InDesign: Copy layer
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- 8 Responses
- stefano_redokun3
Hey mekk,
I guess you don't need it anymore right now, but here is the script:…- ayee, see my reply above, did it this way:… but thanks!mekk
- Oh sorry, I haven't noticed that.stefano_redokun
- CyBrainX0
I don't use InDesign very often, but thank you for the kitten photo.
- monospaced0
You can use "Merge pages" to copy pages from one doc to another, but I don't know if it can limit to only a certain layer.
- "Move pages" I meanmonospaced
- where?mekk
- Pages panelmonospaced
- doesnotexist0
maybe this?
- "merge layers" in Layers menudoesnotexist
- this does only work across one document.. but thanks :)mekk
- darn!doesnotexist
- mekk0
I want to copy Layer "XY" from doc. A to doc. B on top of it. So it still has 130 pages.Like dragging a layer in PS from doc A to B, for ALL pages..
- mekk0
Ha! Got it, for anyone interested:
copy code, create new document and name it asshat.jsx, import to scripts panel. Hope someone of you can use it and save an evening!
Can you please explain a little more? If all you want is to merge the documents (130 + 130 = 260 pages), then open the two documents, select all the pages from one document in the pages panel, then Right-Click (or choose from the tiny right corner menu) Move Pages. In the dialog, you should be able to choose the document destination, choose the other one and choose where the pages should be placed (i.e endo of document, start, after page xy..)
- exactly
monospaced - thats the ticket - what monospaced tried to say but didn't quite.fadein11
- I did say it though.monospaced
- exactly
- monospaced0
no, at some point you have to do the work
I guess you could lock the layer you don't want and then copy/paste each page individually, which would take only a couple of minutes, and certainly faster than waiting for an answer in this thread.
- unless that script actually worksmonospaced
- yep it worksmekk