.utopian
    • religion and science can be used for mind control. Or any ideologyyurimon
    • look at the whole global warming fiasco, perfect example. agenda 21 n green fascism. look at ityurimon
    • you think global warming is propaganda? dude, it's pure science, and religion offers NOTHING on the subjectmonospaced
    • The argument against global warming is more twisted and complex than the scientific reality of global warming.IRNlun6
    • yeah, but the twist of the issue is agenda based politics,yurimon
    • what the fuck is religion's agenda when it comes to global warming, yurimon!?monospaced
    • polital or otherwise? they're the ones twisting itmonospaced
    • Which is exactly the point yuri. The science behind is very straight forward. The agenda to dismiss it brings basic science into question.IRNlun6
    • ... into question.IRNlun6
    • science in theory is supposed to be unbiased in idea but it used in politics to manipulate..yurimon
    • example is the whole global warming fiasco. It was used in politics to impose and benefit.yurimon
    • just like an original religious premise is to be one with god or what ever. taken to manipulate for same ends..yurimon
    • so you can use science to manipulate. you can use religion to manipulate. etcyurimon
    • The science is there that proves global warming exists, regardless of the politics or manipulation as you call it.IRNlun6
    • The question is whether we're going to at least attempt to not make it worse.IRNlun6
    • Or take the 1% chance that it's a big hoax and do nothing.IRNlun6
    • WHAT MANIPULATION is science behind global warming causing?monospaced
    • global warming theory was debunked.yurimon
    •'s a belief system.utopian
  • GeorgesIV0

    This thread is triggering some repressed memories
    can the mods ban it,
    for science...

  • Morning_star0

    When science first developed in the West, it thought of itself merely as a tool to explore the natural world. It did not pour scorn upon religion; indeed, scientists were overwhelmingly religious believers (as many still are).
    Science should essentially takes us wherever the evidence leads. In modern times, however, science has given rise to 'scientism', the belief that science can answer all the questions of human existence. This is not so.
    For instance, Science cannot explain the origin of the universe. Yet it now presumes to do so and as a result it has descended into irrationality.
    There is no evidence for this whatever and no logic to it. After all, if people say God could not have created the universe because this gives rise to the question "Who created God?", it follows that if scientists say the universe started with a big bang, this prompts the further question "What created the bang?"
    As a result of such arrogance, the West - the crucible of reason - is turning the clock back to a pre-modern age of obscurantism, dogma and secular witch-hunts.
    Far from upholding reason, science itself has become unreasonable.

    • Religion is utter cock but science will I eventually merge with spirituality as we understand more about itset
    • There may be some truth in that.Morning_star
    • I think soset
  • Bluejam0

  • detritus0

    Who gives a fuck, seriously?

    This is a nonalogue that goes nowhere other than confirming and entrenching various proponents' existant beliefs; it is a nonalogue tha the vast sway of vested parties don't give a fuck about, so why bother?

    Your assertion that the Western 'crucible of science' (such vacuous bilge!) is in reverse or decline is not in any shape or form supported by external actualities, so quite what you're hoping to achieve here with your broadband transmission of your narrow band perspective, I don't know.

    Shut up, all of you.

  • Morning_star0

    'Who gives a fuck, seriously?'

    You, quite evidently.

  • detritus0

    No, I really don't — I'm just fed up with reading crap like yours which asserts bullshit derived by your own presupposition.

    Leave the US sometime, you'll realise the majority of the civilised world manages to reconcile science and belief, and where not, the respective parties shut up and mind their own business.

    None of you — nor I — are going to achieve anything by bleating into the void on an ostensibly graphics design forum.

  • Morning_star0

    - Yes, you really do.
    - No one is making you read this
    - What am I presupposing?
    - I don't live in the US
    - The amount of graphic design discussed around here is at best 25% of the conversation. I'd guess it's a lot lower, just look at the threads.

    • I came here to read about science. strange that, i know.detritus
    • Not Graphic Design? Surely you'll achieve nothing by reading science on a graphic deign forum.Morning_star
    • please note thread title.detritus
    • I'm not the one posting moronic memes like one at the top of this page.Morning_star
  • ApeRobot0

  • inteliboy0

    I'm with detritus. Come here to see interesting science news, get bogged down with boring backwards commentary and memes on religion vs science. Seriously fuck off with that brain numbing nonsense.

    • FYI, this thread topic is about how Science isn't a belief system.monospaced
    • though I guess that's the power of a troll like yurimon.inteliboy
    • yeah true, my bad. i dunno. point still stands.inteliboy
    • wordmonospaced
    • the first post in this thread is unfortunate. let it be a SCIENCE thread. the rest can go in the awful 'religion' thread.sarahfailin
    • unfortunate or not, this thread is exactly about debating it being a belief system. Sorrymonospaced
  • rabbit0

    thats fucked up

  • monospaced0

    If you want "interesting science news," go to the Science of the Day thread. My understanding, based on the history and original post content, is that this thread is for discussing whether science is a belief system or not (it's not).

    • It is ; )Morning_star
    • nope, it's just a method of figuring things out, the only onemonospaced
    • I know where you are coming from. I do understand that the definition of 'science' is essentially a process of investigation to establish the truth or otherwise of a hypothesis. However, the common understanding of what 'science' is, is evolving. Due to the agenda of fundamental atheists like Dawkins/Krauss 'science' has been promoted as the opposite position to that of religion/faith. And that is what i have a problem with. It's essentially a false dichotomy.Morning_star
    • investigation to establish the truth or otherwise of a hypothesis. However, the common understanding of what 'science' is, is evolving. Due to the agenda of fundamental atheists like Dawkins/Krauss 'science' has been promoted as the opposite position to that of religion/faith. And that is what i have a problem with. It's essentially a false dichotomy.Morning_star
    • 'science' is, is evolving. Due to the agenda of fundamental atheists like Dawkins/Krauss 'science' has been promoted as the opposite position to that of religion/faith. And that is what i have a problem with. It's essentially a false dichotomy.Morning_star
    • the opposite position to that of religion/faith. And that is what i have a problem with. It's essentially a false dichotomy.Morning_star
    • that's mostly in reaction to fundamentalists trying to attack science educationmonospaced
    • but it is the fundamentalists themselves that are fucking up science, not the scientists themselvesmonospaced
    • Science/scientists should never have stooped so low as to engage those who think Creationism and Intelligent Design should be taught in the same breath as The Theory of Evolution. Their engagement has polarised the 'sides' even more and created a scenario where (as we can see from this thread) you are either a materialist or a religious nutter. It's just not that black and white.Morning_star
    • Design should be taught in the same breath as The Theory of Evolution. Their engagement has polarised the 'sides' even more and created a scenario where (as we can see from this thread) you are either a materialist or a religious nutter. It's just not that black and white.Morning_star
    • and created a scenario where (as we can see from this thread) you are either a materialist or a religious nutter. It's just not that black and white.Morning_star
    • black and white.Morning_star
    • i'll probably continue to post science news here. i think our everyday advancements are integral to our views on science and should be considered when making broad generalizations about it, as this thread so often doesscarabin
    • and should be considered when making broad generalizations about it, as this thread so often doesscarabin
  • inteliboy0

    Sorry yea you're right. Had it dog eared. I'll try to remember to avoid this thread, though will no doubt forget, and complain again.

  • set0

    This is well worth a watch...

  • utopian0

    • Really. We can't see it....We don't know what it is...It's invisible... It's wishy washy speculation dressed up as science fact. There's more evidence for bigfoot FFSMorning_star
    • evidence for Bigfoot FFSMorning_star
    • But it's there, regardless of if we can define it completely.monospaced
    • There is no 'IT'. 'IT' isn't there, its gravitational effect can be measured but there is no 'IT'. Whatever DM is, it doesn't fall in to the Standard Model and is arguably non-material.Morning_star
    • to the Standard Model and is arguably non-material. At that point your materialist scientists invent extra dimensions.Morning_star
    • Can't see it, or prove it but believe it. Where have I heard that before? :)ETM
    • ha, you guisemonospaced
    • Morningstar, how would you like it if people dismissed design or whatever you do for a living without understanding a thing about it?ukit2
    • about it? I think a little humility is called for when you're talking about things so far outside of your understanding.ukit2
    • I do get dismissed on a daily basis : ). What I do is essentially subjective and so opinion counts, the same with speculation about the nature of dark matter. It can't be measured by any of sciences universal laws and is therefore beyond conventional understanding. New thinking and consideration of the nature of the universe has to be explored and if the current model doesn't fit then my opinion is no more or less valid than anyone else's. That video claims to explain dark matter and does nothing of the sort. If you're content to believe what you're...Morning_star
    • the nature of dark matter. It can't be measured by any of sciences universal laws and is therefore beyond conventional understanding. New thinking and consideration of the nature of the universe has to be explored and if the current model doesn't fit then my opinion is no more or less valid than anyone else's. That video claims to explain dark matter and does nothing of the sort. If you're content to believe what you're peddled without questioning it then that's cool but I'm not. Science is evidence based and with no evidence then all you have is opinion, speculation...Morning_star
    • understanding. New thinking and consideration of the nature of the universe has to be explored and if the current model doesn't fit then my opinion is no more or less valid than anyone else's. That video claims to explain dark matter and does nothing of the sort. If you're content to believe what you're peddled without questioning it then that's cool but I'm not. Science is evidence based and with no evidence then all you have is opinion, speculation and debate until hypotheses are formed and experiments can be performed.Morning_star
    • then my opinion is no more or less valid than anyone else's. That video claims to explain dark matter and does nothing of the sort. If you're content to believe what you're peddled without questioning it then that's cool but I'm not. Science is evidence based and with no evidence then all you have is opinion, speculation and debate until hypotheses are formed and experiments can be performed.Morning_star
    • of the sort. If you're content to believe what you're peddled without questioning it then that's cool but I'm not. Science is evidence based and with no evidence then all you have is opinion, speculation and debate until hypotheses are formed and experiments can be performed.Morning_star
    • evidence based and with no evidence then all you have is opinion, speculation and debate until hypotheses are formed and experiments can be performed.Morning_star
    • experiments can be performed. .Morning_star
    • "my opinion is no more or less valid than anyone else's"
      You know some people actually study this stuff their entire lives :)
    • entire lives :) And here you are jumping in and saying it's nonsense, and oh by the way this paranormal research stuff, that's totally believable.ukit2
    • that's totally believable.ukit2
    • Look at that video and tell me what DM facts you can take from it?Morning_star
    • You were critiquing the entire idea not just the videoukit2
    • As I say in my post (down there v), I claim nothing more than Lawrence Kruass in the you tube video I've linked.Morning_star
    • The fact that you are acknowledging it exists is hypocritical. Yes, it exists, it's matter, and science figured that out.monospaced
    • You know it's matter do you? Any proof? Anything testable? a repeatable experiment perhaps?Morning_star
    • How is acknowledging IT hypocritical. I've never question the existence of DM.Morning_star
    • you can't say it's matter... hahahaset
  • yurimon0…

    New study shows how existing cropland could feed billions more

  • ukit20

    • watched this this morning- quite good! dark matter, LHC, WOMEN physicist laureates! wow.sarahfailin
  • Morning_star0

    4:41 to 6:18 Lawrence Krauss says nothing different to what I'm saying.

  • ukit20

    Oregon geologist says Curiosity's images show Earth-like soils on Mars…

  • yurimon0…

    Bacteria discovered that exist on pure energy